Star Wars: New World Order

Updated: 11th September 2024

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Star Wars: New World Order

Faneditor: LordAlvarezEdits  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 11th September 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 4h:7m:0s
Time Cut: 3h:3m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens     Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi     Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker   
Original Release Date: 20th December 2019
Original Runtime: 7h:10m:0s

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: 5.1. Channels
Language: English
Subtitles: No


With the help of past sages... Leia, Luke & Han... a new generation of heroes... Rey, Finn & Poe... will need to lead the Resistance against new villains, Kylo Ren and The First Order.


An edit combining all three films in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy into one epic film.

Change List:

- New opening crawl. - Some of the more comedic moments are cut ("I talk first, you talk first" Poe line). - Kylo noticing Finn is not shooting on Jakku is cut. - Kylo taking Poe back to the ship and Phasma confronting Poe is cut. - The Rey intro scenes are cut a bit to shorten and tighten her introduction. - The Poe interrogation is shortened. - Rey going to sell things and the buyer wanting to buy BB-8 is cut. - Rey saying "I thought he was a myth" about Luke is cut. - Rey and Finn running to the other ship before going to the Falcon is cut. - Rey and Finn being chased in the Falcon is shortened. - The Falcon being hijacked and the squid monsters attacking is cut. - The Falcon landing at Maz's castle is shortened. Finn talking to Han is cut & Rey talking to Han is cut. - Kylo talking to the Vader helmet is cut. - The First Order speech and destruction of the planet is cut. - Finn not knowing what a lightsaber is is cut. - The stormtrooper dropping his gun to have a sword fight with Finn is cut. Now it is like he never had a gun. - Leia & company talking about the map is cut. - BB-8 trying to talk to R2 is cut. - The space battle is shortened. - Leia feeling Han die is cut. - The Lightsaber duel no longer has interruptions. - Rey climbing towards Luke is shortened. - Rey meeting Luke at the end of Ep7 and the beginning of Ep8 is combined seamlessly - A slight color grade is done on all scenes from Ep8 (Ep7 and Ep9 have a much bluer tint while Ep8 has more of a red tint. I adjusted the Ep8 scenes color to better fit in with the other two films). - Ep 8 is almost fully centered on Rey, Luke & Kylo. All scenes with the Resistance are cut until they reach the salt planet. Most of this part of the film is Rey's point of view. We know / learn what she does when she learns it. - Hux telling Snoke that they have the resistance on the edge of a string is cut. - Rey following Luke and him milking the animals is cut. - Some of the more comedic moments are cut ("The force, I feel it" Rey line with Luke and the branch) - Rey in the dark side of the force cave scene is mostly cut / much shortened. - Rey and Kylo in the elevator on the way to Snoke is cut. - Rey is shown by Snoke that the Resistance is being killed in space. That is the first time we see them. - Finn and Rose landing on the salt planet is obviously cut. It is assumed they are on the resistance the whole time. No random mission. - Some of the Porg jokey scenes are cut. - Finn trying to run into the laser and Rose stopping him is cut. They simply turn back when Poe tells them to. - The movie ends when Rey closes the ship doors while staring at Kylo as he holds Luke's dice trinket. - We then cut to Kylo killing people on the red planet from Ep9. - New one year later graphic added. - The Finn, Poe & Chewy mission is cut. - Some lines are edited to make the dialogue less stupid (Such as the "somehow" in the Palpatine Returned line or the "They fly now" line about the flying stormtroopers later in the film. - Rose and Finn saying goodbye to each other is cut. - Rey saying goodbye to Leia is cut. - Kylo talking to the other First Order leaders is cut. - The festival scene is shortened. - Leia being informed about the raid at the festival is cut. - C-3po saying he can't read the knife is cut. - Kylo showing up on planet, Chewy being taken, Rey using lightning, Everything on the First Order ship, & Everything on the planet where they needed to wipe C-3po's memory is cut. We simply cut from Chewy putting the knife in the his backpack to the ship flying and landing on the planet with the crashed Death Star. - Any lines about C-3po not remembering things is cut (because his memory was never wiped). - Rey boating to the Death Star and Finn yelling at her to stop is cut. It simply cuts from Poe being informed that Rey is gone to Rey climbing through the Death Star. - D-O is cut from the film so Finn and Poe talking about using it to find Exegol is cut. - The Resistance preparing to leave for Exegol is shortened. - Keri Russell's character is never shown earlier in the movie so her cameo at the final battle is also cut. - Rey and Kylo kissing is cut. It is now just shown that he uses whatever strength he had left to heal her and then he dies. - The Resistance celebration is shortened to cut out D-O, Keri Russell's character, Lando with the weird line to the girl about finding her family, and the fan service of Chewy getting a medal. - The film ends with Rey, Finn & Poe hugging (The final scene where Rey goes and buries the sabers and calls herself a Skywalker is cut).

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