Movies Remastered Database: Fanedits

Types of Fanedits on MRDb: Detailed Overview and Examples

  1. Abridged
  2. Custom Disc
  3. Documentary
  4. Extended Edition
  5. FanFix
  6. FanMix
  7. Movie-to-TV
  8. Preservation
  9. Review
  10. Short
  11. Special Feature
  12. Special Project
  13. Supplemental Features
  14. TV-to-Movie
  15. FanFilm

At MRDb, we categorize various fanedits to help users understand the different approaches editors take to modify existing films. Click on each category below for a detailed description:

Here's a complete breakdown of each type of fanedit or related media content:

  1. Abridged

Definition: An Abridged fanedit significantly condenses the original film or TV show into a shorter version, often by removing scenes, compressing the storyline, or altering dialogue for comedic or satirical effect.

Key Characteristics:



Example: An abridged version of "Dragon Ball Z" that compresses long battles into quicker, funnier sequences.


  1. Custom Disc

Definition: A Custom Disc is a specially created disc that includes a curated selection of media, such as fanedits, documentaries, and additional content, often designed to fit a particular theme or purpose.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A custom disc featuring a collection of fanedits, behind-the-scenes content, and interviews related to a popular film franchise.


  1. Documentary

Definition: A Documentary fanedit creates a film that documents a specific topic or event, often using original footage, interviews, and voice-over narration to provide an informative or insightful perspective.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A documentary about the making of a classic film, including interviews with cast and crew.


  1. Extended Edition

Definition: An Extended Edition (EE) includes additional footage and scenes that were not part of the original theatrical release, aiming to present a more complete version of the film.

Key Characteristics:



Example: The "Lord of the Rings" Extended Editions, which include extra scenes and extended storylines not seen in the theatrical releases.


  1. FanFix

Definition: A FanFix aims to correct or improve the original film by making adjustments such as removing unnecessary scenes, reordering parts, or fixing perceived issues with the story or characters.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A fan edit of "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace" that removes unnecessary subplots and enhances character development.


  1. FanMix

Definition: A FanMix involves creating a new and unique viewing experience by drastically altering the original film’s story, often by removing subplots, changing character motivations, or creating new endings.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A fan edit of "The Dark Knight" that reorders scenes and changes key plot points to create a new narrative structure.


  1. Movie-to-TV

Definition: Movie-to-TV fan edits adapt a feature-length film into a TV show format, often by splitting the film into episodes, adding new scenes, or restructuring the content to fit a serialized format.

Key Characteristics:



Example: Adapting "The Lord of the Rings" into a mini-series format with added content and episodic breaks.


  1. Preservation

Definition: Preservation projects focus on collecting and safeguarding rare or non-commercial media related to a film or TV show, such as behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, and promotional material.

Key Characteristics:



Example: Digitizing and archiving rare promotional footage from classic films like "Casablanca."


  1. Review

Definition: A Review provides a critical assessment of a film or TV show, evaluating elements such as plot, acting, and production quality to inform potential viewers about the content.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A review of "Inception" that evaluates its plot complexity, direction, and performances.


  1. Short

Definition: A Short is a brief film or video with a runtime of less than 40 minutes, often focusing on delivering a concise and impactful narrative or concept.

Key Characteristics:



Example: Disney’s "Paperman," an animated short film combining traditional and computer animation techniques.


  1. Special Feature

Definition: Special Features are additional content included with a film or TV show release, such as behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, and commentary, designed to enhance the viewer’s experience.

Key Characteristics:



Example: Commentary tracks and making-of documentaries included in the Blu-ray release of "The Avengers."


  1. Special Project

Definition: A Special Project involves fan edits or creative works that do not fit into traditional categories but aim to provide a unique viewing experience with innovative or experimental modifications.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A fan edit of "Pulp Fiction" that reorders scenes to emphasize different themes or narratives.


  1. Supplemental Features

Definition: Supplemental Features are additional materials that accompany a film or TV show, providing extra content such as deleted scenes, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage.

Key Characteristics:



Example: Deleted scenes and featurettes included with the DVD release of "Jurassic Park."


  1. TV-to-Movie

Definition: TV-to-Movie fan edits involve adapting TV episodes or seasons into a feature-length film format, often by re-editing content to create a cohesive narrative suitable for a theatrical release.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A fan edit of "The X-Files" that compiles multiple episodes into a single film with a unified narrative.


  1. FanFilm

Definition: A Fanfilm is a short or feature-length film created by fans based on existing media franchises. It is typically produced independently and serves as a tribute or creative exploration of the original content.

Key Characteristics:



Example: A fan-produced "Star Wars" film that explores untold stories or characters from the franchise.


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