Searched for: Franchise 'Dune' - 21 Results
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Dune: Kwisatz Haderach - Part One
Original Title: Dune: Part One (2021)
Faneditor: kidjupiter92
Franchise: Dune
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 18th March 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 133
Synopsis: Dune: Kwisatz Haderach - Part One is the first of a two part project, and is an experimental cut that explores how much of the film can be cut without turning into a muddled, non-cohesive mess. Cutting twenty-two minutes of footage, I was able to create a shorter, hopefully still satisfying cut of Dune: Part One clocking in at two hours and thirteen minutes. I am proud to present Dune: Kwisatz Haderach - Part One.

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