Rise of the Solo Twins - Alternate Star Wars Cut

Updated: 14th August 2024

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Rise of the Solo Twins - Alternate Star Wars Cut

Faneditor: ECStudios  
Fanedit Type: Abridged
Fanedit Release Date: 17th December 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:14m:36s
Time Cut: 1h:7m:36s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasy
Original Title: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)   
Original Release Date: 20th December 2019
Original Runtime: 2h:21m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: No


This edit is an alternate cut for Star Wars: The Sequel Trilogy's final film. In the Trilogy, Snoke and Kylo Ren are the main villains, because Palpatine never returns. Rey and Ben are siblings, the children of Han and Leia Solo, and the grandchildren of Lord Vader. The story is now following the EU storyline of the Solo family, with their daughter becoming a Jedi, and their son falling to the dark side.


I wanted to cut down a WHOLE lot of nonsense in this film to make a simpler story than the original provided.

Change List:

Added in the Movies Remastered Aurebesh to English fanedit disclaimer. The opening crawl has been changed entirely, and I've added VFX shots from 21CPeasant's cut of this film, as well as the Movies Remastered VFX shots from Hal9000's Acsendant cut. Color correction has been done to make this film easier to see, and more appealing to the eye. I've sped up the lightsabers to be around the speed of the Prequel sabers, as well as condensing lightsaber attacks to be more smooth and intense. Exegol is cut from the opening scene, we cut straight to the Falcon exiting hyperspace, as I've also cut the chess game scene, and removed Klaud from the opening scene. I've cut out Finn's reactions to when Tie Fighters get shot down. Tie Fighters no longer have a hyperdrive. I've restructured the dialogue and scenes with Rey and Leia to be a bit more natural. I moved the Kylo Ren segments during the training scene to later. Then I added Movies Remastered VFX shots for some new visions that Rey would be seeing. Falling to the dark and becoming a pawn of Snoke. She is not a Palpatine in this cut. Cut out the whole "You lightspeed skipped?" scene, lightspeed skipping does not exist in this cut. Cut "Somehow Palpatine returned" scene down to something that follows the new plot I wanted to create. "It was Snoke" dialogue was taken from TFA and put into this scene. Because the lightspeed skip doesn't exist in this cut, the "Got everything fixed?" dialogue has been cut. Poe said it to both Chewie and Rey in the original, but it is now removed. "I'll start where his trail went cold" dialogue is cut. We learn later in the film that Luke went with Lando to Pasaana, we do not need to be told the same thing 2 TIMES. Removed "Alone with friends" Funny joke, but removed the tension of the situation. Rey staring off into the distance while Poe questions what she's doing is removed. Cut Leia's line to never be afraid of who you are, because she isn't of the Sith bloodline in this cut. She's her daughter! Also removed Rey's tear as that was clearly an out of character moment of Daisy Ridley mourning Carrie Fisher. Rey should be totally content with Leia's hug in-universe. Rey responding to Chewie's growl is removed. We do not know what he said, so we don't know what she's even responding to. New scenes have been put in for Kylo's Force Visions. The discussion with the First Order has been condensed to fit the new story I've created in this cut. Cut "Never seen so few Wayfinders" Finn has never seen a Wayfinder in his life. Cut "She'd be honored to know your family name too" Everyone now knows she's a Solo daughter. Condense the Dyad scene to fit the new story. Cut the scene with the First Order scanning the necklace. Cut the stormtrooper's dialogue that he "found the fugitives" The First Order shouldn't have yet known that the Resistance was on Pasaana. Cut "We know who he is, 3PO" Remove the ENTIRETY of the cave scenes and Sinking Fields. They just get to Ochi's ship. Kylo Ren's ship does not explode. Rey doesn't Force pull the transport, so the First Order just takes Chewie away, and they go to rescue him. For that reason, I moved the "meeting D-O" scene to right before they rescue Chewie. Condense Mind trick scene. Cut "and his belongings". In this cut, the dagger doesn't exist. Chewie has no belongings. Poe doesn't get shot, and Hux isn't a spy. Rey has PTSD when she's in her brother's quarters. Replaced the "That's not a language!" joke with the joke that a protocol droid is a Resistance spy, confusing the stormtrooper. Removed "My first laser battle" 3PO never lost his memory. Rearranged the scenes and dialogue so that Rey is not a Palpatine, and they instead talk about defeating Snoke together. The dagger does not exist, so it does not reveal the way to the Wayfinder, Rey uses the Force to find it. The horse and 3PO jokes are cut. Some swearing is cut since they swear way too much. There's only ever been 1 damn and 1 hell swear in the entirety of a Star Wars movie. Condensed "Exploring the second Death Star" Condensed the duel with Rey and Kylo Ren. Because the cave scene no longer exists, neither does Force Healing, so Kylo Ren does not get stabbed. Rey stops herself when she realizes that their mother is dead. Condensed the "Han Solo memory with Kylo's Ren inner turmoil" scene. Used VFX to make it nighttime on Ajan Kloss and Atch-To. Recolored Leia's saber to be purple. To respect Carrie Fisher's vision for her character as a Jedi. Condensed Poe's speech to the Resistance. Used scenes from TLJ and with VFX, modified them so that Snoke is on Exegol. Condensed the duel with the Knights of Ren. Lando's flying days are long gone, so he does not show up in the final confrontation. But Chewie does! Zorri doesn't exist in this cut, because I've removed Kijimi. Added "Plagueis" in the background as the chant the Sith loyalists say, because in this canon, Plagueis faked his death. Which he implies by saying he couldn't be betrayed or beaten before. Meaning Palpatine failed to kill his Master. Ben did not survive the fall when he was thrown into the depths of Exegol, and since the Force energy subplot has been removed, all that happens is Snoke pushes Rey down onto the ground, and uses the Force to keep her down. She calls upon the ghosts of the Jedi to give her strength and help her in her final confrontation. And they do. Removed "I'm all the Sith" Changed "I'm all the Jedi" to "I'm a Jedi." Added "Victory Celebration" to the end of the film as the true culmination for the Skywalker Saga. Changed Rey's lightsaber color to pink, respecting Daisy Ridley's vision for her character as a Jedi. Add Ben Solo as a Force Ghost as the film ends.

Additional Notes:

All who contributed to this edit are mentioned in the credits of this cut.

Special Thanks:

Thank you so much to 21CPeasant for the permission to use his edit as a base for my own, he does incredible work, please go check out "Legends of the Solo Twins Duology" to see the work he did!

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