Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - the "what should have been" theatrical release

Updated: 4th January 2025

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Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - the

Faneditor: Greenheartnvy  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 3rd January 2025
Fanedit Runtime: 0h:0m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: BatmanSuperman
Genre: ActionAdventureDramaSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2016
Original Runtime: 0h:0m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Let me start by saying, the Ultimate Edition of Batman Vs. Superman is my favorite superhero movie of all time. I understand a lot of people don't like it and it's not perfect, but for me, it's damn near close. So if you just straight up hate this movie, the edit probably isn't for you. In my opinion, the theatrical version cut a lot of the wrong stuff and left a lot of unnecessary things in. This edit is what I think the theatrical cut should have been. (Although I did add some stuff)


My intention with this edit is to trim a lot of what I think holds the movie back, although I still enjoy all of it. I also know there are a lot of vague things that are left up to interpretation, mostly Batman's character arc. I chose to drive home certain points and themes as I interpreted them in the movie, so hopefully people who watch will see the movie more like how I did.

Change List:

Biggest changes: Got rid of the opening scene of Thomas and Martha being killed. I'll even admit I was a little annoyed having to watch Bruce Wayne's parents get killed for the hundredth time. You do need the scene in the movie, but starting the movie with kind of a tired scene was a bit of a So the movie starts with Bruce Wayne in Metropolis. Probably the biggest change is I got rid of the Africa storyline entirely. The reason for this is it’s unnecessary and it overcomplicated the plot as well as Lex Luthor’s plan. This storyline was used as a catalyst to divide the world on Superman but I feel like the events of Man of steel already did that, so Africa and all mentions of it are gone. This takes the runtime down from 3 hours to 2.5. A more typical superhero movie runtime. This means however there is less action in the first act and Lois Lane doesn't really do anything until about an hour in, but I still believe it's a necessary change. I changed Lex Luthor’s voice to make it less high pitch as much as I could without it sounding overly modulated or being distracting. And I Cut out as many of his unhinged moments and mannerisms as I could without it being jarring or taking away from the plot. This makes him more calm and collected. I also took out many of his more jokey lines and weird noises. I saw that multiple other edits split the Knightmare sequence in 2 parts, and I followed suit. The first part takes the place of the Manbat nightmare and cuts to him waking up after is after he is knocked out by the Parademon. I edited out the prisoner getting killed in and more of the blatant and unnecessary Batman killing examples (outside of the knightmare sequence). The more ambiguous examples are still in though (KGBeast), so the nitpicky "that guy probably would have died" people will still not be pleased. But every Batman has examples of people who "might have died" given what he did to them so that argument is dumb. Although I'm ok with a Batman who kills, him not straight up killing people in real life makes the Knightmare sequence more powerful in contrast. I used eleven labs to add a couple of voiceover conversations between Alfred and Bruce to help with his character arc. The old dream sequence of him putting flowers in the grave is no longer a dream sequence and Manbat is removed. It is shown later in the movie and intercut with the death of his parents. I changed the line "You're letting him kill Martha" to "Don't let him kill Martha". while I will defend this scene to the death, that line is sort of wonky. I've seen theories/explanations as to why he says it like that but I still think the line change is for the better. As I've already stated, the Ultimate Edition is already amazing. But I believe if this edit had shown in theaters and they hadn't spoiled Doomsday and Wonder Woman in the trailers, this movie would have been more well-received.

Additional Notes:

Go to social links on profile to get to my fanedit folder.

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