Searched for: Franchise 'Star Trek' - 83 Results
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Star Trek: Regenerations
Original Title: Star Trek: Generations (1994)
Faneditor: MightyAttackTribble
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 9th October 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 121
Synopsis: A light edit that aims to tighten the pacing by re-editing the battle and crash sequences, restore some dignity (or give some that never existed to begin with) to several of the leading characters, and incorporates Spock into the denouement.

Star Trek Beyond: To Explore Strange New Worlds
Original Title: Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Faneditor: lapis molari
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 108
Synopsis: The three Star Trek reboot films are a mixed bag for me. It's great to have new adventures of Kirk, Spock, Bones, and all of the Enterprise crew. It's a treat to see the Trek universe with modern SFX. It's endearing to see the camaraderie and (some of) the callbacks to the original series. It's a joy to discover (many of) the updates they made, e.g. Uhura still looks awesome but now her input is frequently essential to the story. But... the storylines are weak, the villains uninteresting, camera work distracting (and already feels dated), too many scenes feel more Star Wars than Star Trek (the worst offender being the Millenium Falcon shaped ship trying to escape the Klingons through a "canyon" in Wrath of Khan Reboot). Then again... it is more Trek, new Trek. So it'd be great to add these movies to the list of "let's rewatch them every once in a while, in rotation with other ST shows".

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - The Great Experiment Workprint
Original Title: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
Faneditor: BionicBob
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 92
Synopsis: A renegade Vulcan steals the USS Enterprise to find God at the center of the galaxy. Is he a Madman? What strange power does he hold over Spock and Kirk's crew? Can Kirk stop him? Or is this the Final Adventure for Captain James T. Kirk? The reality is, Final Frontier is essentially an unfinished film due to a last minute slashed budget and a writers strike. Thus, there are plot holes that can not be filled and narratives that can not expanded upon. But hopefully, with fan created CGI shots and some creative editing, I can create something closer to Shatner's original vision in a workprint style format.

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