Kick Ass 2: Justice Refined

Updated: 26th July 2024

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Kick Ass 2: Justice Refined

Faneditor: stonecoldsteveaustin316  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 12th February 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:46m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:3m:0s
Genre: ActionComedyCrime
Original Title: Kick-Ass 2 (2013)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2013
Original Runtime: 1h:43m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Dave Lizewski / Kick-Ass joins a vigilante team called "Justice Forever" led by born-again Christian Colonel Stripes and Stars, Mindy is forced to live a normal life by Marcus but is conflicted and misses being Hit-Girl, Chris D'Amico becomes a supervillain known as The Motherfucker and forms supervillain team known as "The Toxic Mega Cunts" to get revenge on Kick-Ass for killing his dad in Kick-Ass 1



Change List:

Added an additional Interview with Kick-Ass near the start of the film Added a short scene on Kick-Ass's dad Mr. Lizewski Alternate scene of Kick-Ass's nightmare along with her interaction with Mindy is added Added scene of Dave entering Mindy's house and discussing costume The "Don't You Want to Belong?" scene involving Mindy and the girls is removed The locker room scene with Mindy and the girls is cut, only Mindy and Dave looking at each other in that scene is kept The dance team at school scene is shortened to only show the actual dance Added short scene of Colonel Stars and Stripes taunting Mr. Kim Added short scene of Tommy's mother comforting Dave at the funeral Big Daddy returns at the funeral scene with use of AI audio Eisenhower is killed [implied off-screen] to make MF more evil, so this no Eisenhower in the final fight scene Extended Justice Forever and other allies entrance Extended the Mother Russia and Hit-Girl fight Mindy looking at Dave in a romantic way is cut Mindy and Dave do not share a kiss, they are simply friends, and there is no romantic involvement From Kick-Ass 2 Justice Forever by Bionic Bob: cut Chris "...Mommy?" line after tanning bed death cut disrespectful Dave line "Big Daddy was crazy" cut Chris's mom's sex toy cut the cameo scene of Katie after Mindy said she is done restructured Dr. Gravity/Kick Ass street fight so it ends on a heroic note instead of them running away restructured the MF store robbery scene, plays darker more serious cut "Chuck little dick.." ending of boxing scene, cut whiney Chris, keep EVIL CHRIS!!! cut KA and NB shagging in bathroom cut KA "I think we are in trouble" line and horrified reaction shot, this is not his first time at the rodeo! cut KA and NB "action" restructured Colonel Stars Stripes death, MF pure evil, orders head cut off, no reference to dog restructured BG assault, no attempted rape, again MF pure evil added deleted scene "Promise Me" cut whiney/insecure MF waiting at hideout, scene now opens with evil MF rallying his evil army cut shot of MF running away during fight restructured MF death so he does not flip flop or apologize to Dave, stays evil right to the end. new ending cut post-credits scene of MF, he is dead! Replaced end credits music

Other Sources:

Used Wondershare Filmora 12 to edit and Handbrake for colour correction

Special Thanks:

Bionic Bob and Martokc (for extended edition)

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