Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Sicario (2015)' - 1 Result
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Sicario: The Wolf Cut
Original Title: Sicario (2015)
Faneditor: SiUse
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 113
Synopsis: The movie is about the united states war on drugs and what does it mean for the ones affected by it, actively and passively. We get to experience it through Kate (as she´s us) and aren´t able to fathom the politics of it. Additionally Taylor Sheridan incorporated the view of a mexican police officer, named SIlvio. That´s the point where my thoughts and edit comes in. As Sheridans approach and intend is just, i never connected to SIlvio and his fight to provide for his family. Perhaps we shouldn´t. Therefore i got the feeling that the movies grip is loosen on me. So i thought: What would it be like, if all reference to silvios background is cut and he´s just a corrupt cop who´s merly a tool for both sites? Alejandro certainly doesn´t care much as well as the cartel. What this war does to mexican people is a little more in-depth with Solimas Sequel.

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