Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Me and Orson Welles (2008)' - 1 Result
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Orson Welles and I
Original Title: Me and Orson Welles (2008)
Faneditor: TM2YC
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st November 2013
Fanedit Runtime: 88
Synopsis: I'm an obsessed Orson Welles fan (He's the greatest Director that ever lived after all), collecting all his films and re-buying them repeatedly when a better quality release comes along. So 2008's 'Orson Welles and I' sounded like a great idea. A film chronicling the final week that lead to his New York production of Caesar (A show that put him on the cover of Time). A staging with modern Fascistic dress and lit like the Nuremburg rally (A recent event in 1937), it was designed to take Shakespeare's play and fashion it into a warning about a world already slipping toward world war. But while the scenes devoted to this play were perfection with Christian McKay delivering an astonishing performance as Welles, it was fatally flawed. Because about a third of the film was focused on a romance between two fictional characters played by Zac Efron and Claire Danes, that had nothing to do with the reality of the situation. So that Orson didn't even get top billing in a film about him!

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