X-Men: Evolution (X-Men: The Series Season 2)

Updated: 1st May 2024

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Faneditor: Flippergoalie  
Fanedit Type: Movie-to-TV
Fanedit Release Date: 20th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 10h:59m:25s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: MarvelX-Men
Genre: ActionSuperheroes
Original Title: X-Men: First Class (2011)   X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)   X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)   X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)   Logan (2017)   
Original Release Date: 25th May 2011
Original Runtime: 11h:15m:43s
Original Links:

Certificate: TV-14
Format: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


In this thrilling TV series set against the backdrop of historical and futuristic challenges, follow the epic journey of the X-Men, a group of extraordinary mutants led by the telepathic Charles Xavier and the magnetic Erik Lehnsherr. Their friendship is forged in the volatile era of the Cold War, where they unite with fellow mutants to avert a global catastrophe. As the world evolves and new threats emerge, the X-Men must confront their destinies across different timelines. The story unfolds in the 1970s as Dr. Bolivar Trask develops the Sentinels, robotic weapons designed to eradicate mutants. Wolverine, a time-traveling hero, takes on the mission to alter the course of history and prevent mutant extinction. However, the repercussions of meddling with time create unforeseen challenges for the X-Men. In the 1980s, the ancient and powerful mutant Apocalypse awakens to reshape the world order, prompting Professor X and Raven to assemble a team of young X-Men. As Earth hangs in the balance, the mutants face their most formidable adversary, forcing them to confront the true extent of their powers and the sacrifices required to save mankind. Fast-forward to the 1990s, where internal conflicts arise as Jean Grey, a beloved member of the X-Men, grapples with newfound cosmic abilities. The team must unite to save her from self-destruction and thwart alien forces seeking to exploit her powers for galactic domination. The saga concludes in the near future, where a weary Logan, accompanied by an ailing Professor X, discovers a young mutant with striking similarities to himself. As they face dark forces intent on capturing her, Logan must navigate a treacherous path to protect the girl and ensure the survival of mutantkind in an ever-changing world.


I wanted to make the X-Men franchise more manageable for new viewers and to also fix the many continuity mistakes riddled throughout the franchise. This season focuses on the new timeline after season 1.

Change List:

Custom intro and credits for every episode with music by William Kevin Anderson and John Ottman. I used the Madsilver edit of Apocalypse along with the theatrical cut to enhance the film as I edited it for TV. I also added back some of Madsilver’s cut scenes and other deleted scenes. After speaking with people in the Trans community I have decided to credit Elliot Page as Ellen ‘Elliot” Page because at the time of these movies they were known as Ellen but I still wanted to respect their current name. I decided to leave in Wolverine having metal claws again in Days of Future Past because they are needed for the scene of Kitty getting wounded. Enough time has passed in-universe that an assumption can be made that Magneto helped Wolverine get his claws back. There is also no mention of Caliban’s name or powers in Apocalypse so he is a different character now. I also left in the dialogue from Logan about the Statue of Liberty as it’s not clear what they are referencing. Episode 1: First Class Reframed the film. Cut the young Charles and Raven scene. Cut a shot of Erik playing with the coin and showing his Holocaust tattoo. Cut after the Erik attacks Shaw on the boat. Episode 2: First Class Reframed the film. Cut Raven saying “you’re amazing” because it’s weird. Cut after Darwin dies. Episode 3: First Class Reframed the film. Cut after Erik raises the sub. Episode 4: First Class Reframed the film. Episode 5: Days of Future Past The Rogue Cut Cut the title sequence. Added year markers. Changed Hank’s line from “What does she have to do with this?” to “Told you there was no Professor here.” Cut after Charles walks away. Episode 6: Days of Future Past The Rogue Cut Cut Hank saying the professor line. Cut any reference to Magneto being Quicksilver’s dad. Cut after Wolverine flashes back to Stryker. Episode 7: Days of Future Past The Rogue Cut Fixed a subtitle glitch. Added a sequence from the theatrical cut that has Charles see Raven’s ticket. Cut the corresponding sequence from the Rogue Cut. Cut the Raven and Hank scene. Cut after Bobby is killed. Episode 8: Days of Future Past The Rogue Cut Cut the scenes and references to Raven destroying cerebro. Cut the new future scene. Cut before it teases that Stryker is Raven. Cut the credit scenes. Episode 9: Apocalypse Removed Charles intro narration. Added the post credit scene from Days of Future Past. Cut the intro. Used Madsilver’s edit as the base scene order. Added in the Alex and Scott bedroom deleted scene. Cut before Magneto’s song. Episode 10: Apocalypse Added the Alex saying goodbye deleted scene but cut unfinished VFX and visible green screen. Used Madsilver’s edit as the base scene order. Added the Apocalypse cloak deleted scene. Re-added some sequences Madsilver cut. Cut after Auschwitz. Episode 11: Apocalypse Re-added the Quicksilver watching the news scene but cut it to remove hints that Magneto is his father. Added the mall deleted scene but cut unfinished VFX. Used Madsilver’s edit as the base scene order. Added the deleted scene of the X-Men showing Moira around the house. Re-added a helicopter scene Madsilver deleted and reverted the Alkalie Lake scene back to the theatrical. Cut after the X-Men escape Alkalie Lake. Episode 12: Apocalypse Used Madsilver’s edit as the base scene order. Re-added the War Plane scene Madsilver cut but put it in a new location. Added the Magneto and Raven post-battle deleted scene. Added the Charles and Raven teacher deleted scene. Added the Stryker arrested deleted scene. Cut the post credit scene. Episode 13: Dark Phoenix Cut Jean’s narration. Cut the title. Isolated the countdown and cut it down to a 5 count. Fixed some strange audio. Cut the X-Women line. Cut after Charles enters Jean’s mind. Episode 14: Dark Phoenix Cut after Magneto returns. Episode 15: Dark Phoenix Cut a brief sequence of Charles and Scott. Episode 16: Logan Added some scenes from Days of Future Past and Apocalypse to refresh peoples minds of Logans story with the song “Coda / X-SS” from the Dark Phoenix soundtrack in the background. Added the Apocalypse post credit scene. Added the new future scene from Days of Future Past. Added Kitty’s timeline explanation audio. Added time markers. Removal of title and cast overlays from the beginning done by JO7A. Rearranged a couple shots. Cut after the train escape. Episode 17: Logan Cut a quick shot of the limo. Cut after the X-24 battle. Episode 18: Logan Minor audio tweak at the end.

Additional Notes:

Episode 1: 34m33s Episode 2: 33m43s Episode 3: 35m59s Episode 4: 23m53s Episode 5: 32m51s Episode 6: 38m56s Episode 7: 31m43s Episode 8: 30m20s Episode 9: 32m05s Episode 10: 35m01s Episode 11: 38m39s Episode 12: 38m23s Episode 13: 31m53s Episode 14: 39m10s Episode 15: 37m18s Episode 16: 53m05s Episode 17: 51m14s Episode 18: 40m39s

Special Thanks:

Madsilver JO7A

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