Dracula (1979) [raymix]

Updated: 7th January 2025

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Dracula (1979) [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 4th January 2025
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:37m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:14m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Dracula
Genre: DramaFantasyHorrorRomance
Original Title: Dracula (1979)   
Original Release Date: 7th October 1979
Original Runtime: 1h:49m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I've used every trick in my current arsenal in order to create a more taught & engaging version of the film. I've made many sonic adjustments, as the film is only available in a lackluster stereo mix. This includes new sound effects, music enhancements & some EQ remixing. I've changed up pieces of the score, removing or replacing some overly bombastic bits with more suitable sections. New opening text includes a fitting quote from the original Bram Stoker novel & a new title card. I've made many alterations to improve on the film's eerie & amorous atmosphere while keeping the story focused & moving along at a stronger pace. This all creates what I feel is a more powerful & more thrilling take on this version of the story. A new post-credits shot brings us back full circle with a shot of Dracula's Abbey, to which he's possibly returned...


This is part of a project that aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to select titles from Universal's Dracula library. I wanted to give the film a quicker pulse & a wider soundscape. I've re-vamped the film with tighter editing & more robust audio.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added the fanedit.org logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -added a tone as the Universal logo fades in. -added the track Swan Lake. -removed the sound of wolves howling. -added a quote from the original novel by Bram Stoker. -added a "A John Badham Film" credit. -the track Swan Lake mixes into the film's score. -new edit of the opening theme. TITLE CARD- -new title card. -added a shot of Carfax Abbey. --adjusted the color balance & contrast. -removed the opening credits. ABOARD THE DEMETER- -added a thunder sound. -quick fade-in on the ship in the storm. -added additional ambience. (Ship in Storm by Sword Coast Soundscapes) -added rainfall sounds throughout. -added splash sounds as the waves crash over the deck. -added boat creaking sounds throughout. -removed an odd beep from the audio as we hear the wolf growl. -added sounds as water pours into the cargo hold. -shortened a shot of the crate beginning to break apart. -added splashing sounds as waves crash against the ship. -added ripping sounds as Dracula rips the man's throat. -removed the music once Dracula attacks. -added water splashing sounds as the man is washed overboard. -added thunder sounds. -added splashing sounds as the tide crashes on the rocks. AT THE SANITARIUM- -added thunder sounds. -cut the inmates going wild. -cut Mina fawning over the pic of Van Helsing. -added thunder sounds. -cut Lucy helping Dr. Seward with the inmates. -changed the pitch of a thunder sound effect. -added thunder sounds as Mina goes to the window. -added storm sounds as we see Mina from outside the window. -patched a wobble in the audio using the track Meeting in the Cave. SHIPWRECK- -added splashing sounds as the ship reaches the shore. -added additional storm sounds as Mina runs through the rain. -added splashing sounds throughout. -added grinding sounds as the ship comes ashore. MINA & THE WOLF- -cut a damaged frame of Mina. -removed the music once we see the wolf on the ship. -replaced the music with a new remix of Meeting in the Cave. -added rumble as we see the wolf's red eyes. -cut a shot of Mina running on the beach. -added a tone as the wolf walks into the cave. -added footstep sounds as Mina runs into the cave. -adjusted the brightness, contrast & saturation in the cave. INSPECTING THE SHIPWRECK- -removed the man saying "Get those women out of here!" MOVING INTO THE ABBEY- -added heavier thuds n' such as Renfield moves the crate. -removed a shot of the bat. -cut the music as the bat bites Renfield. -replaced the music with a different section of A Quick Change. -re-timed Renfield's scream to match sync. -added choking sounds. -added a shot of the doors closing, reversed from earlier. -added sounds as the doors close. -added fade-out to end the scene. -cut the shot of Dracula's carriage racing along in the daytime. -longer transition into the next scene. MEETING COUNT DRACULA- -added fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Lucy saying she doesn't think Mina looks well at all. -cut the close-up of Dr. Seward as he says "Food." -Dr. Sewards "Food" is heard over a shot of Dracula & Mina. -moved a shot of Mina smiling to after Dracula extends his hand to her. -split a shot of Dracula extending his hand to Mina into two shots. -shortened a shot of Mina taking Dracula's hand. AT DINNER- -cut Mr. Swales cutting his finger & Dracula getting hot n' bothered. AFTER DINNER- -added a tone as Dracula hypnotizes Mina. -shortened Lucy & Dracula's dance by almost half. -shortened the shot of Dracula's carriage leaving. LUCY & JOHN- -darkened the shot of Lucy going to look out the window. -re-grained the scene. -added some nocturnal ambience. -tightened John's jump scare. -quicker cadence on "Hobnobbing with royatly are we?"/"Really, John." -shortened a shot of Lucy looking up at John before they kiss. -shortened John & Lucy kissing before panning to Dracula. MINA & DRACULA- -faster merge between shots as we pan up to see Dracula crawling down the wall. -shortened a shot of Dracula crawling down the wall. -added rumble as Dracula looks in at Mina. -added sounds as Dracula opens the doors. -added rumble as Dracula enters the room. -cut some of Mina's reaction when Dracula enters the room. -cut John & Lucy hearing the wolf howl & laughing it off. -added a shot of the fog at the window, reversed from earlier. -added fade-out to end the scene. -longer transition into the next scene. LUCY RETURNS- -darkened this scene. RENFIELD & DRACULA- -sharpened the establishing shot of the Abbey. -removed Renfield saying "Ow, that hurts" as he rubs his ass. -darkened the image once Renfield goes deeper into the castle. -adjusted the color grading & gamma. -cut Renfield catching & eating the cockroach. -added fade-out to end the scene. -cut "I've been bit by a bat."/"Yes, I see." -extended the score. -longer transition into the next scene. MORNING IN LONDON- -cut this entire vignette. MINA IN DISTRESS- -added fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Dr. Seward slapping & shaking Mina. -cut some of Dr. Seward's assessment & Lucy's reaction to it. -shortened a shot of John coming to console Lucy. AT BREAKFAST- -cut Dr. Seward correcting the telegraph from "Lied" to "Died." -cut Dr. Seward saying "Marks on her neck..." as if he'd forgotten. -cut a shot of Dr. Seward eating eggs. MINA'S FUNERAL- -increased the contrast on the shot of the grave diggers. GOING TO THE ABBEY- -darkened the shot of the horse hooves as they pull the carriage. -cut a shot of the carriage looking like mid afternoon. -shortened a shot of Lucy looking out the carriage window. -adjusted the brightness & saturation of the carriage headed to the Abbey. TROUBLE AT THE SANITARIUM- -cut inmates going wild. -cut some of Mr. Swales chasing the mother. -added rumble when we see the dead baby. -cut some of the mother's account. DRACULA & LUCY- -added sounds as Lucy slides her hand along the railing. VAN HELSING IN THE STUDY- -added fireplace sounds. -cut Dr. Seward offering Van Helsing breakfast. MEETING IN THE GRAVEYARD- -darkened the scene. SEARCHING FOR VAMPIRES- -added nocturnal ambience. -cut the horse knocking the gravestone over. -added additional horse sounds. DRACULA TAKES LUCY- -added sounds as the doors open. -added a sound as the door bumps the dresser. -cut to black as Dracula bites Lucy. -added rumble as Dracula bites Lucy. -added fade-out to end the scene. -cut the laser light show. -longer transition into the next scene. DIGGING IN THE GRAVEYARD. -added fade-in to begin the scene. -added nocturnal ambience. IN THE MINES- -added ambience. (Catacombs by Sword Coast Soundscapes) -cut Van Helsing yelling "The cross!" as he splashes around looking for it. -added a heavier thud sound as Seward hops down into the grave. -shortened a shot of Van Helsing as he sees Mina. JOHN DISCOVERS LUCY- -cut Dr. Seward yelling for Swales. -added fade-out to end the scene. -longer transition into the next scene. TRANSFUSION- -added fade-in to begin the scene. -cut Dr. Seward telling John "Just a little bit longer." DRACULA VISITS VAN HELSING- -added additional fireplace sounds. -added rumble as Dracula beckons Van Helsing to "Come here." -added a tone as we see Dracula's eyes. -rumble ends abruptly as Van Helsing breaks the spell. -added footstep sounds as the wolf runs away. MINA'S AUTOPSY- -shortened the POV shot walking to Mina's grave. -shortened the shot of John holding the mirror before looking. TRAVELING TO DRACULA- -cut Van Helsing's "She means to warn him." SEARCHING FOR DRACULA- -added ambience. (Death House by Sword Coast Soundscapes) -added rumble when the coffin is found to be empty. -removed an error in the optical effect before Dracula appears. -added a tone as Dracula appears. CONFRONTING THE COUNT- -added rumble when John pulls out the cross. -added a whoosh sound as the cross ignites. -cut a close-up of the bat. -cut Van Helsing putting Eucharist in Dracula's coffin. LUCY IN THE SANITARIUM- -cut Seward saying he wouldn't give drugs to his own daughter. JOHN VISITS LUCY- -less kissing before Lucy reveals her vampiric nature. -added rumble as Lucy's vampirism is revealed. -added a tone as Van Helsing produces the cross. -smoother cut as Lucy turns to see the cross. -switched two shots of Lucy. -reversed two shots so the cross is extending, not pulling away. -added fade-out to end the scene. -cut Lucy grabbing the cross. -longer transition into the next scene. DISCUSSIONS & RENFIELD AT THE SANITARIUM- -cut this entire scene. WAITING FOR DRACULA- -added dialog from the previous cut scene as the wolf approaches the sanitarium. -cut the maid walking across the walkway & attending an inmate. -cut the shot dollying towards the door to Lucy's padded room. DRACULA VISITS RENFIELD- -added a squish sound as Renfield's neck is broken. -added additional sounds as Renfield's body hits the floor. -cut a shot of John running up the stairs. -added rumble as the smoke goes under Lucy's door. -added rumble as the group open Lucy's door. -added a shot of the hole in Lucy's wall. CHASING DRACULA- -cut many shots to maintain continuity. -cut Dracula running across the countryside holding Lucy. -cut a shot of the car taking a corner. -cut Dracula running through the forest. -cut a shot of the car on the road. -shortened a shot of the car driving past camera. AT THE ABBEY- -fade-in on the doors of the abbey. -quicker beat between Dracula's "Come to me" & Lucy rushing toward him. CHASING THE WAGON- -added a tone as the horses become possessed. -cut a shot of the wagon. -cut a shot of the crate. -cut a shot of the car. -cut a shot of the wagon wheels. -cut John continuing to yell "Stop" after the driver has explained that he can't. -cut the car not fitting thought the gate. -cut John almost crashing into another carriage. -cut John resuming his calls to the driver. -less slo-mo when the driver falls off the wagon. -additional sounds when the driver hits the ground. AT THE DOCKS- -cut Van Helsing saying "Bye-bye" to Dr. Seward. ABOARD THE SHIP- -cut some of John looking for the crate. -added rumble as Dracula & Lucy are discovered. -added thud & squish sounds as the hook hits Dracula -cut a shot of John looking up. -cut an unintelligible shot of the cargo doors. -cut the thermal shots of the sun. END CREDITS- -adjusted the color grading of the end credits shots. -added the title before the credits. POST-CREDITS- -added a shot of the Abbey. -adjusted the color grading & contrast. -added my production logo.

Additional Notes:

Download comes with a Making Of documentary.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: Main- -Dracula (theatrical colors, Shout Factory bluray, 2019) Additional- -35mm fine Film Grain (holygrain.com) -Dracula score (Varèse Sarabande Records remaster, 2018) -Swan Lake (composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky) -Ambient Soundscapes (Sword Coast Soundscapes) -Sound Effects (YouTube.com)

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