Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)' - 4 Results
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Star Trek III: The Search For Spock - The Short Voyage
Original Title: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
Faneditor: Zarius
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st May 2019
Fanedit Runtime: 98
Synopsis: Kirk is convinced to take Spock's living spirit back to do so he risks his and his entire crew's careers. Even if their mission to the unstable planet Genesis, the final resting place of their friend, is a success, the punishment for their disobedience awaits them...

Star Trek 3 “Resurrection”
Original Title: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Faneditor: BionicBob
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st October 2010
Fanedit Runtime: 85
Synopsis: As movie legend goes, all even numbered Trek movies are Good and all odd numbered Trek movies are Bad! After watching this edit of Star Trek III, you will think differently.

Star Trek III.V: Kolinahr
Original Title: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Runtime: 0

Star Trek: In Search Of Spock
Original Title: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Faneditor: BionicBob
Franchise: Star Trek
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 10th September 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 94
Synopsis: It's my favourite Trek movie--EVER!!! Friendship! Loyalty! Sacrifice! It's all there in it timeless glory as Kirk and his noble crew risk everything to resurrect their fallen shipmate, Mr. Spock!

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