Faneditor: welovethemovies   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 30th December 2024 Fanedit Runtime: 3h:21m:0s Time Cut: 2h:2m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Genre: Action • Adventure • Anime Original Title: Dragon Ball Super: Arcs 1-5 (TV Series)(2015)    Original Release Date: 28th February 2018 Original Runtime: 5h:25m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: PG Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: No  
The Sixth and Seventh Universe collide when the God of Destruction from Universe 6, Lord Champa, challenges Beerus the Destroyer to a tournament with the mythical Super Dragon Balls as a reward.
The purpose of this cut is to reduce the unnecessary moments from the TV representation of Dragon Ball Super and treat it like a movie in-line with the rest of the Super movies.
Change List:
- All openings and credits have been cut save for the first opening and the last ending.
- All recaps have been cut save for Frost's memory of the treasure and Vegeta's galic gun
- Lots of audience interactions have been cut unless deemed absolutely necessary or particular crowd responses to certain events.
- Jako doesn't blow up the national monument
- Standstills have been reduced e.g. Beerus & Champa staredowns, to frozen frame extensions cut for TV
- A lot of baby fighting talk has been cut, especially if it happens mid-fight
- If a person says something then it immediately happens or the person figures it out shortly after i probably took out the person saying it in the first place
- Whis has been drastically reduced, he's captain obvious.
- Beerus / Champa talk has been minimized to underplay emotions vs beating you over the head with it.
- Jako / Bulma subplot has been tightened
- Fights have less repeated shots and less cutaways to a person's face before action happens.
- Champa and Beerus no longer have a rock paper scissors fight and instead its implied they couldn't stop arguing and Beerus just let it rock. The original cut didn't communicate Beerus explaining why he allowed the crate eventually other than Vegeta not minding and then it cuts to Vegeta saying he doesn't mind lmao. Ultimately the RPS fight was to delay for the Frost subplot but it's believable that Beerus and Champa argued for thirty minutes.
- Powerups scenes have been reduced
- Final Flash was cut slightly for being too long
- Angels repairing the battle space has been cut in favor of just showing it completed + rules change dialogue. There isn't footage of Beerus and Champa getting off the stadium right after tho??? lol
- Bystanders electing not to reveal crucial information to competitors for the sake of the sport has been cut in favor of just getting on with it lol. I only kept certain characters doing this for the sake of character development / emotional weight.
- Rules fighting has been massively reduced.
- All tourney fights have had some snips to pick up the pacing.
- Flight time gag scenes have been cut
- "Don't embarrass me!" Beerus line cut before Goku decides to tell everyone he has indigestion and doesn't acknowledge Beerus at all
- Frost intro tightened, Krillin line cut
- Hit's reveal against Frost was tightened, there was some repeated shots
- Vegeta's "obvious" lines cut before Metalman fight
- Stalemate announcement scene cut
- Goku and Vegeta looking at Hit before the Cabba fight has been cut due to no Vegeta reaction to Goku
- Cabba intro has been tightened
- Repeated blood shot during the Vegeta/Hit fight was cut
- Cut Whis scene about him not helping Goku with the fight and revealing how Monoka is a sham. Instead putting piccolo's reaction to after Whis explaining Monoka passed out from Goku's kamehameha. This gives the reveal more space and makes it less obvious, also cuts down stuff that doesn't matter.
- Goku's entrance against Hit was tightened.
- Goku is on his knees less during Hit's technique improvement reveal
- Goku's internal "A few shots" line was cut since Hit revealed it anyway
-The continuation of the Hit/Goku fight after they bump knucks has been tightened.
Additional Notes:
Even though the end of this arc revived Dragon Ball Super and led into two better major arcs, this precursor is mid no matter how much you cut. A lot of cool fights started and stopped to either talk or deal with some blast or unexpected challenge. The major plotlines aren't executed well here and the minor subplots aren't given the weight to be something more than what it is. The TV show itself did not have a budget until the Cabba fight and it shows. It makes me a believer that traditional animation with cels and paper is the way to go because a lot of this era of Super looks like Youtube fan animations.
That being said I was reminded just how easy this show goes down, Dragon Ball as a series is almost infinitely rewatchable and I'm confident this cut makes it the best it can be.
The main plot is:
Beginning - Setting up the tourney and gathering the fighters
Middle / End - Goku and Vegeta trying to achieve new heights to take on the Gods, with Hit also siding with them to not be pawns in their game.
The subplots are:
- Bulma / Jako trying to gain leverage over Beerus to not use the Super Dragon Ball wish on something malicious
- Who is Monako?
What I would love to accomplish in the future for this cut:
- Possible rescore