Die Hard: The 'It's Not a Christmas Movie' Edition

Updated: 30th January 2025

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Die Hard: The 'It's Not a Christmas Movie' Edition

Faneditor: TheFaneditNetwork  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th January 2025
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:54m:59s
Time Cut: 0h:18m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:15s
Genre: Action
Original Title: Die Hard (1988)   
Original Release Date: 22nd July 1988
Original Runtime: 2h:12m:10s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Dolby Surround
Language: English
Subtitles: No


New York City policeman John McClane (Bruce Willis) is visiting his estranged wife (Bonnie Bedelia) and two daughters. Joining her at the headquarters of the Japanese-owned business she works for, thing are interrupted by a group of terrorists who take over the exclusive high-rise and everyone in it. Very soon McClane realizes that there's no one to save the hostages -- but him.


To justify that the film can take place anytime of the year, and still be the same movie. A straight forward kick ass action movie.

Change List:

First and foremost removed all mentions of Christmas Fanedit disclaimer Brand new TFN stinger New opening title card Snip the opening credits Insert gag alternate scene with stewardess flirting with John (just for fun) Slightly trimmed beginning inner airport sequence Removed Holy's answer about whether or not John is coming home to avoid tension Slightly trimmed and re-edited the limo ride to Nakatomi Plaza Replaced Run DMC's Christmas in Hollis with a snippet of the main title theme Re-edited and recut John entering Nakatomi Plaza Slightly trimmed John observing the party Re-edited and recut John in Holly's office with Joseph Takagi Cut the line "You throw quite a party" Slightly trimmed Hans and his crew entering Nakatomi lobby Removed John trying on Tony Vreski's shoes Removed Hans finding Tony Vreski's body in elevator Removed Carl Vreski having a tantrum in the office Removed the emergency reserved channel call center John gets in contact with Removed Sgt. Powell inside AM/PM mini market Re-edited and re-cut Sgt. Powell saying he sees a guard inside and will take a closer look Cut the line "We had that false alarm, you know? If you ask me, that Goddamn computer sent you on a wild goose chase" Removed Sgt. Powell singing Let it Snow getting into police car and replaced with clip from theatrical trailer Trimmed away the news station quarrel incident. Removed John McClane looking down the elevator saying "Fu*k me" and cropped out John's head looking down the elevator shaft as chair falls. The green screem effect is atrocious Cut the lines "If you listened to me , he'd be neutralized already." and "I don't want neutral I want dead." Trimmed Ellis' negotiation with Hans to a more direct approach Cut the line "You're not part of this equation this time you realize that." Cut the line "What am I a method actor Hans? Babe, put away the gun. This is radio not television." Cut the line "It's Christmas Theo. It's the time of miracles. So be of good cheer..." Cut the line "Got invited to the Christmas party by mistake. Who knew?" Cut the line "It's Christmas eve man." Cut Theo's line "Marry Christmas" Removed Richard Thornburg showing up at the McClane household Cut the line "Happy trails Hans" Fade out/fade in transition from John to Sgt Powell to give the intro meeting a little more emotion Cut Sgt. Powell turning his head when they hear Deputy Robinson first call out for John Cut the line " Ellis's murder, for one thing. Property damage. Interefering with police business" Removed Holly's interaction with Thornburg Cut Argyle's line "Merry Christmas" Cut Argyle's line "This your idea of Christmas, I gotta be here for New Years" Many other very tiny fixings Alternate ending Multiple small changes transitioned to flow smooth and given a tighter pace Longer version of Symphony #9 over end credits Snippet of Bruce Willis' voice over from his Comedy Central roast near the end of the final credits Inserted MPAA R rating card

Additional Notes:

Beethoven's 9th Symphony (a.k.a. "Ode to Joy") was not written as a Christmas song or carol. It was based on a poem by Friedrich Schiller. The poem is a political statement of hope for European peace and unity. Therefore, it can be portrayed in any form during any time of the year.

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