Blade: The Alternate Morbius Cut

Updated: 2nd September 2024

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Blade: The Alternate Morbius Cut

Faneditor: TheFaneditNetwork  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 2nd September 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:47m:55s
Time Cut: 0h:12m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:10s
Genre: ActionFantasy
Original Title: Blade (1998)   
Original Release Date: 19th August 1998
Original Runtime: 2h:0m:16s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Dolby Surround
Language: English
Subtitles: No


A half-mortal, half-immortal is out to avenge his mother's death and rid the world of vampires. The modern-day technologically advanced vampires he is going after are in search of his special blood type needed to summon an evil god who plays a key role in their plan to execute the human race.


To have Blade shortened slightly for pacing issues and give viewers a different perception of the film.

Change List:

TFN Intro New opening credits (with added thunder rumbling sound effects) Added Marvel intro Inserted original Blade logo Removed Blade's mother giving birth to Blade Rave scene shortened Trimmed Blade's first battle with Quinn having Blade escape quicker Trimmed scene with Karen Jenson and her co-worker in the lab, removing unnecessary chatter about their relationship Trimmed the scene of Karen Jenson and her co-worker examining Quinn's charred remains, removing more useless chatter about their relationship Removed Blade's early flashbacks of his mother when looking at Karen Jenson laying on the floor in hospital Very slightly trimmed Blade picking up Karen Janson to move her out Trimmed out Blade quickly scanning room before throwing Karen out the window Trimmed roof top scene and removed gun fight between Blade and the cops Removed car ride heading to Blade's hideout Shortened Blade driving through to meet Whistler Removed Whistler saying " I give her fifty-fifty if she makes it through the night" Cut directly to Frost in the board room, removing the men discussing how many were killed and requesting Frost to join Removed Karen Jenson waking up in Blade's hideout, looking at a Blade's mother's license permit and walking up to Blade's weapon arsenal Goes directly to Karen Jenson removing sheet from Blade's blade Removed Whistler saying "Better that then the alternative"Removed Karen Jenson stating. "But it's daytime" Removed Karen Jenon entering her apartment, cutting directly to her packing Inserted deleted Blade 2 scene when he was younger meeting Whistler during the conversation between Karen Jenson and Whistler Moved and Inserted earlier birth scene of Blade during conversation between Karen Jenson and Whistler Removed scene of Blade preparing the EDTA darts Alternate unused ending New music over end credits TFN Outro

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