Faneditor: RotundGentleman   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 16th May 2024 Fanedit Runtime: 1h:7m:9s Time Cut: 6h:45m:0s Time Added: 0h:2m:0s Genre: Action • Comedy • Sci-Fi • Thriller Original Title: Fallout (TV Show)(2024)    Original Release Date: 10th April 2024 Original Runtime: 7h:52m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: 15 Source: Digital Resolution: 720p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: No    
Fallout: A Knight's Tale follows the brotherhood of steel initiate, Maximus, as he attempts to traverse the wasteland on an important mission, whilst harbouring a dangerous secret.
Cut the show into a short film using the first five episodes, make Maximus' character slightly more sinister, give him a karmic ending, remove some of the sillier elements, add some of the ambience of the original games.
Change List:
Added an intro which replicates the fallout 1 beginning by using an AI voice of Ron Perlman.
Removed all scenes not pertaining to Maximus' story (No Lucy, Ghoul, vault, or pre war scenes)
Included Wilzig first scene before Dane's foot incident
Removed Ghoul vs Maximus, now he crashes into after the chicken-fucker scene
Added an AI vocie for Thaddeus, asking whether it was "raiders or ghouls" who beheaded Wilzig
Changed the music of the gulper scene to something more serious
Ended the episode after Thaddeus locks Maximus in the armour
Credits songs are now "mighty mighty man" by Roy Brown and "Maybe" by the ink spots
Included a custom fallout themed end card.