Biohazard: Uprising

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Faneditor: Aztek463  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:25m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:55m:0s
Time Added: 0h:5m:0s
Franchise: Resident Evil
Genre: ActionHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)   Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2010
Original Runtime: 3h:13m:0s
Original Links:

Format: Blu-Ray/Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


Much like the first Biohazard and its prequel, my aim was to strip the films of cheesy one-liners and overdone action to help make the films more enjoyable. As I did with the original Biohazard, I restored a couple of deleted scenes to add more character moments.


Oscar worthy they may not be, the Resident Evil films have also been among my favorite films because of just how much fun they are. Arguably, one-liners are sort of there to make things more fun, but I'm more a fan of letting the action be a bit more "look at how outrageous this all is" as opposed to "hurr hurr catchphrase".

Change List:

ADDED: Aztek Fan Edit Classics bumper to start. CHANGED: Opening. It now begins with the scene from the end of Afterlife. NEW: Opening credits. NEW: "My name is Alice" prologue using voiceover from Afterlife and clips from the previous three films. CUT: Wesker inquiring about lost sentries. CUT: Extra shot of Alice emerging from air vent. CUT: "Hey boys, is that any way to treat a lady?" The clones just perforate them buggers. CUT: Wesker asking for damage reports on the facility. RERRANGED: Osprey scene to get the dialogue to flow better. CUT: "Last words?" CUT: 40 second pan around of the interioir of the Osprey when it crashes. REPLACED: "Six months later" title card. CUT: Fade out before Alice lands in the airplane graveyard. CHANGED: The airplane graveyard scene (and the beach) have been darkened. CUT: Crows flying from the empty plane before Alice is attacked. CUT: Fade out after Alice discovers the scarab. CUT: Fade out before Alice and Claire continue travelling. CHANGED: The tracking shots have been changed from green to red to reflect that (in this version) Wesker has gone rogue and the Red Queen is monitoring them. CUT: "Technically it's called crashing." REMOVED: Some digital artifacts/damage in the nighttime prison scene. CUT: Luther's quip at Alice not being able to land the plane again. CUT: "I have time to waste." CUT: "Until we made a discovery." CUT: "You don't trust me" exchange between Chris and Alice. CHANGED: Darkened the shower room where the undead breaks through the floor to make it appear to actually be night. CUT: Axeman walking through the streets. CUT: Chris telling Alice they can't go back the way they went to the armory. You don't say? CUT: Prison rooftop escape scene. TRIMMED: Slow motion during Axeman fight. CHANGED: The end of the Axeman fight with Claire killing it instead of Alice. CUT: "Looks like Bennett made it" to make his fate more ambiguous (word of God, aka editor: he died). CUT: "We have to search every part of this ship." CUT: Entire Wesker encounter. ADDED: Bits from the opening scene (the Ospreys approaching the Arcadia) and Jill walking amongst the Umbrella troops over Alice's speech. INSERTED: Arcadia battle. It's primarily sourced from the scene in Retribution immediately following the opening credits, with a few rearrangements and a shot taken from the credits was added back in here. Slow motion was also added (again, from the credits) in a few spots near the end. CUT: Entire "Suburbia" sequence. It worked to introduce Becky, but since we're following Alice, we really don't need to see her until Alice finds her. CUT: Alice's line "Now the real question is..." CUT: Alice preparing the blow the windows out of the Umbrella Prime control room. CUT: Barry's line "Looks abandoned" in reference to the Umbrella ship graveyard. CUT: "Do you trust her?"/"Put in the numbers." ADDED: Deleted scene with Jill in the control room. RECUT: The New York and Moscow scenes are now edited to appear to take place simultaneously. CUT: Undead springing from the closet in the house before Alice finds Becky. RECUT: The Moscow sequence is now peppered through the Suburbia sequence. ADDED: Deleted scene with Ada and Alice in the house. CUT: Ada hiding. We see her grab the gun, but not shooting out the floor in the house. CUT: Alice being shot in the side. This went absolutely nowhere in the theatrical cut of Retribution. At all. CUT: "Sweet ride."/"Well this is Moscow." What does that even mean? CUT: Leon saying Ada "always has a plan." CUT: Alice asking Barry and Leon if they'd "mind" shooting at their pursuers. TRIMMED: The car chase a bit. CUT: Alice and co. getting out of the car. CUT: Super Licker bursting from the rubble. CUT: Another instance of Alice being wounded. CUT: Leon's "Told you she had a plan." Calm yourself, loverboy. CUT: A bit of hangtime right before Alice and Jill start punching each other. CUT: "I'm coming for you!" Good for you! :D NEW: End credits. REPLACED MUSIC: "Army of Me" by Bjork and "Not Your Kind of People" by Garbage.

Additional Notes:

My aim was to strip the films of cheesy one-liners and overdone action to help make the films more enjoyable. As I did with the original Biohazard, I restored a couple of deleted scenes to add more character moments.

Other Sources:

Resident Evil, Apocalypse, and Extinction. "Army of Me" by Bjork "Not Your Kind of People" by Garbage "Entering TYM" by Michael McCann.

Special Thanks:

bionicbob, juice4z0

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