Harry Potter and the Hunt for Horcruxes

Updated: 6th October 2024

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Harry Potter and the Hunt for Horcruxes

Faneditor: tremault  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 29th September 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:46m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:46m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Harry Potter
Genre: AdventureDramaFantasy
Original Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)   Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2011
Original Runtime: 4h:36m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: English


Deathly hallows part 1 and 2 combined into one film, and made to feel more colourful, upbeat, positive and more in line with the earlier films. Harry, Ron and Hermione go on a quest to find and destroy the horcruxes and defeat the dark lord. There are setbacks along the way, but we no longer have to endure torture, suffering and scenes of depression. We all know the situation is bad, we don't need it to be rubbed in. These heroes are fighting to save their world, we need to believe their world is worth saving. We need to feel hopeful.


The mirror shard subplot is being removed, It doesn't really aid the main story. The whole doubting Dumbledore thing is being minimised, it doesn't serve anything. The heroes using unforgivable curses is removed. Grindelwald, godric's hollow, harry's wand breaking, not really necessary and being removed. The camping is being heavily reduced, and will stay in one place because it was so long and drawn out. The golden snitch was only really there to give harry one last look at his parents and sirius, but his focus should now be on his new family rather than dwelling on what he has lost, so these elements are removed. Dobby's death is way too overblown so it's reduced heavily. Mcgonnagal is rather bigoted towards Slytherin students, as we all know, they are not all evil, so that part is removed. The exploding bridge is unneeded so is removed, along with the extended battle scenes. These are not entirely relevant to the primary story and are just fanservice really.

Change List:

Entire movie/s is colour graded to remove blue tint and add colour and richness. removed Rufus Scrimgeour giving his warnings. removed Hermione obliviating her parents and leaving home. removed the Dursleys leaving Privet Drive. removed Ron standing outside the Burrow. "Prologue- Book II" is the new title music. cut the end of the Malfoy Mansion scene, removing the lady's dead body and 'Nagini dinnertime'. removed Harry at Privet Drive. removed multi-Harry travel sequence. removed arrival at the Burrow. removed Harry's 'midnight escape', but retained him waking up, as a reaction to Voldemort killing Charity Burbage. "A Change of Season" plays through the preparations for the Weasley wedding. "Fawkes is Reborn" plays during the reading of Dumbledore's will Cut shot of Harry catching the snitch during the wedding. cut references to Bathilda Bagshot from the wedding party and Dumbledore slander. removed cafe scene. removed entrance corridor of Grimmauld Place. shortened Harry's exploration of Sirius' room. cut Hermione's remarks about the snitch, and expecting it to open. The mischievous part of "The Norwegian Ridgeback" plays as they discover and question Kreacher. removed Hogwarts Express scene. removed Ministry leaflet scene. removed Diagon Alley scene. removed entrance to Ministry of Magic. cut travel through Ministry and investigating Umbridge's office. cut Dementors attack, they only chase and there is no dementors kiss and no patronas. cut down escape from Ministry, removing Head of Law Enforcement CGI scene. cut Harry struggling to find the Dittany. We don't need to hear Ron suffer so much. Added deleted scene of the three discussing the Horcruxes and their progress. "A Window to the Past" plays through a couple of camping scenes. cut shots of Harry looking into the mirror shard. cut Harry turning radio off and watching the marauders map. and shortened Hermione walking through woods. shortened Snatcher scene, removing references to travelling. removed cross country travelling. removed top of the cliff sections. removed weird dancing scene. removed golden snitch "I open at the close". remove Godric's Hollow scene. repurposed portions of snowy forest scene to not reference travel or Godric's Hollow of Harry's wand, but give time buffer for Ron's long absence to be felt. cut 'Ron's fears' from the Horcrux destruction scene. "Leaving Hogwarts" plays as Ron returns to the camp and they are all reunited. cut Hermione hitting Ron and demanding her wand off Harry. cut Ron giving Harry a replacement wand. cut Harmione's mention of Godric's Hollow in the tent and added flashback to Harry's dream of Gregorovich's shop. cut Hermione asking where Luna is, since we don't know what date it is, so no reason to assume she isn't in Hogwarts. cut Hermione's mention of gravestone in Godric's Hollow and a few shots afterwards to ease transition. shortened Snatcher chase scene considerably. "Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers" plays as they try to run from the snatchers. shortened the approach to Malfoy Manor. various trims to inside Malfoy Manor, keeping focus on main characters. bits of "Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle" play through the captured at Malfoy manor scene. removed all shots that have Hermione being tortured or maimed or screaming, cutting right to Peter Pettigrew coming to take Griphook. cut shots that include harry retrieving the Golden Snitch. cut shot of 'mudblood' carved into Hermione's arm. shortened shots of knife being thrown at Dobby. cut all of the beach sequence from just before the point Harry says "Help me". removed Dobby's burial. removed Voldemort obtaining the elder wand. end of part 1 removed Snape overlooking Hogwarts scene. removed Dobby headstone sequence. cut Olivander's explanation of the Deathly Hallows, as we already heard it. inserted deleted scene, preparing for Gringotts mission and Bill's warning about Griphook. "Polyjuice Potion" plays as they prepare their polyjuice potion for Hermione. Inserted deleted scene of Luna saying bye to Harry at Dobby's gravestone and Ron showing off his disguise. rearranged Gringotts entrance scene to remove use of Imperio curse. "Diagon Alley - The Gringotts Vault" plays as they start to infiltrate Gringotts. shortened 'minecart' sequence. cut Bogrod acting surprised as curse s lifted. shortened Gemino curse sequence. cut Bogrod getting flamed. cut the whole climbing onto the dragon and climbing up the cave walls bit. Hermine say "I've got an idea but it's mad" and cut to Gringotts entrance hall. cut the extended running from Deatheaters in Hogsmeade. edited Aberforth scenes for brevity and to reduce focus on the mirror shard and the Prof. Dumbledore slander. cut the Neville tunnel sequence in half, reducing references to how much the students are suffering. cut Snape's extended diatribe about how bad they will be punished for helping Harry. cut Voldemort sending angry whispers into Hogwarts' great hall, and girls screaming randomly. cut the students shouting about grabbing Harry. cut Mcgonnagal branding all Slythering students as evil and sending them to the dungeon. cut Mcgonnagal telling Neville to blow up the bridge. cut Harry calling Helena 'the Grey Lady' as it sets up unnecessary conflict. cut Helena saying she can't help him. shortened the Deatheathers beginning their volley. cut Helena's dramatic ranting about the diadem. It's all so contrived. cut Helena's pointlessly cryptic "if you ask you'll never know" crap. Harry tells her he's going to destroy it, she tells him where it is, simple. removed scenes of Order members waiting around and talking. removed bridge Neville scene. "you and who's army" cut shots of Order members reacting to Voldemort smashing the shield. removed bridge explosion scene. shortened Deatheaters attack scene. shortened Room of Requirement scene considerably with various cuts of sustained shots. cut Lucius Malfoy in boathouse. Harry just sees clips of boathouse and says "I know where he is". cut extended battlescenes and running about to get to boathouse, it's just implied with a cut to the stairs leading to boathouse. "Secrets of the Castle" plays as Harry enters the headmasters office to use the pensieve. shortened Snapes memories by removing some mostly unnecessary flashbacks to previous movies. cut Harry walking through castle courtyard alone. removed golden snitch, dead family ghost scene. Now we go right from Harry with Ron and Hermione, to Voldemort in the Forbidden Woods. The Forbidden Woods is virtually black and white to give it a stark contrast to everything else. Audio din is removed. The moments leading up to Avada Kedavra are silent. The green hue of the spell colours the entirety of the shot as it is cast. "Secrets of the Castle" and "The Arrival of Baby Harry" and "Leaving Hogwarts" plays in Harry's after death experience. cut wands 'connecting' as Nagini approaches Harry from behind, before ceiling collapses. removed sequence where Voldemort turns his cloak into tentacles, removed sequence where Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix lestrange in cold blood and sneers about it. cut flying sequences with CGI Voldemort and Harry faces going melty.

Other Sources:

Prologue- Book II and The Escape from The Dursleys The Norwegian Ridgeback - A Change of Season A Window to the Past Leaving Hogwarts Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle Polyjuice Potion Diagon Alley - The Gringotts Vault Secrets of the Castle The Arrival of Baby Harry Leaving Hogwarts

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