Sisu Grindhouse Edit

Updated: 17th June 2024

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Sisu Grindhouse Edit

Faneditor: MoviesRemastered  
Fanedit Type: Special Projects
Fanedit Release Date: 12th August 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:34m:48s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:27s
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaGrindhouseHistoryWar
Original Title: Sisu (2022)   
Original Release Date: 23rd June 2023
Original Runtime: 1h:31m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: English


During the last desperate days of WWII, a solitary prospector (Jorma Tommila) crosses paths with Germans on a scorched-earth retreat in northern Finland. When the Germans steal his gold, they quickly discover that they have just tangled with no ordinary miner. While there is no direct translation for the Finnish word "sisu", this legendary ex-commando will embody what sisu means: a white-knuckled form of courage and unimaginable determination in the face of overwhelming odds. And no matter what the Germans throw at him, the one-man death squad will go to outrageous lengths to get his gold back - even if it means killing every last German in his path. Lionsgate presents, in association with Stage 6 Films, a Subzero Film Entertainment production, in association with Good Chaos.


This movie has such a Grindhouse feel to it that I wanted to continue my Grindhouse series by creating a real Grindhouse version that looked like it was from the 60s/70s. In the age of CGI filled superhero movies, it was a refreshing change to have such a gritty and awesomely well produced picture. This movie was film of the year for me, and had barely anything wrong with the story or pacing. I just felt that a lot of scenes would have benefited from a better score, and the addition of the miles away from his goal gives the audience an added ticking clock with frustration.

Change List:

• Insert Fanedit warning • Add vintage “Rated R” VO • Add vintage R Rating graphic • Add vintage countdown clock. • Add Cocaine Bear Grindhouse Edit MR Trailer • Add retro colourgrade throughout the entire movie • Add film grain throughout • Add dust and scratches throughout • Insert Retro MR logo intro • Add “Smith & Burrows – Wonderful life”. This track is to indicate that our main protagonist is fine with his simple life and has found peace after.a long war but dreams hang in the air. You’ll see the lyrics also match up perfectly in places within this scene i.e. “in the sky.” then cuts to the airplane flying overhead, and “Look at me standing, here on my own again”. The lyrics really allows this scene to have more depth with the soundtrack. • Add Ticking clock sound FX • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “563” to match the miles shown in the original trailer, which was never used in the final cut. The count also comes in on the tick of the clock to build anxiety. • There was a slightly jarring cut from day to night so I’ve extended the cloudy desert scene and added a fade to black for a smoother transition. • Also extended the timing of the audio to match above transition. • I will add a note here: There are two scenes that become pixelated on this version. I spent weeks trying to work out why but after several renders, nothing helped so I’ve released it as is. This pixilation is only on the brighter shots of the tank arriving and one other, it’s not in the original rip, it’s not in the timeline when I play back before the render. It’s only in the final version so please ignore them. There isn’t anything I can do about it. • Add “Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – Martha’s Dream”. This quirky instrumental track becomes the theme for the Nazi’s and helps to build tension and tone of this scene a little more than the original. The violin sound is almost like finger nails down a chalk board and offsets the scene perfectly, imo. • Adjust the audio levels of above song to duck when dialogue is present. • Add Ticking clock sound FX • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “405” this number shows the audience his progression and ease anxiety.. • Add a very slow audio fade on the track above. • Add “Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – Martha’s Dream”. To show the Nazi threat. • Add “Anna Calvi – You’re not God” The slow, trudging pace of this track really helps to build the anticipation of something big about to go down. The middle 8 break down is also extremely offkey and the breathing is perfectly timed to the scene to create anxiety. • Drop the soundtrack volume to almost nothing and add a slow fade til end. • Add “Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – Queenie’s Suite”. The haunting piano in this track suite the tone of the scene perfectly. Expressing the feeling within the Nazi tank and a fear of dread in the air. • Add Ticking clock sound FX • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “384” this number shows the audience his progression may be slow but still eases anxiety.. • Slow fade out on soundtrack above. • Add “Leonard Cohen – You want it darker”. I became obsessed after finding this track for this scene. The deep and whispered vocal gives a calm but hopeful strength as our protagonist shows no limit to is tolerance of pain. Almost to egg on the Nazi’s to bring on more pain. Showing our protagonist is fearless and has unlimited tolerance. • • Add Ticking clock sound FX • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “351” this number shows the audience his barely covered any ground but now has hope due to his circumstances. • Add “Kaleo – Way down we go”. The lyrics to this track gives our heroic female characters retribution on their abuser. • Remove original guitar track from the scene above. • Add Ticking clock sound FX • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “638” this number shows that despite all our protagonists efforts, they are wasted due to his situation and may only get worse… • Written subtitles in a similar font and colour to the original titles. • Add subtitles “To your positions.” • Add subtitles “Hello.” • Add subtitles “Where did you get that tank?.” • Add subtitles “From the Nazis.” • Add subtitles “Where are the Nazis?.” • Add subtitles “Except this arsehole, they’re all in Hell.” • Add subtitles “Hell?.” • Add subtitles “Where are the others?.” • Add subtitles “Everyone else is dead..” • Add “Royal Deluxe – I’m a wanted man.” For obvious reasons but the tempo of this track helps create a relief and dopamine release as our protagonist finally reaches his goal. • Add “Miles to nearest bank” graphic • Add “846” this number shows that our protagonist has crossed the border into another country and has hundreds of miles to cover before the gold and himself are safe. • Add subtitles “Bills.” • Add subtitles “Big ones, please.” • Add subtitles “Won’t be so damn heavy to carry.” • Add “Movies Remastered” to the end editing credits. • Add all the additional soundtrack choice to the scrolling end credits. • Add MR Grindhouse logo • Fade to black

Other Sources:

YouTube playlist of all tracks I considered using plus the ones I did:

Special Thanks:

Thanks to the MR Discord Community and everyone at the preview watch party inc El Marv and Gazza75 for all the feedback on this one. It's been very encouraging to have so much support on my first attempts at the Grindhouse genre.

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