Searched for: Genre 'Action' - 2686 Results
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300: Earth and Water
Original Title: 300 (2006)300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Faneditor: Aztek463
Franchise: 300
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 147
Synopsis: When Xerxes of Persia launches an invasion of Greece, two of her most legendary warriors - Leonidas of Sparta and Themistocles of Athens - lead the defense of their homeland.

Godzilla Rises
Original Title: Godzilla (2014)
Faneditor: Ranger613
Franchise: Godzilla
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 79
Synopsis: A leaner, meaner and more realistic cut which retains the nihilistic mood and tone of the theatrical cut and minimizes the poor characterization and excess 'emotional' moments resulting in a far darker and better Monster movie... The stars of this version are not the humans, but the monsters.

Full Metal Jacket - Locked & Loaded
Original Title: Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Faneditor: JetSetWilly
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 97
Synopsis: Many people say the boot camp scenes at the beginning of the film are the strongest. My intention? Mix them into the Vietnam scenes. Hopefully, it gives the film a fresh perspective, as boot camp is now told in flashback form, with the appropriate boot camp scenes following Pyle's downfall used. Other material has been excised.

Rambo - A Warrior's Journey
Original Title: Rambo: First Blood (1982)Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)Rambo III (1988)Rambo (2008)
Faneditor: LastSurvivor
Franchise: Rambo
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 312
Synopsis: From the minds of David Morell and Sylvester Stallone comes one of the most eagerly awaited television series in history. Spanning 26 years of shooting, we follow the adventures of decorated Vietnam war veteran, John Rambo, in Rambo - A Warrior’s Journey. The purpose of the edit is to tell the journey of US soldier John Rambo after he returns from the Vietnam war, starting of course with his run in with Sheriff Teasle in the “quiet” town of Hope, through a 26 year journey which ends with the civil war in Burma.

Black Hawk Down – Cease Fire Edit
Original Title: Black Hawk Down (2001)
Faneditor: Voodl
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2007
Fanedit Runtime: 102
Synopsis: The action sequences were heavily trimmed for a much more moving watching experience.

Quantum of Solace: A Requiem for Vesper
Original Title: James Bond: Casino Royale (2006)James Bond: Quantum of Solace (2008)
Faneditor: PoorAndin
Franchise: James Bond
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 185
Synopsis: Quantum of Solace but with Black & White flashbacks to Casino Royale in order to make it more emotionaly involving. The first hour of Casino Royale is skipped over so the first flashback is of Bond meeting Vesper on the train.

Sicario 2: Land Of Wolves
Original Title: Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado (2018)
Faneditor: SiUse
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 108
Synopsis: In my view this movie suffers from a narrative which aims to tell a complex political and sociological aspect. By no way i condem this approach but it isn´t told in a proper way and jumps back, forth between narrative locations and merge at the end. So how i want to tackle this in hope that the movie becomes more interesting? My approach is similiar to @L8wrtr ´s in his American Gangster - Two Tales edit (definitely a recommandation!) amd inspired me to try the same, kind of. Telling two stories separately before they flow into each other.

Original Title: Titanic (1997)
Franchise: Titanic
Fanedit Type: Shorts
Fanedit Release Date: 1st December 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2
Synopsis: "In the year 2099, with the new millennium only 8 months away, a large, advanced, underwater salvage vessel known as Auriga 7 glides quietly, deep under the ocean surface. On board: a small military-detachment of engineers, their tech, and enough remaining provisions for several months. The few luxuries the crew had the Lieutenant would call contraband. But the men had their vices and much need to blow off a little steam now-and-again. It seemed to affect the Captain the most; the Lunar War back in 2075. With Earth's atmosphere forever crippled from it, and even though travel between Mars and the moons of Jupiter were becoming commonplace, the Boss rarely liked to surface, preferring to spend his time in the endless swaths of deep blackness. But the Captain may have to abandon the team’s current mission. Ship sensors have picked up an unknown signal that leads them into the furthest reaches of an uncharted abyss. Something stirs; waiting, lurking in the depth".

Pulp Dogs
Original Title: Pulp Fiction (1994)Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Faneditor: Dawnrazor
Franchise: Pulp Fiction
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 98
Synopsis: A fasted paced grindhouse inspired combo of the two classic Tarantino films.

Batman Beyond: The Movie
Original Title: Batman Beyond (TV Series) (1999)
Faneditor: Belgarath
Franchise: Batman
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 76
Synopsis: Fueled by remorse and vengeance, a high schooler named Terry McGinnis revives the role of Batman. Under the supervision of an elderly Bruce Wayne, he fights crime in a harsh, futuristic Gotham. This is a TV to Movie edit of Batman Beyond.

The Batman Unmasked
Original Title: Batman: The Batman (2022)
Faneditor: Gibichung
Franchise: Batman
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 152
Synopsis: At 2 hours and 32 minutes, "The Batman Unmasked" doesn't redefine the original source but delivers a leaner thriller while maintaining the essential mood and story.

Leeroy's The Killer Bride (Extended Cut) In HD
Original Title: Kill Bill (2003)Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004)
Faneditor: lantern51
Franchise: Kill Bill
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st June 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 149
Synopsis: This is all the cuts made by the original editor upgraded to HD.

The Batman: Year Two (Miniseries)
Original Title: Batman: The Batman (2022)
Faneditor: DonKamillo
Franchise: Batman
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st June 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 184
Synopsis: This fan edit splits up The Batman (2022) movie into a four episode miniseries, making the 3 hour epic more digestible and providing a Graphic Novel type experience. The narrative changes slightly with little cuts here and there, some rearranged and re-scored scenes, a deleted scene added back in and a new ending.

Game of Thrones: A Feast for Crows
Original Title: Game of Thrones (TV Series)(2011)
Faneditor: Andreas
Franchise: Game of Thrones
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 114
Synopsis: A streamlined and fast-paced narrative, in the structural and musical spirit of either the Lord of the Rings franchise or the original, epic score. Season 3 in 3 hours and 4 minutes - either with Howard Shore or the original Game of Thrones score.

Black Widow: Redacted
Original Title: Black Widow (2021)
Faneditor: Malthus
Franchise: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 124
Synopsis: This is a leaner version of Black Widow that adds back in multiple deleted scenes.

Sicario: The Wolf Cut
Original Title: Sicario (2015)
Faneditor: SiUse
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 113
Synopsis: The movie is about the united states war on drugs and what does it mean for the ones affected by it, actively and passively. We get to experience it through Kate (as she´s us) and aren´t able to fathom the politics of it. Additionally Taylor Sheridan incorporated the view of a mexican police officer, named SIlvio. That´s the point where my thoughts and edit comes in. As Sheridans approach and intend is just, i never connected to SIlvio and his fight to provide for his family. Perhaps we shouldn´t. Therefore i got the feeling that the movies grip is loosen on me. So i thought: What would it be like, if all reference to silvios background is cut and he´s just a corrupt cop who´s merly a tool for both sites? Alejandro certainly doesn´t care much as well as the cartel. What this war does to mexican people is a little more in-depth with Solimas Sequel.

From Russia with Love: Excess Excised
Original Title: James Bond: From Russia with Love (1963)
Faneditor: ParanoidAndroid
Franchise: James Bond
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 108
Synopsis: The usual removal of superfluous shots and scenes for a tighter narrative and less distraction, plus a remixed beginning for a little misdirection.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Dramatic Cut
Original Title: Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Franchise: Godzilla
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 128
Synopsis: This edit began with a need to cut all the jokes that ruined the tension of the action, and the pacing of the dialogue. Underneath all those bad jokes was a strong and intense film, so those jokes and attempts at humor were cut. And added deleted scenes were put in to ehance the dramatic feel.

Terminator - The Hunt for Sarah Connor
Original Title: The Terminator (1984)
Faneditor: robulon
Franchise: Terminator
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 83
Synopsis: This edit aims to keep the ambiguity of whether Reese can be trusted and if his story is even true for as long as possible. The audience is learning information along with Sarah instead of being way ahead of her.

Mission: Impossible 2 - The Spence Edit
Original Title: Mission Impossible 2 (2000)
Faneditor: Spence
Franchise: Mission Impossible
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 101
Synopsis: - Replace the majority of the music with music from other films in the series. - Up the pace. This movie has a weird structure in that there really isn't a big action scene till almost halfway through the film, and then it's just non-stop action for the second half. The middle third of the film needs some serious trims to get the film moving. - Remove a lot of the over the top John Woo moments. I love John Woo, and I definitely still want it to feel like a John Woo film, but they go so hard on some of his trademarks that it ventures into parody. Slow motion scenes that drag on or show the same shot from 5 different angles will be trimmed. Some of the slow-mo will be trimmed just for action pacing.

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