Blade III

Updated: 4th October 2024

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Blade III

Faneditor: TheFaneditNetwork  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 3rd October 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:1m:29s
Time Cut: 1h:1m:52s
Time Added: 0h:0m:10s
Genre: ActionHorrorThriller
Original Title: Blade: Trinity (2004)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2004
Original Runtime: 2h:2m:21s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Dolby Surround
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Vampire leader Danica Talos (Parker Posey) who is responsible for bad publicity towards Blade (Wesley Snipes), is determined to finally lead her bloodthirsty compatriots to victory. Now Blade must team up with a band of rogue vampire hunters (Ryan Reynolds, Jessica Biel) to save humanity.


To make Blade Trinity more enjoyable

Change List:

TFN Intro New Line Intro with Marvel logo Brand new title card Completely cut the opening scene in the Syrian desert Removed Dr Edgar Vance's beginning speech from Bentley Tittle's talk show, going directly to the conversation with Chief Martin Vreede Cut out the line "The only vampires I'm worried about are the ones passing the bar exam." Removed Vance's lines about psychiatric underpinnings and the vast conspiracy of vampires Cut out the beginning credits within the first battle scene Removed Blade's line "Stonebridge overpass" Removed Whistler's response "Got it! Heading eastbound, I'm just beneath you." Trimmed away Blade being filmed behind him Cut the woman using the camcorder Cut Blade running away after mistakenly shooting a mortal Cut the helicopters flying overhead and the cops pull up Cut Blade driving away from the incident Cut panning across the city at night Cut Blade pulling up to Whistler's hideout and walking in Removed the line "killing humans is messy, you better hope nobody ID'd you" Removed the line "This went really good" Removed the line "Yeah, you remember those?" Removed on screen text saying 'FBI Regional Headquarters' Cut out a few extra seconds in the FBI office. Cut Danica Talos walking down the stairs and the hallway both normal and in useless slow motion Removed the line "Do you think we have enough security?" Removed the line "We didn't capture him, he allowed us to take him in. Do you understand?" Removed the line "I'm going in" Cut Danica Talos getting scanned Removed the line "You shouldn't have woken me" Removed the line "We had to" Cut Whistler picking up a newspaper at the newsstand Cut the photographers in the window Cut the detectives in car watching Whistler go down the alley Cut the kids messing around and laughing at people Cut the kids oogling and teasing Abigail Whistler Cut the kids laughing and one of them putting on mask Cut Abigail Whistler walking away from escalator Cut Abigail sitting on bench and looking around Cut Whistler sitting and looking at his wedding ring Cut Blade meditating Cut Whistler hearing a noise and grabbing gun Cut Whistler walking towards Blade Removed the line "What is it?" Removed the line "What you worried about?" Cut Blade and Whistler looking around Cut a shot of the moon Cut the silent shot of the docks Cut police boat pulling up to dock Cut the guards beginning to barge in Cut Blade moronically screaming into the air and squatting Trimmed the scene of Blade being cornered by the police Cut the cityscape going from day to night (no sense since the scene beforehand takes place at night) Cut the shot of the sign for the police department Removed the line "Rise and shine sleepy head" Removed the line "And by "them" you mean vampires, right? Say, so how do you kill these bloodsuckers, tough guy? Maybe you can give us a few pointers. You can stake 'em, right? Removed the line "Well, what about sunlight? Removed the line "What about crosses, do those still work? What is it in today's day and age? Removed the line "I don't know Ray. I mean uh, what the vampire likes Jewish? Removed the line "Ha ha ha that's a good point" Removed the line "An what about Garlic? Does that work on Hindu vampires?" Removed the line "Or do you need like some saffron or some shit?" Cut Edgar Vance sitting down in chair and the glimpse of the detective in the one way mirror Removed the line "I think somebody here wants to talk about vampires" Cut Vance covering his face like a vampire whispering "Vampires" Removed the line "For everyone else it's kind of silly" Removed the line "I used to have wax teeth when I was seven years old. It was fun. You can be somebody else" Removed the line "Tell me about blood. If you drink blood, you ever feel sexually aroused?" Removed the line "Just strikes me that uh, this business of vampirism is a very strong element of sexual confusion. Nuzzling into somebody's neck" Removed the line "A nocturnal visit that promises a delicious physical intimacy" Removed the line "A very sweet taste of saliva mixed with skin" Removed the line "Sounds good to me" Removed the line "Where's it come from? That's what I wanna know" Cut the quarrel between Vance and the detectives about Blade being transferred to county psychiatric Cut Vance and the detective shaking hands Cut Blade being intoxicated and hearing Whistler's voice Cut Danica Talos and crew coming out of elevator, at the sign in desk and walking uselessly slowly down the hall Cut Hannibal King's name tag saying 'Hello, my name is Fuck You' Cut Jarko Grimwood hissing at Hannibal King Removed the line "Evening ladies" Removed the line "Where the fuck is he going? This is supposed to be a rescue" Cut Abigail and Hannibal turning around and running down the stairs Removed the line "Okay. We're fucked" Removed the line "We're fine" Removed the line "Whooo" Removed the line "We got 'em. We'll be there soon" Cut pulling up to the Honeycomb Hideout Removed Blade and Abigail's conversation about the history of Whistler's family and her wanting 'to be in' Removed the line "How do you bankroll this operation?" Removed the line "I date a lot of older men" Removed the line "Come on Blade, I'm joking" Removed the line "Sounds like rejects from a Saturday morning cartoon" Removed the line "We were gonna go with the Care Bears but uh, that was taken" Cut Blade's entire rant about the Nightstalkers Cut Blade sarcastically choking himself Removed the line "I'm impressed" Removed the line "Rookies" Cut entire conversation with Danica Talos and the gang about their failure and Drake offering to join them Cut Hannibal putting together a weapon and talking about the kind of girl he hooks up with Removed the line "But this Betty" Removed the line "And that's basically turning a frown upside down Removed line "And like typical vampires, her fangs are located in her vagina" Removed the line "Moving on" Removed the line "We need to pull our resources Blade" Removed the line "We?" Removed the line "Yes we" Moved around Hannibal looking at both Blade and Abigail Removed the line "Take a look at this" Cut Hannibal showing Blade the Tomb of Dracula comic Cut Blade tossing comic book Removed the line "You gotta be kidding me" Removed the line "So the movies are true" Removed the line "The movies are just a comforting fairy tale compared to the real deal" Removed the line "Bram Stoker, he wrote a good yarn. But the events he described back in 1897, God that was just a tiny piece of the mosaic. Cut Hannibal's entire speech on the history of Dracula and his origins Cut Drake's ridiculous slow motion walk down the streets Cut Drake's visit to the 'Dracula store' Cut the line "Why wake up Drake now?" Cut the line "That's exactly what we've been trying to figure out" Removed the line "All the vampires go bye bye" Removed the line "So, can we just go right ahead and sign you up for one of our secret nice decoder rings?" Removed the line "Hedges, super size me sweetheart" Removed the line "Because he wouldn't have a traditional skeletal structure. Something more like a snake. Some thousands of tiny bones" Removed the line "I have a question about that Hedges. Have you ever been laid?" Removed the line "Many times. With ladies" Removed Hannibal telling Blade about Abigail needing to listen to music Completely cut the ridiculous looking split screen fighting Cut the part of Blade asking the guy hanging who his handler is Removed the lines "You know, at some point you might wanna consider sitting down with somebody. Have a little share time, kick back, get in touch with your inner child. That sort of thing. Also, just a thought, but you might wanna consider blinking once in a while" Removed the line "I'm sorry, I had a lot of sugar today" Cut Blade. Hannibal and Abigail walking slowly down the street and into the Vance Institute Cut the chase between Blade and Drake Cut the whole baby saving scene which ends in the ridiculous "Coochie Coo" Removed the line "What did the one lesbian vampire say to the other? See you in 28 days." Cut Abigail's memory flashback with her father Cut Abigail sitting in shower washing the blood off Removed the line "Somehow I don't picture you teaching karate at the local Y" Cut the interaction between Danica and Drake about why she wears "that symbol" and his sins Removed the line "I found where the vampires are working" Removed the line "You want a party favor?" Removed the line "Lucky seven. Silver hollow points" Removed the line "Done" Cut the car pulling up to Biomedica Enterprises Cut Hedges and the others playing basketball Cut Sommerfield reading book to Zoe Removed the line "Guys?" Removed the line "Go on" Cut the sequence of Sommerfield encountering Drake and screaming. Zoe is now the only victim Cut entire sequence of Blade and Abigail searching hideout and finding Sommerfield dead Cut Hannibal's encounter with the vampire dog Removed the line "Precious isn't he?" Removed the line "Well that depends who you ask. Because clearly, this dog has a bigger dick than you" Removed the line "And when the f**k did you see my dick f**kface? Removed the line "I was talking to her" Removed the line "Give me that chair" Removed the line "And how about everyone in here stop saying the word dick anymore. It provokes my envy" Removed the line "I can tell you two things" Removed the dialogue word "One" Removed the line "Two, I had a lot of garlic. And I just farted...silent but deadly" Removed the line "It's a new flavored crystal formula. Twice the chocolatey goodness half the calories plus it helps prevent tooth decay. There, I said it" Cut Abigail's speech about a knife of sadness Cut Abigail practicing shooting her bow and arrow Removed the line "He's one of ours" Removed the line "My name is Caulder. I'll be your driver this evening" Removed the line "If you're watching this I'm already dead" Removed the line "Zoe's alive. I want you to promise me you'll take care of her okay? I've been reading her the Alice books every night. We just started reading The Emerald City of Oz. You know, the one with the gnome king." Removed the line "Either way. you must be sure the shot counts" Removed the line "We simply don't have enough for a second shot" Removed the line "Do you know who I am?" Removed the line "You're the gnome king" Removed the line "Ahhhh the gnome king. How sweet" Cut Blade and Abigail suiting up and their bike ride Removed the line "Go f**k your sister" Cut Jarko Grimwood spitting out fire Removed the portion of the line "Which means..." Removed the line "Do you have a cellphone?" Cut Danica Talos escaping up the stairs Cut Abigail's Matrix 'come hither' hand motion Cut Hannibal running up the stairs Cut Hannibal's encounter with the dogs Removed the line "Mother fu**er. I like that" Cut Hannibal's battle with Jarko Grimwood Removed the line "I don't need to survive. The future of our race rests with you" Removed the line "Allow me a parting gift Cut the FBI raiding and searching the building All new ending End credits shortened Removed the text 'Blade Trinity' and 'Word' from the end of the credits New music over the end credits Added an 'In Memory of Kris Kristofferson' card New Line Outro TFN Outro

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