The Santa Clauses: The Secessus Clause

Updated: 1st May 2024

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The Santa Clauses: The Secessus Clause

Faneditor: Flippergoalie  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 27th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:18m:31s
Time Cut: 0h:49m:20s
Time Added: 0h:5m:38s
Franchise: Disney
Genre: ChristmasComedyFamilyKids
Original Title: The Santa Clauses (Season 1)(TV Series)(2022)   
Original Release Date: 16th November 2022
Original Runtime: 3h:2m:4s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: DVD
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Scott Calvin is on the brink of his 65th birthday and realizing that he can’t be Santa forever. He’s starting to lose a step in his Santa duties, and more importantly, he’s got a family who could benefit from a life in the normal world, especially his two kids who have grown up at the Pole. He learns of a contract clause where he can be released from his duties as Santa if another man is willing to succeed him. With a lot of elves, children, and family to please, Scott sets out to find a suitable replacement Santa while preparing his family for a new adventure in a life south of the pole.


I've been waiting for The Santa Clause 4 for years and when they announced this TV show I was disappointed. Now I think the show is great but I felt that a movie would've been better. So I decided to tackle that challenge myself. Although this movie is still a bit longer than I intended I felt that by doing any more changes would've forced me to rearrange scenes in a way that was visually confusing. This meaning that the content would have made sense but the visuals would have been jarring to watch (Santa's hat disappearing and reappearing, Santa's outfits changing over the course of a conversation, etc). Therefore I am very pleased with what I was able to do.

Change List:

Added the Disney+ logo and the Disney Studios logo. Cut all title sequences and credits from the episodes and transitioned instead. Trimmed/cut some lines and shots throughout. There are too many minor ones to list. Cut Santa visiting the Choksi house from episode 1. Cut the year of Santa trying to regain magic from episode 1. Cut the second Christmas from episode 1 and moved Santa falling off the roof to the first Christmas. Cut Simon seeing Santa from episode 1. Reordered some scenes between the end of episode 1 and the beginning of episode 2. Cut Grace bandaging Simon’s nose from episode 2. Cut the creepy sweater and bathing suit scene from episode 3. Cut Simon and Grace waking up at the North Pole from episode 3. Cut Santa’s speech to Sandra from episode 3. Cut Noel’s musical number from episode 3. Cut the ending orb scene from episode 3. Cut the coffee shop scene from episode 4. Moved the sheep game scene to where the coffee shop scene was from episode 4. Cut all scenes and reference to Scott having a job from episode 4. Cut the opening with Grace from episode 6. Created a custom credit sequence using the credits from all the episodes and some music from the show and The Santa Clause 3.

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