Faneditor: welovethemovies   Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2025 Fanedit Runtime: 0h:49m:0s Time Cut: 0h:19m:0s Time Added: 0h:0m:0s Genre: Action • Adventure • Anime Original Title: Dragon Ball Super: Arcs 1-5 (TV Series)(2015)    Original Release Date: 28th February 2018 Original Runtime: 1h:8m:0s
Original Links:
Certificate: PG Source: Blu-Ray Resolution: 1080p Sound Mix: Stereo Language: English Subtitles: No  
Goten and Trunks are accidentally trafficked to the planet Pot-au-feu by Monaka where a band of space pirates fall prey to an evil slime!
The purpose of this cut is to reduce the unnecessary moments from the TV representation of Dragon Ball Super and treat it like a TV special / straight-to-DVD movie a la "Bio-Broly". In the end this cut felt more like an apology for that atrocious movie.
Change List:
- All openings and credits have been cut save for the first opening and the last ending.
- All recaps have been cut
- Standstills have been reduced
- Most baby fighting talk has been reduced unless it mattered to the characters involved in the fight
- Fights have less repeated shots and less cutaways to a person's face before action happens.
- Powerups scenes have been reduced
- Goku's Ki dysfunction line has been cut in order to canonize that he's recovering from going all out in the previous movie. Also the ki dysfunction plot sucks.
- Space Trucker radio shows have been cut
- Shortened cave sequence
- Vegeta complaining about the fight has been reduced
- One of Vegeta's fight interruptions was cut since it didn't matter to the plot in any way.
- Bulma getting cookies was cut
- Jako's phone dying scene was cut
- Tightened the blob chase
- Tightened Goku vs Copy Vegeta fight scene
- Future Trunks preview cut
- The opening Bulma / Monoka scene starts at Monoka getting out his delivery
- Bulma calling Chi Chi serves no purpose as Chi Chi can't call Goku, it's just a reason to cut to Goku. This scene has been cut
- The initial Goku scene has been cut as a result because he does the exact same scene later on and actually does triangulate with King Kai on Gotenks's location.
- Goku asking real vegeta to beat fake vegeta's ass is dumb, it's been cut
- Jako complaining about being left behind was cut.
- Cave explainer scene was tightened.
Additional Notes:
Nothing too crazy to talk about here. I really like this arc and with all the cuts it feels more like a DVD movie akin to "Bio Broly" (with a ton of obvious parallels) except better than that movie lol.