Apocalypto: The Legend Of Jaguar Paw

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Faneditor: Sinbad  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:51m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:26m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Genre: Action
Original Title: Apocalypto (2006)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2006
Original Runtime: 2h:17m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Format: Digital
Sound Mix:


Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.


The original movie is pretty perfect in my eyes but I was curious to see if I could cut the dialogue from the film and it still retain its power and narrative. While it wasn't possible to completely remove dialogue I have trimmed about 60% of it and subtitled the dialogue where I felt it was necessary. The removal of a lot of dialogue and a faster pace now means the movie run-time is 111 minutes cut down 28 minutes from the original 139 minute version.

Change List:

There are numerous edits to remove dialogue throughout the movie but these are the significant cuts: - Ball cutting scene trimmed - Soanzo leaf discussion cut - Jaguar Paws wife first introduction cut - Evening Tribal ceremony partially cut - Village raid trimmed - Cliffhanger partially cut -First night captured cut - Encounter with diseased prophet girl partially cut - Trip to the pyramid partially cut - Sacrificial Ceremony trimmed - Run to the corn trimmed - Final Chase sequence numerous trims throughout - Epilogue cut.

Additional Notes:

I considered going the silent route with this but in the end went for a more streamlined version of the original film.. I wanted the edit to work purely on its visuals, music and ambient sound with as little dialogue as possible (when used subtitles are hardcoded).

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

A massive thanks to SSJ for previewing the edit.

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