Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Alien (1979)' - 21 Results
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Star Beast: Alien Grindhoused
Original Title: Alien (1979)
Faneditor: Rantsir
Franchise: Alien
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 12th March 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 110
Synopsis: Some movies are just perfection and can’t be improved. That’s one of them. But there’s always a way to provide some new interesting way to experience them and that was the goal here. Ridley Scott’s masterpiece has been converted to Grindhouse-like movie. Video got additional heavy grain and print damage, 90% of the movie was re-scored, some deleted scenes and outtakes reinstated, along with little additions of footage and dialogue lines from other movies, and some fan-created videos. New opening credits sequence was created and the end credits were also changed. Some scenes were cut, some repurposed and as a cherry on top, an alternate ending was added.

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