Searched for: OriginalTitle 'X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)' - 12 Results
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X-Men: The Dark Stand
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019)X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Faneditor: Zarius
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st July 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 121
Synopsis: I merged Dark Phoenix with X-Men: The Last Stand and a little bit of X-Men: Apocalypse.

X-Men: Apocalypse - Endtimes Edition
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Faneditor: BobsonDugnutt
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 18th March 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 157
Synopsis: The X-Men must unite again for the first time to defeat Apocalypse! An extended cut of a movie that's already too long, but also wasn't long enough. Adding back some much needed character moments and connective tissue to a movie that moved a little too fast. 17 new and extended scenes have been added back into the film for a longer, fully and more complete conquest of the mighty Apocalypse!

X-Men: A Chronology
Original Title: X-Men: First Class (2011)X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
Faneditor: Dirty30m
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Release Date: 23rd May 2017
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men: Apocalypse: The Beginner's First Cut
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Faneditor: Fanedit895
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Release Date: 12th December 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men: Apocalypse (Madsilver Edit)
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Faneditor: MaxPule
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Release Date: 14th May 2021
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men - Apocalypse (Hybrid AR Edit)
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Faneditor: ADIoS
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type: Special Feature
Fanedit Release Date: 29th January 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 143
Synopsis: Presenting a Hybrid Aspect Ratio Edit of X-Men: Apocalypse, combining Scope Blu-ray (2.39:1) and Open Matte (1.78:1) sources, with select sequences in the expanded AR (65min of 144min). Hope you enjoy :D

X-Men: The Phoenix
Original Title: X-Men: First Class (2011)X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
Faneditor: TheXMan2024
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 10th September 2020
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men Apocalypse (Extended Phoenix Cut)
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men Apocalypse (Hybrid AR Edit)
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men:-Apocalypse (The Beginner's First Cut)
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type:
Fanedit Runtime: 0

X-Men: Evolution (X-Men: The Series Season 2)
Original Title: X-Men: First Class (2011)X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)Logan (2017)
Faneditor: Flippergoalie
Franchise: Marvel/X-Men
Fanedit Type: Movie-to-TV
Fanedit Release Date: 20th November 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 659
Synopsis: In this thrilling TV series set against the backdrop of historical and futuristic challenges, follow the epic journey of the X-Men, a group of extraordinary mutants led by the telepathic Charles Xavier and the magnetic Erik Lehnsherr. Their friendship is forged in the volatile era of the Cold War, where they unite with fellow mutants to avert a global catastrophe. As the world evolves and new threats emerge, the X-Men must confront their destinies across different timelines. The story unfolds in the 1970s as Dr. Bolivar Trask develops the Sentinels, robotic weapons designed to eradicate mutants. Wolverine, a time-traveling hero, takes on the mission to alter the course of history and prevent mutant extinction. However, the repercussions of meddling with time create unforeseen challenges for the X-Men. In the 1980s, the ancient and powerful mutant Apocalypse awakens to reshape the world order, prompting Professor X and Raven to assemble a team of young X-Men. As Earth hangs in the balance, the mutants face their most formidable adversary, forcing them to confront the true extent of their powers and the sacrifices required to save mankind. Fast-forward to the 1990s, where internal conflicts arise as Jean Grey, a beloved member of the X-Men, grapples with newfound cosmic abilities. The team must unite to save her from self-destruction and thwart alien forces seeking to exploit her powers for galactic domination. The saga concludes in the near future, where a weary Logan, accompanied by an ailing Professor X, discovers a young mutant with striking similarities to himself. As they face dark forces intent on capturing her, Logan must navigate a treacherous path to protect the girl and ensure the survival of mutantkind in an ever-changing world.

X-Men Apocalypse - The B-Movie Cut
Original Title: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Faneditor: Bailey
Franchise: X-Men
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 28th April 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 118
Synopsis: So... X-Men Apocalypse, this is not a very good movie, not the worst X-Men movie, but close. As bad as it is, there really aren't any edits of it out there. The only one that I have found is Bobson's extended cut. So I decided to try to tackle this one myself.

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