Alien Rebirth

Updated: 6th August 2024

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Alien Rebirth

Faneditor: Willow  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 18th January 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:46m:30s
Time Cut: 0h:2m:30s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Alien
Genre: ActionHorrorSci-Fi
Original Title: Alien Resurrection (1997)   
Original Release Date: 6th November 1997
Original Runtime: 1h:49m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: English


The saga continues 200 years after Ripley sacrificed herself for the sake of humanity. Her erstwhile employers long gone, this time it is the military that resurrects the one-woman killing machine through genetic cloning to extract the alien from within her, but during the process her DNA is fused with the queen and then the aliens escape. Now Ripley must decide where her allegiance lies.


This fanedit of Alien Resurrection serve as an alternate version of Alien 3 ignoring the third movie completely with a different backstory for Ripley's death. It could also be watched alongside my other fanedit "Alien 3: The Long Nightmare" where the events of the third movie is just one long bad dream. Partially inspired by the comic book Aliens: Earth War, it is strongly hinted that a Xenomorph outbreak happened on Earth a long time ago and Ripley was impregnated by a facehugger. This will be tied better to the extended cut ending featuring a barren post-apocalyptic Earth.

Change List:

- created a new alternate opening sequence closer to the original Alien and using Jerry Goldsmith's Main Title score from Alien. - the movie is now called "Alien Rebirth" in the opening title card. - The overly aggressive yellow tint have been color corrected to be more subtle and easier on the eyes. (the original movie gets progressively more yellow further in) - added Newt's voice on top of Ripley's voice over line "My mommy always said there were no monsters. No real ones. But there are." - trimmed. Gediman's reaction while performing the surgery on Ripley. - removed Dr. Wren asking about the condition of the alien queen fetus. - removed Ripley waking up and breaking the hand of the scientist sewing her back up. - removed Ripley waking up in her cell in a plastic wrapper. - removed Dr. Wren's line "You're gonna makes us all... very proud." - removed Ripley choking Dr. Wren and getting stunned by the guard during her examination by Gediman. - added a quick flashback of Newt from Aliens when Ripley is shown a drawing of a little girl. - removed any mention of Fiorina Fury 161 by Gediman. - Ripley recalls her past when asked by Gediman. (modified and re-purposed footage from AVP: Requiem and Aliens adding bandana to Ripley's head) - removed Wren slurping on the noodle from Ripley's plate. - removed Ripley's line "You're still gonna die" - removed Wren's line "How do you feel about that? I wish you could understand what we're trying to do here." - Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525: II. Romance Andante can be heard playing in the background on the bridge of the Betty as it flies towards the USM Auriga. - added computer sound from Nostromo when Elgyn is trying to confirm the authorization code to board the USM Auriga. (hinting the ship is really old as Ripley mentioned towards the end of the movie) - the movie version of James Horner's Landing Preparation Sequence from Aliens is playing when the crew of the Betty starts walking inside the U.S.M. Auriga's landing bay. The music stops for a while when the soldier detects something inside Johner's jacket and continue playing as soon as he walks away. - added short musical cue from James's Horner's Chestbuster Victim//Sub Level 3 when Ripley grabs the basketball with one hand. - removed Wren's line "She continue to makes us all very proud." - trimmed Ripley's weird behavior from the xenomorph side of her character during her interaction with Call inside the cell. - removed Ripley's line "You mean my... baby." - removed Ripley's line "I'm the latest thing." - removed Ripley's line "Who am I?" (Ripley already knew she's a clone so this is pointless) - removed Call's line "You're a thing, a construct, they grew you in a fucking lab, now they brought it out of you." - removed Ripley's line "Not all the way out. I can feel it. Behind my eyes, i can hear it moving..." - removed Call's line "You got to help me stop this thing before it gets loose." - removed Ripley's line "It's too late... you can't stop it. It's inevitable." - removed Call's line "Not as long as I'm around." - removed Ripley's line "You'll never get get out alive." - removed Call's line "I don't care." - removed Ripley's line "Really?" - removed Ripley choking Call and saying to her "I can make it stop." - removed Ripley's line "Go on. Get out of here. They're looking for you." - when Dr. Wren said "You all die with her!" the scene cuts to close up of Call's face. - trimmed Christie lifting his guns up before shooting at the soldiers. - removed soldier pointing his gun at Christie from behind and the bullet ricochet scene. - trimmed removed and rearranged some of General Perez's scene during the evacuation. (due to Dan Hedaya's overacting bordering cartoon level) - short musical cue from James Horner's Searching Levels is used when acid blood drop on Vriess's legs. - removed extreme camera zoom of Vriess screaming in pain. - short musical cue from James Horner's Group Seals Up Operations is used when a soldier gets killed in the evacuation pod while trying to escape. - musical cues from James Horner's Ripley's Rescue (percussion only) is used when the alien infested pod gets ejected before exploding and during General Perez's salute. - modify alien's sound to be closer to Aliens when it sneaks behind General Perez. - removed General Perez taking out a chunk of his brain and looking at it. - musical cues from Horner's Searching Levels is used as the crew of the Betty explore the dark corridors of the U.S.M. Auriga. - musical cues from Horner's Ripley's Rescue is used when the crew is running away from the alien. - removed Ripley tearing out the alien's tongue and give it to Call. - removed the scene where Call is telling Ripley she can't believe Ripley killed her own kind and Ripley telling her it got on her way. - musical cues from Horner's Searching Levels is used when Ripley and crew is about to approached the clone lab. - Nostromo's medical bay sound effects is used when Ripley opens and enter the lab with the failed clones. - Quick flashback of Ripley getting attacked by a facehugger when she sees a the clone with elongated fingers. (modified and re-purposed footage from AVP: Requiem and Aliens) - short musical cue from Horner's Chestburster Victim/Sub Level 3 when Purvis wakes up. - slightly trimmed Purvis and Ripley's interaction. - removed scene Purvis asking Ripley who she is and Ripley smiles replying she's the monster's mother. -- musical cues from Horner's Searching Levels when the crew open the hatch to the flooded compartment. - change the color of the underwater sequence to a colder blue. - short musical cue from Horner's Chestburster Victim/Sub Level 3 is used when the alien caught Hillard's leg underwater. - rearranged and trimmed the underwater scene of Ripley looking at Hillard getting dragged away by the alien. Musical cue from Horner's Searching Levels is used during the scene. - trimmed grenades bouncing off the roof before landing on the egg nest. - removed any scene of the alien on the ladder swaying its body to dodge bullets. - modify the voice of the alien climbing the ladder. - trimmed the scene of Distephano and Purvis lowering Vriess on the floor. - quick flashback of soldiers getting killed followed by a nuclear explosion when Ripley talking to Call about failing to save people in the past. (modified and re-purposed footage from AVP: Requiem and Aliens. - removed scene of Ripley mentioning about a little girl that she couldn't save. - a combination of music from Horner's Ripley's Rescue (percussion only), Group Seals Up Operations and Chestburster Victim is used when Ripley and crew is running towards the Betty. - trimmed the scene of Ripley looking at the ground sensing the queen and acting strange. - removed Ripley mentioning the queen is in pain. - removed the scene of Ripley sinking into the swarm of aliens followed by Purvis joining Call to look at the incident. Now it's just Call shouting "Ripley!" twice before fading to black for a while and showing the U.S.M. Auriga is approaching Earth. - removed the scene of one of the alien carrying Ripley to the Queen's nest. - added Nostromo's exterior horn sound as the U.S.M. Auriga flies towards Earth. - computer sound from the Nostromo can be heard when Vriess is starting up the Betty. - removed the close-up scene where the camera is traveling down Purvis's mouth into his chest revealing the chestburster inside his body. - removed a close-up of Johner screaming while shooting Purvis. - Horner's Ripley's Rescue (percussion only) is used when Ripley race towards the Betty. - computer sound from the Nostromo can be heard when Ripley use the Betty's computer. - musical cue from Jerry Goldsmith's The Face Hugger can be heard when Call is running away from the Newborn and when Distephano is turning his head looking at it. - trimmed the scene of Ripley embracing the Newborn ad if she's her own child. In this version, she's just there to save Call. - removed any scene of Ripley crying for the Newborn. - trimmed the scene of the Newborn's guts been sucked out to space and enhanced the music during this scene. - removed Johner asking Vriess "What's burning?" and Vriess reply "Us!" and Johner saying " Shit! You're right!" - trimmed and rearranged the Betty breaking into the Earth's atmosphere. - removed Ripley's line "I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself." She now stares at the post-apocalyptic landscape of Earth in complete silence before the movie ends. - replaced the end title music with Sinfonia No 2 The Romantic by Howard Hanson which was also used in the original end credits for the first Alien movie. For me, the music actually evokes the feeling of Ripley's journey coming full circle/ to an end and a new one is about to begin. Once the music ends, it will segway into John Frizzell's Alien Resurrection theme for the remainder of the end credits.

Additional Notes:

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