Searched for: OriginalTitle 'The Stand (Miniseries)(1994)' - 2 Results
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The Stand (The Cinematic Cut)
Original Title: The Stand (Miniseries)(1994)
Faneditor: Conrad MacIntyre
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st June 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 185
Synopsis: This is the story of two groups of survivors of an apocalyptic event and the ensuing showdown between them. Narratively, this edit doesn't change that much from the original. In fact, I tried really hard to maintain the narrative as much as possible. I didn't want to alter the story, just to tighten it up and make it a single-sitting affair. I did add some stylistic changes and shifted around the timeline a little to cause tiny changes in peripheral events.

The Stand: Episode 1 - The Aftermath
Original Title: The Stand (Miniseries)(1994)
Faneditor: Juice4z0
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Release Date: 7th April 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 0

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