Searched for: OriginalTitle 'Suicide Squad (Extended Version)(2016)' - 2 Results
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Suicide Squad: The Ayer Assembly
Original Title: Suicide Squad (Extended Version)(2016)
Faneditor: ands04
Franchise: Suicide Squad
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 27th February 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 0

Suicide Squad: Made to Fail
Original Title: Suicide Squad (Extended Version)(2016)
Faneditor: Josephdquinn
Franchise: DC Cinematic Universe
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 13th June 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 128
Synopsis: Inspired by the structure of Zack Snyder's Justice League, Suicide Squad: Made to Fail is presented in 4 chapters that streamline and focus the overall story. Part 1: The Worst of the Worst - Opens the film with the origins of the Enchantress and Harley Quinn, setting up the threat before introducing Amanda Waller as the heart of the story in this first part. Through her we are introduced to the Task Force X project, which subsequently introduces each member of the Suicide Squad in a totally new montage. Part 2: Live For Me - The Joker and his relationship with Harley Quinn serves as the main thread of part 2, which opens with a flashback to the events that landed Harley in Belle Reve, and is bookended by the Joker planning her rescue. Juxtaposed is the relationship between Rick Flag and June Moon. When June becomes possessed by the Enchantress, Flag assembles the Suicide Squad to stop her. Part 3: Everyone For Themselves - Deadshot becomes the main focus as he attempts to gain the trust of Col. Rick Flag and get the various sociopathic members of the Suicide Squad to work together to accomplish their first mission. Part 4: Made to Fail - Against all odds, the Suicide Squad finally comes together as a team to take on the Enchantress and save the world... or die trying.

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