Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Die Hard (1988)' - 1 Result
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Die Hard 'til Midnight
Original Title: Die Hard (1988)
Faneditor: Sinbad
Franchise: Die Hard
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st March 2018
Fanedit Runtime: 120
Synopsis: Die Hard is the pinnacle of action movie goodness in my opinion and cannot be improved upon as its completely perfect as it is. However as its one of my favourite films I was intrigued whether I could put a different spin on it to give it some fresh appeal. It struck me that as McClane spends nearly the entire runtime of the movie apart from all the other protagonists I could maybe use splitscreen to give the impression of multiple events taking place at once. Thus the idea for Die Hard 'til Midnight was born, and the edit evolved as a Die Hard/24 style (semi) real-time thriller.

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