Abigail [raymix]

Updated: 29th January 2025

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Abigail [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 28th January 2025
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:46m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:3m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Genre: ComedyHorrorThriller
Original Title: Abigail (2024)   
Original Release Date: 19th April 2024
Original Runtime: 1h:49m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


After a group of criminals kidnap the ballerina daughter of a powerful underworld figure, they retreat to an isolated mansion, unaware that they're locked inside with no normal little girl. - IMDb


This is part of a project that aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to select titles from Universal's Dracula library.

Change List:

PRODUCTION CREDITS- -added my fanedit production logo. -removed the Project X logo. -added a quote from the novel DRACULA by Bram Stoker. -the humming of Swan Lake repeats a 2nd time with altered cadence. -added ethereal effects to the end of the humming of Swan Lake. -added rumble as the humming fades away. -added a "A Radio Silence Film" credit. -re-timed some sound effects to match the new titles. TAKING TINY DANCER- -fade-in on the curtains. -removed the redundant Universal & Radio Silence credits. -extended the shot of the message on the phone. -cut Dean turning the radio on & Sammy switching it back off. -cut Frank telling Joey not to grab him again. AT THE MANSION- -cut Sammy wrestling her phone away from Lambert. -extended the shot of the pic on Joey's phone. HANGING OUT- -increased the volume of Smokestack Lightning playing on the radio. BAILING OUT- -cut Frank blaming Joey for exposing all of their backstories. -Joey's "If 7 mill per person isn't enough," is over a shot of Dean. -shortened a shot of Joey. -shortened a shot of Frank. MAKING A PLAN- -cut Frank saying "I'll never have to see you fucks again." -cut a shot of Peter drinking. -cut a shot of Dean drinking. -cut Dean saying "What a dick." SECURING THE HOUSE- -added ambience as Joey searches the house. (Death House by Sword Coast Soundscapes) PRANKING SAMMY- -cut some of Sammy kicking Dean out of her room. DEAN HAS A LOOK AROUND- -cut Dean drawing a dick on Peter's face. -extended the shot of the painting of Abigail. -shortened the shot of Dean entering the kitchen. -cut the shot of the mouse at Dean's feet. -split the shot of the mouse on the table into two shots. SAMMY, PETER & DEAD DEAN- -cut the shots of Peter with a dick on his face. DISCUSSING VALDEZ- -cut a shot of Peter with a dick on his face. -Frank's "No, we're not going there" is over a shot of Rickels. -cut another shot of Peter with a dick on his face. -cut "I heard a story" before Don tells his tale of Valdez. JOEY & RICKELS- -cut a shot of Rickles as Joey approaches. DISCUSSING VAMPIRES- -cut Sammy saying "Are we really doing this?" -cut Sammy mentioning Anne Rice, Twilight & True Blood. -moved a shot of Frank rubbing his eyes. -shortened a shot of Sammy with the onions. -shortened a shot of Peter with the pool cues. -added a shot of Joey from the deleted scenes. -cut Frank's clumsy "Let's go kill us a fucking vampire." LOOKING FOR ABIGAIL- -cut Peter admitting he isn't really looking & Frank scolding him. -added ambience as Sammy explores. (Death House by Sword Coast Soundscapes) POST-ATTACK RE-GROUP- -cut Sammy laughing after asking what will happen about her bite. VAMP IN A CAGE- -cut Sammy's "She said Maybe!" after asking if she'll become a vampire. -removed Peter's "Getting shot hurts, Sammy" as he's helped away. HARSH TRUTH FOR JOEY- -cut Frank saying "Oh, did I hit a nerve?" -added a shot of Peter. SEARCHING FOR THE POWER- -added ambience. (Death House by Sword Coast Soundscapes) -extended a shot of Joey. -cut the discussion about who groups with who. -extended Peter's POV looking down a hallway. -added a com beep after Frank's "There's nothing here." -removed Joey saying "Stay alert. She's toying with us." -shortened a shot of Joey looking around. -smoothed a janky cut from Joey to Peter. -removed Frank saying "Got any other ideas, Nosferatu?" POSSESSING SAMMY- -increased the volume of Abigail's voice in Sammy's head. -removed an odd spring-like sound. -added a tone as Sammy is hypnotized. -added rumble as Sammy realizes she can't speak. -increased the volume of Abigail's voice in Sammy's head. -ambience stops abruptly as Abigail takes over Sammy's body. SAMMY ATTACKS- -re-timed Peter's scream to match sync. -cut a shot of Sammy's eyes as she bites Peter. -cut Sammy smiling at Frank & Joey before attacking. -cut Sammy (Abigail) stopping to explain why she hates the room they're in. -cut Frank's "That was... Fuckin'... Woah." CATCHING UP WITH LAMBERT- -added rumble as Lambert reveals his true vampiric nature. -re-timed a shot to better sync with what Lambert is saying. -extended a shot of Joey's phone. -removed "fucking" from Lambert's "Anything you fucking want." -cut Frank's "Fuck it" before "Bite me." FRANK VAMPS OUT- -cut Frank's "I feel fucking great." -cut Frank nudging Abigail's body & saying "I hate ballet." JOEY MAKES A CALL- -added ambience as Frank appears. (Death House by Sword Coast Soundscapes) A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL- -shortened a shot of Joey as she & Abigail strike an alliance. -removed Frank singing on his way down the stairs. TWO AGAINST ONE- -added a squish sound as Abigail's face is suplexed into the floor. GOING HOME- -extended the score after Joey gets in the van. -the track Burn My Tongue doesn't begin until Joey starts the engine. -shortened a shot of Joey with the sucker in her mouth. -the track Burn My Tongue ends abruptly as we cut to black. END CREDITS- -cut the Angus Cloud memorandum. -added the title before the credits roll. -scored the credits with Swan Lake (Swamp Mix), What Are You & Abigail Suite. POST-CREDITS- -added the curtains from the beginning. -added Abigail humming Swan Lake. -added my production logo.

Additional Notes:

I've made many alterations in order to unleash a sharper version of this tale. New opening text includes a fitting quote from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. I've danced around several moments throughout the entire film, helping to keep things flowing gracefully to a steady beat. Some uneven comedy has been removed along with some continuity errors. New sound effects, soundscapes & music cues add vibrancy to the audio, while reving-up the spooky atmosphere & helping to subtly tie this film to my series of Dracula fanedits. A new post-credits shot brings us back to the ballet stage. I've made extensive changes to create my ideal version. I stuck to the original style set by Michael P. Shawver. I didn't want anything to seem obviously changed, but I've mad many alterations in order to keep an even tone & rev-up the tension.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: Main- -Abigail (Universal bluray, 2024) Additional- -Deleted Scenes (Universal bluray, 2024) -35mm fine film grain (holygrain.com) -Abigail Soundtrack (Back Lot Music, 2024) -Smokestack Lightning by Howlin' Wolf (original recording, 1956) -Ambient Soundscapes (Sword Coast Soundscapes) -Sound Effects (YouTube.com)

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