Addams Family Chronicles

Updated: 8th May 2024

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Addams Family Chronicles

Faneditor: Eyepainter  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 12th October 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:22m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:59m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: The Addams Family
Genre: ComedyFantasy
Original Title: The Addams Family (1991)   Addams Family Values (1993)   
Original Release Date: 18th April 1991
Original Runtime: 3h:13m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: PG
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


A strange man named Gordon joins his mother and an accountant in a scheme to take the fortunes of the creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky family known as the Addamses. When it is discovered that Gordon has a faint resemblance of the patriarch's long lost brother, Uncle Fester, he impersonates him in a quest to steal the family fortune. But as he spends his time with the family, he begins to find that he shares more in common with this abnormal family than he expected.


The main reason was out of curiosity. I thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if the two movies were combined into one. The combination worked better when it was focused on Uncle Fester, so I decided to let Uncle Fester be the central focus for the edit.

Change List:

/=Changed -=Removed The Addams Family -The William Tell scene -The Uncle Knick-Knack scene -The finger trap introduction -The sales weather scene -Trimmed out the last two shots of Gomez singing opera due to the next scene’s deletion -Wednesday and Pugsley playing with the electric chair -Slightly trimmed Gomez rowing the boat due to the previous scene’s deletion -Wednesday turning on the electric chair -The auction scene -Morticia’s discussion with Wednesday’s schoolteacher -Fester making things for the school play -Gomez and Morticia’s discussion with Margaret and her son before the school play /Moved Miss Craven’s “I never should have used him” scene to after the first scene of “Getting to Know You.” /Kept the blood during the talent show scene red for added comedic effect /Moved Gomez and Fester’s discussion on Fester “belonging here” to after Fester tucks Wednesday in to bed -Gomez and Morticia’s “Someday we’ll be buried side by side in matching coffins” romantic discussion -Cousin It’s arrival at the mansion (Including the rap song) -Uncle Fester’s farewell to the Amour twins -Margaret saying goodbye to Cousin It -The “because we’re Addamses” speech -The lemonade stand skit -Morticia’s job interview -Pugsley and Wednesday’s lemonade discussion with the girl scout -Morticia’s Hansel and Gretel story -Thing’s shameless FedEx product placement montage -Gomez watching TV -Gomez calling Sally Jessy Raphael -Morticia trying to help Gomez to stop watching the TV -Thing’s journey back to the motel -Gomez and Thing driving up to the mansion -Seven months later epilogue and end credits Addams Family Values -Pugsley, Wednesday, and Granny burying a live cat /Moved scene of Uncle Fester’s reading of “Strange Men and the Women Who Avoid them right after Fester howls at the moon -Thing’s rollerskating tricks -Pugsley and Wednesday’s discussion on one of them having to die because of Pubert’s birth -The “He has my father’s eyes” scene -Pugsley and Wednesday dropping Pubert and the bowling ball -The family’s talk about Pugsley and Wednesday’s treatment of Pubert -The guillotine scene -All the babysitters prior to Debbie -Trimmed out Amanda’s parents, the camp counselor introductions, and shots of the kids conversing -Wednesday and Amanda’s swimming lesson -Trimmed out Gomez and Morticia’s dance -Wednesday’s ghost story to Amanda and the kids -Audio: A Wedding? -Wednesday, Pugsley, and the camp’s discussions on Fester’s wedding, the group hug, and the sensing of friction -Wednesday, Pugsley and Joel’s visit to the harmony hut -Wednesday, Pugsley and Joel’s failed escape attempt from the camp -The Wedding Cake scene /Moved Wednesday and Joel’s romantic talk at the lake to after the wedding -Gomez and Morticia wondering why Fester hasn’t responded in weeks -The Thanksgiving play casting call -Thanksgiving play rehearsal scene -Wednesday, Pugsley, and Joel’s second visit to the harmony hut -Wednesday’s smiling scene -”Eat us” music number -Wednesday’s attack on the Thanksgiving play -The “Macho Man” scene -Lurch playing “Happy Birthday to You” -Wednesday scaring Joel to death /Replaced all rap music during end credits with music from the film /Music replacements during end credits: “A Party...For Me?” and “Finale”, all from the official Addams Family soundtrack composed by Marc Shaiman /Customized end credits to include cast and crew from both films Remainder of Addams Family: 77 minutes Footage cut from Addams Family: 22 minutes Remainder of Addams Family Values: 57 minutes Footage cut from Addams Family Values: 37 minutes Total running time: 142 minutes Total footage removed: 59 minutes

Additional Notes:

The basic strategy I used for this edit was to place all the focus on Uncle Fester. I removed a lot of things from the original films for this reason. Otherwise, I took advice from Aristotle's Poetics, Walter Murch's In the Blink of an Eye, and whatever other editing advice I could find. I also watched a lot of Cullen Kelly's YouTube videos in preparation for the color grade.

Other Sources:

The Addams Family Soundtrack

Special Thanks:

MightyAttackTribble Editzilla CamSMurph Gieferg Everyone at

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