Halloween: Season of the Witch [raymix]

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:21m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:18m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Halloween
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Halloween III Season of the Witch (1982)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1982
Original Runtime: 1h:38m:0s
Original Links:

Format: Digital
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


I've made extensive alterations in order to Shape my ideal version. I've removed the confusing "III" from the title & cut out the out-of-place romance. I've also removed Halloween from playing on TV, making it possible that this one exists in the world of the other Halloween films.... Somehow. Many other changes have been made to strengthen continuity, remove filler & improve pacing.


My intention was to create a tighter version that injects new energy while retaining the original mood.

Change List:

-added my production logo. -scored the production credits with the track Halloween III Close/Open. -added a bass rumble when the Universal logo comes into focus. -new "a Tommy Lee Wallace film" credit. TITLE CARD / OPENING CREDITS- -added TV static & distorted voice sound effects to the interference shots. -new title card removes the III from the title. -added a bass hit when the title appears. -the top line doesn't disappear during the Carpenter/Hill production credit. -adjusted the color of an interference shot from grey to orange. -added a "trick r' treat!" sample from the original HALLOWEEN. --added digital distortion & modulation to the voice sample. MAN ON THE RUN- -shortened the shot of the man running toward camera. -added "Northern California" title. -added "October, Saturday the 23rd" title. -shortened a shot of the man running into the car lot. -cut the man running up to & trying the first locked door. -shortened the shot of the car stopping at the gate. -shortened the shot of the man ducking to hide. -cut the man attempting to climb a fence before the car comes back. ATTACKED- -shortened a shot of the car rolling toward the assailant. -cut a shot of the car rolling. -added a squishing & crunching sound as the assailant is smashed between the cars. -shortened a shot of the assailant being smashed between the cars. -shortened the shot of the man crawling out from between the cars. -fade-out on the shot of the man running away. -cut the camera panning up after the man gets away. AT THE SERVICE STATION- -cut the "One Hour Later" title. -fade-in on the establishing shot. -extended the establishing shot. -increased the volume on the TV news report, emphasizing it's importance. -cut the station attendant checking the 2nd set of windows. AT THE HOSPITAL- -cut the crossfade from the assailant arriving outside to back in the hospital room. -cut Dr. Daniel asking "Who's next?" & the Nurse's "Nobody." -cut two shots of empty hallways. -shortened the shot before the assailant starts walking. -cut the assailant making a fist before reaching down to grab the man's face. -cut a shot of the man looking at the assailant's fist. -cut the man closing his eyes a 2nd time to remove a continuity error. -added a splat sound as the man's skull is broken. -shortened the shot of the man's arm going limp. -cut the man's hand twitching after he dies. -cut another shot of the man's hand. -cut a shot of Daniel shaking off sleep as he goes to investigate the scream. -cut a continuity error with the assailant's lighter. -shortened two shots for a smoother car explosion. -patched in missing burning sounds at the beginning of a shot. -fade-out on the shot of Daniel contemplating the Silver Shamrock logo. THE NEXT MORNING- -cut the "Sunday the 24th " title along with the shot of the burned out car. -fade-in on the shot of Daniel looking out the window. -extended the shot of Daniel looking out the window. -added "Sunday the 24th" title. AT THE CORONER'S OFFICE- -fade-in on the shot of the Coroners' door. -cropped the shot of the door to remove the "Wednesday the 27th" title. -added "Wednesday the 27th" title. -cut Daniel & Coroner Teddy talking about their past together. AT THE BAR- -cut the advertisement for HALLOWEEN on the TV. -cut Daniel saying "...and I don't know what's going on." -cut a shot of Daniel. AT THE SHOP- -cut a shot of Daniel. -fused two shots of Ellie into one. -shortened a shot of Ellie before she looks up at Daniel. -traffic sounds fade in for a smoother transition into the next scene. ON THE PHONE- -added new music in the background. (I Ran by Flock of Seagulls) -cut all audio after Daniel hangs up in order to replace the music. --rebuilt all sounds effects. (traffic, car running, cans, footsteps, door open/close, car driving away) ON THE ROAD- -shortened the shot of the farmer. -shortened the shot of the car approaching the Santa Mira sign. -cut Ellie & Daniel's "Irish Halloween masks?" / "In Cali.? You never know." AT THE MOTEL- -shortened the shot of Ellie when Daniel enters the room. -shortened the shot of Daniel closing the door. -cut the conversation about where to sleep. -cut the make-out. CURFEW MESSAGE- -cut two shots that seem to be at the wrong time of evening. -cut a shot of a back alley shed. -cut a shot of a security camera. -cut a shot of security camera footage. IN THE ALLEY- -cut the man saying "He made this town what it is; A dry piece of nothing." -cut the man talking about his plan to burn down the factory. -cut "for them" from the man's "Last Halloween for them." -edited the man's first "Last Halloween" for emphasis & to sound more intelligible. -cut some of the man's bumbling around the junk yard. -cut the man making a cheeze-wiz sandwich. -cut the man saying "Fellas, I was just joking!" -cut the assailant removing & tossing the man's hat. -cut a shot of the two assailants & the man on his knees. -additional ripping sounds as the assailant's pull off the man's head. BACK AT THE MOTEL- -cut Ellie getting out of the shower. -cut Marge getting into bed. -cut Ellie & Daniel beginning to have sex. -replaced a shot of Ellie & Daniel having sex with a shot of the motel, cut earlier. -a second bug begins to climb out of Marge's mouth before we cut away. -fade-out on the shot of bugs crawling out of Marge's mouth. -added crawling bugs & rattle snake sound effects. -cut a shot of Marge's feet under the blankets. -cut Daniel waking up & getting out of bed naked. -cut a shot of the Silver Shamrock van & personnel. -cut Daniel putting on his shirt. -fade-in on the shot of the Silver Shamrock personnel loading Marge into the van. CHECKING WITH THE CORONER- -cropped the shot of the factory to remove the "Saturday the 30th" title. -added "Saturday the 30th" title. -cut Daniel & Teddy talking about going on dates. -Teddy's "Bye." is heard over the shot of Daniel. --added effects so Teddy's "Bye" seems to be coming through the phone. ON THE FACTORY TOUR- -shortened the shot of Ellie & Daniel by the door after the Kupfer family arrives. -cut the "Hall of Fame" toy room. -extended a shot of the "Final Processing" doors. -cut "Oh, sure!" from Mr. Kupfer's "My opinion? Oh, sure!" -cut Mrs. Kupfer telling Ellie how Cocoran became one of the worlds richest men. -cut "always" from Cochran's "Your opinion has always meant a great deal to us..." DAN ON THE RUN- -cut Daniel talking to the operator recording on the pay phone. DANIEL IN THE FACTORY- -cut the "Hall of Fame" toy room. -cut the old lady robot. -retimed the assailant grabbing Daniel to be in time with the music. -shortened a shot of the dead assailant on the floor. -Cochran's "Ah! Mr. Challis." is heard earlier, over a different shot. -inserted a shot of the dead assailant on the floor, cut earlier. -cut Cochran talking about the old lady robot. -cut Cochran telling Daniel he thinks he'll "find this all interesting." -cut the "Oct. 31st Halloween" titles. -cut the shot of the morning countryside. -cut Cochran the assailants leading Daniel outside. -cut the shot of the Final Processing doors. -cut the assailant sneezing. -cut Cochran talking about how obedient his robots are. MASK TEST- -added a locking sound after the door closes. -shortened a shot of Cocoran. -shortened a shot of the assailants leading Daniel away. HALLOWEEN MORNING- -added "Sunday 31st, Halloween" titles. -cropped footage to remove all place names. -all new place name titles. -re-arranged place names so they run from the west to east. -rearranged a few of the location shots. -cut the shot of the girl on the skateboard. -cut the Omaha NE, Dayton OH, Phoenix AZ & Baton Rouge LA titles. -added Roswell NM, Springfield MO, Athens GA & Pittsburgh PN titles. -cut the shot of Daniel's kids watching TV. AT THE CORONER'S- -cut the assailant sneaking around & stealing the drill. -cut Teddy calling another examiner after she can't get through to Daniel. BACK AT THE FACTORY- -cut the shots of Main Street & the motel. -shortened the establishing shot of the factory. -cut Cochran saying "Enjoy the Horror-Thon, Dr." -Daniel's "Why, Cochran? Why?" is heard over the establishing shot. -shortened the first shot of Cochran & Daniel. -quicker cadence on "Mr. Kupfer was right you know. I do love a good joke." -longer beat before "And this is the best one." -re-scored the rest of the scene with parts of the track I Think It's Time. -cut Cochran saying "Oh, and Happy Halloween." -added Cochran saying "Enjoy the Horror-Thon, Dr", cut earlier. -switched the HALLOWEEN footage on TV with footage from HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL. --adjusted the color & added TV effects to the footage. -removed & rebuilt all sounds in order to remove the audio coming from the TV. (TV dial, footsteps, door close, straps, chair moving) -music & sounds from HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL play in the background. -shortened the shot of Cochran leaving the room. -cut Daniel checking the clock a 2nd time. -cut the pan up to the security monitor once the attendant starts flipping switches. -shortened an over-the-shoulder shot of Daniel. -original audio resumes as Daniel kicks the TV. -additional sound effects when the TV is smashed. (electricity & sparking) -shortened the shot of Daniel struggling free. ESCAPE FROM THE FACTORY- -cut the assailants holding the mask & vent cover up to the camera. -added a sound effect that gets Daniel's attention after Linda hangs up. (elevator) -cut Daniel starting to redial Linda after she hangs up. -shortened the shot of Daniel sneaking away from the phone. -cut a shot of Daniel & Ellie running through the rafters. -added a bass rumble as the block of Stonehenge begins to glow. -added the static & distorted voices from the opening as the ring begins to spin. -extended the shot of the lasers blasting Cochran. -added the laser sound effect used earlier when Marge was killed. -cut the shot of Cochran turning to stone & disappearing. -crossfade from Cochran being blasted to the Stonehenge block exploding. -slight crop on the shot of exploding Stonehenge. -cut an out-of-place shot during the explosion. ESCAPE FROM SANTA MIRA- -adjusted color on two shots so the foreground better matches the red sky. ROBO-ELLIE ATTACKS- -shortened a shot of Daniel preparing to smack Robo-Ellie with the crowbar. -cut the arm attacking on it's own. -cut the headless body battle. -lowered the volume of the servos during the shot of Robo-Ellie's head. -fade-out on the shot of Daniel running away, mirroring the man at the beginning. AT THE SERVICE STATION- -fade-in on the shot of the attendant at the fuel pump. -added static & distorted voice sounds as the Silver Shamrock ad plays. -added a shot of TV video effects from the opening credits. -added an electrical cut-out sound effect, ending all audio & video. END CREDITS- -longer beat before the credits begin. -added the title card before the credits roll. -scored the title card with pieces of the track South Corridor. -re-timed the end credits music. (Chariots of Pumpkins) -adjusted the color & contrast to make the credits text blue. -added a credit for the Flock of Seagulls song. POST CREDITS- -added a shot of the Witch mask from the preview trailer. --adjusted contrast & sharpness to better match the bluray footage. --additional photoshop work to remove print damage. -added a bass rumble when the eyes open. -fade-out on the open eyes. -added my production logo. -added a cue from the track Halloween III Main Theme.

Additional Notes:

I wanted the editing to feel more kinetic without any obvious changes. This version has a quicker pulse than the original, but still feels like the '82 original.

Other Sources:

SOURCES USED: VIDEO- -Halloween III (Shout! Factory bluray, 2021) -Halloween III trailer (Shout! Factory bluray, 2021) -House on Haunted Hill (Mill Creek DVD, 2003) ADDITIONAL AUDIO- -Halloween (Shout! Factory bluray, 2021) -Halloween III Soundtrack (Alan Howarth Inc. Remaster, 2007) -I Ran (So Far Away) by Flock of Seagulls (from the 1982 album A Flock of Seagulls) -Sound Effects (youtube.com).

Special Thanks:

The Thing from 1951
The Matrix DeZIONized
Three Effing Bears: Rambo Grindhoused
Star Wars: Andor: Chapter I - The Reckoning
Kombat Bloody Kombat
Sisu Grindhouse Edit
Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
Star Wars: Old Ben Kenobi (The Tusken Edit)
War of the Stars II: The Future in Motion