After saving the earth from the vile Doctor Robotnik, a young, fierce Knuckles must train up a new protégé in the Ways of the Echidna.
Many people were disappointed by the release of the Knuckles television show, hoping to learn more about the red echidna but instead receiving a family drama that happened to have Knuckles thrown in. My plan with this edit was to trim the fat and turn the show into a film that ran around 90-120 minutes. Rather than trying to cut Wade out of the film, my edit embraces the Whipple storyline, using the title “Wade and Knuckles” as a subtle nod to the video game “Sonic and Knuckles”.
Change List:
The following list will continue to be updated from Date of Publishing to February 15, 2024.
The following is a list of changes that were done to each episode when making this film edit.
Episode 1 - The Warrior
Added title cards - “Edited by Joel Radford” and subtitle “Wade and Knuckles”
Cut Sonic’s recap of the second movie
Cut 7 seconds of awkward silence as Knuckles eats Doritos
Shortened scene of Sonic talking to Tails, removed “Knuckles is in incredible shape. Do you think he’s more cardio or weight focused?”
Removed Tails’ quip about the giant hole in the living room
Cut Establishing shot of Green Hills
Cut shot of Maddie preparing Breakfast
Cut Knuckles line “Come, Fox. I will show you.” Once Tails says “What do you mean ‘Trial by Combat?’”, the film snaps directly to Knuckles in the living room for comedic effect.
Cut Maddie saying “Whatever!”
Cut Maddie saying “I am so sorry” to mailman
Removed entire Bowling Alley scene. The reveal of Wade bowling later on can be more effective if Knuckles is led to believe that Wade is going to a simple tournament of warriors only to be disappointed.
Add muffled scream SFX when Chief Pachacamac falls through the floor
Cut “You came in through the open window, didn’t you?” “Yes, yes I did”.
Cut “Jack Sinclair was right”. This film aims to reduce Jack Sinclair to simply an amusing obstacle rather than a main character.
Cut “I could use that to challenge Susie to a trial by bowling combat and earn my spot back on the team!” Bowling reveal can’t come until Knuckles is already on the road.
Cut Wade saying “Let’s go get ‘em”.
Swapped order of first Road Trip scene with introductory GUN Agents scene.
Shortened GUN scene to end after “I hear Mushroom Planet is beautiful this time of year my friend, enjoy!”. The GUN agents have too many Marvel-ly quips and I want to make them seem more threatening and mysterious.
Introduction of The Contractor happens after Knuckles kicks the radio.
Cut “TJ Maxx” jokes
Cut directly from “We got here just in time!” to Wade handing Knuckles the bowling ball
Added green-screen explosion when Knuckles shatters the bowling pins
Cut “Jack Sinclair is gonna flip when he sees this!” Again, wanted to reduce Jack’s screentime as much as possible, turning him into a sort of anime-style nuisance that Wade faces later on.
Cut from “This lane is reserved” directly to the GUN agents attacking the bowling alley.
Cut “I get it, rules are rules. If he’s grounded, don’t let me get in the way of disciplining him!”
Cut GUN Agent’s “Do I look like I need your power?” argument.
Cut “Ha! It worked!”
GUN Agents disappear the moment Knuckles is captured, rendering more mystery and a bigger threat around them.
EPISODE 2 - Don’t Ever Say I Wasn’t There For You
Cut Pre-Credits scene, skip straight to Knuckles in cage
Cut Agent Willoughby’s entrance (It’s a good thing you’re stuck in that cage, buddy)
Cut “I Need A Hero” sequence, Wade just awkwardly checks out some stuff at the store counter now.
Cut Spotify gag (Time to rock out)
Cut “Oh My God” when Wade is flying into wall with Power Glove.
Cut Willoughby’s dialogue with Knuckles after “No, it does not”
Spliced Willoughby looking at Knuckles, Cudi flying through window, Willoughby looking back to him
Cut Willoughby’s “Seriously?”
Cut “Thought he’d be dead by now”
Cut Wade’s dialogue to Willoughby, he just nods awkwardly
Cut gliding scene
Cut stealing truck scene
Reordered scene to have Knuckles growl after Wade says “That explains your strange and erratic behavior”
Cut “On a scale of 1-Warrior, where would you place me?” dialogue
Cut “This is gonna flop your little red brains up and down”
Cut Willoughby/Cudi “We are so screwed” scene
Combine first fast food scene with second fast food scene, cut directly from “Some of those things you said might have happened” straight to “You wish to be a warrior”
Cut ending scene at Whipple house
EPISODE 3 - Shabbat
Cut Wanda and Wade’s argument at the door.
Hard cut to Mother Whipple on the couch after she faints
Cut Wanda sticking the metal detector between Knuckles’ legs in phallic fashion
Cut Wade explaining Shabbat to Knuckles
Rearrange scenes, Bounty hunters introduced after Shabbat flashback, then cut back to Shabbat dinner
Cut “I do pilates 3 times a week”
Cut Spoon scene
Cut “So help me God”
Cut “You Liar! Yeah you walked right into it”
Cut directly to Wade in bedroom
Cut Wade calling the actors on his posters “gods”
Cut “Toyota Corolla” line
Additional Notes:
Changelist to continue updates throughout February of 2025.
Also this may be a weird thing to say on a Fanediting Database, especially since it's irrelevant to the actual fanedit itself, but to whoever's reading this, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the One True God loves you, and I hope you come to find purpose and hope in Him.
Other Sources:
The End Credits replaced the song "I Am A Warrior" with "I'm A Believer" by Smash Mouth
Special Thanks:
LumdyFox Records
Movies Remastered