Scream 3 [raymix]

Updated: 14th October 2024

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Scream 3 [raymix]

Faneditor: Ray Danger  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 10th October 2024
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:45m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:13m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: Scream
Genre: HorrorMysteryThriller
Original Title: Scream 3 (2000)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2000
Original Runtime: 1h:56m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Source: Blu-Ray
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


I've made extensive alterations in order to create my ideal version. Extensive changes have been made to strengthen continuity, remove filler & improve pacing.


My intention was to create a tighter version, employing extensive alterations.

Change List:

-added the logo. -added my fanedit production logo. -re-scored the Dimension Films logo with the track Logo. (S1) -added a "A Wes Craven Film" credit. -added rumble to the Wes Craven credit. -the track Here We Go Again fades-in during the Wes Craven credit. COTTON RACES HOME- -cut Ghostface saying Christine "has a pretty little voice." -cut Cotton rear-ending someone as he starts to drive home. -slow zoom toward the cut phone line as soon as Christine leaves frame. -added rumble as we approach the cut phone line. -the 9-1-1 message begins over the shot of the cut phone line. -cut the shot of the dinosaur at the Ripley's building. -removed the Creed song playing on the stereo. --replaced it with Psycho Killer by Talking Heads. --adjusted the EQ, reverb, volume & stereo-panning moment-by-moment. -re-timed Christine's gasp to better match her head movement. -cut one of Christine's calls for "Cotton?" -shortened a shot so the cut to the hallway matches rhythm with the music. -added footstep sounds as Christine walks down the hallway. -added a 'click' sound when Christine turns off the music. -cut Christine saying "You know I don't like your Stab games." -cut a shot of Christine walking through a doorway. -cut Cotton running up two flights of stairs. -shortened a shot of Cotton walking to a doorway. -added rumble as Christine is stabbed. -the score is mixed with the track So Real by Static-X as Cotton is stabbed. TITLE CARD- -added the slash effect from SCREAM 2. -added a slash sound. -new title card. -added the cue Billy Sting as the title lands. (S1) -added blade sounds as the title glows. -added the cue Sid's House as the 3 lands. (S1) -the main riff from So Real by Static-X begins as the 3 lands. -re-timed the original sound effects to match the new title. SIDNEY AT HOME- -fade-in on a shot of the countryside. -new outside sounds: birds, wind. -shortened the shot of the countryside. -the track So Real fades-out as Sid locks the gate. -re-scored the scene with a new remix of the track Home on the Range. -extended the shot of the Women's Crisis manual. -added a slight zoom-in on the Women's Crisis manual. -shortened a shot of Sidney adjusting her headset. GALE'S SPEECH- -the new version of Home on the Range concludes. SID GETS THE NEWS- -a new remixed cue from Gale Meets Kincaid bridges into the next scene. ON THE STAB SET- -the remixed cue from Gale Meets Kincaid concludes. -cut Tyson talking about rappers doing Shakespeare in the Park. -added an agreeing chuckle from Tom, from a scene cut later. DEWEY & GALE- -cut Tom stopping & talking to Gale. -cut Gale saying "Could I be more popular?" -re-timed John Milton's "No Press!" -added a new remixed cue from Gale Kicked Off Set to end the scene. -cut the Jay & Silent Bob cameo. SID TALKS WITH HER DAD- -new remix of Gale Kicked Off Set concludes. -altered the color & gamma of the establishing shot making it look more natural. --added glow to the windows & home interior seen through the windows. -cut Sid saying "If she hadn't..." a 2nd time. -extended the shot of Neil after Sid walks away. DREAMING OF MOM- -cut this entire scene. SARAH AT THE STAB OFFICES- -removed the track So Real by Static-X coming from Sarah's stereo. --replaced it with Living Dead Girl (Subliminal Mix) by Rob Zombie. --adjusted the EQ, reverb & stereo-panning as the car drives by. -cut Sarah hearing sounds & investigating after she gets out of her car. -cut Sarah going up the stairs. SARAH GETS THE CALL- -cut some of Sarah complaining about her role. -new sounds when the head falls off the MV award as Sarah tries to fix it. DEWEY & GALE TEAM-UP- -cut Steven stopping Dewey & belittling him. DEWEY, GALE & THE COPS- -quicker cadence on "Mrs. Weather's is working with me."/"Thank you, detective." -cut detective Wallace saying "I'll go dust for finger prints with Jane Pauley." WRAP PARTY- -cut Tom & Angelina's argument. STEVEN IN DEWEY'S TRAILER- -cut Steven saying he doesn't work for Dewey. -cut Steven grabbing some change off the counter. -new sound effects when Steven opens the drawer & pulls the picture out. FAX MACHINE TENSION- -tighter cut when Tom goes into the next room to get a lighter. -extended the shot of the script page. -cut a shot of Gale, Dewey & Jennifer before the house explodes. -Tom is interrupted by the explosion before he can finish reading the line. -shortened a shot of Gale, Jennifer & Dewey as the house explodes. -shortened a shot as the house explodes. POST-EXPLOSION RE-GROUP- -cut Angelina crying "He was still in the house!" DEWEY, GALE & KINCAID- -cut Kincaid reasoning that since Sid was wrong once, she is again. -extended a shot of Dewey. -altered dialog so Kincaid says "Yeah, but maybe there is a 3rd killer." -cut a shot of Kincaid. -some of Kincaid's dialog is heard over a shot of Dewey, cut earlier. -shortened the shot of Kincaid turning around & stepping towards Dewey. -cut Gale's "let's compare gun calibers later" as she breaks-up the argument. SIDNEY, DEWEY, GALE & KINCAID- -cut Dewey not understanding what Gale means about having Sid's number saved. RANDY'S MESSAGE- -re-scored the scene with a new remixed version of the track Randy Speaks. -cut Dewey talking to the TV & Randy responding. -cut the details about the night Randy lost his virginity. -some of Randy's dialog is heard over a shot of Gale & Dewey. -cut Randy saying that it might be just another sequel. -cut the echo when Randy says "...a trilogy." RANDY'S RULES- -cut the 1st rule about having to freeze the bad guy's head. -made the 2nd rule the new 1st rule. -made the 3rd rule the new 2nd. -cut "Rule #3." -cut Randy's "...Not if you're watching this tape." JENNIFER & GALE- -cut "I'm being Gale Weathers"/"I AM Gale Weathers." MEETING BIANCA- -cut & re-timed some back n' forth dialog for a quicker cadence. -cut "50$? Who are you a reporter for, Woodsboro High?" -tighter cut to the the trio going through the archives. SIDNEY MEETS ANGELINA- -shortened several shots, making Angelina seem even more nervous/guilty. -bits of Angelina's dialog are heard over shots of Sid. -added a cue from the track Sid's House as Sid spots the mask. (S1) -cut Angelina saying she wanted to make Sid proud. SIDNEY ON SET- -re-scored with an unused version of Sid's Theme & the OST version of Home Sweet Home. -new footsteps & shuffling sounds with studio ambiance. SID'S ROOM REMADE- -cut Sid sitting on the bed & reminiscing. -replaced the Creed poster with an Indigo Girls poster, like Sid really had. -added a slight zoom towards Sid's door. -cut Sid investigating & blocking her bedroom door. -added a cue from the track Sid's House as Sid steps through the false door. (S1) -added rumble when Ghostface lands on the bed. MAUREEN'S CRIME SCENE REMADE- -re-scored with a new remixed version of Mother's Room. -cut Sid hearing the ghostly voice of her mother. -altered some of Sid's crying sounds. -added the cue Billy Sting as Ghostface approaches under the sheet. (S1) -cut someone yelling "Sidney!" as Sid climbs through the window. DEWEY TO THE RESCUE- -shortened a shot of Sid on the ground. -shortened the shot before the studio lights come on. -altered sound effects to remove an unknown female groan. -cut Sid saying that she heard & saw her mother. -re-timed detective Wallace's "Upstairs. C'mon, let's go." SID EXPLAINS TO THE POLICE- -cut Sid calling the set "Woodsboro" & Kincaid's correction that it's only a set. -altered some of Sid's dialog to read differently. GALE & JENNIFER HAVE NEWS FOR DEWEY- -cut Jennifer's "We got it." before "Archives." AT MILTON'S OFFICE- -added rumble as we cut to John Milton. -cut Roman saying he doesn't know what a pariah is. -extended a shot of Roman pointing at John. -cut Roman stuttering on the word "Why". -added a cue from the track Sid's House to end the scene. (S1) SID & KINCAID- -the cue from Sid's House echos & fades. (S1) -shortened a shot of Kincaid. -re-timed Kincaid's " the 3rd one, all bets are off." -Kincaid's "all bets are off" is heard over a shot of Sid. -cut the "Can't shoot ghosts" / "Can't arrest ghosts" exchange. -cut Sid's "What's your favorite scary movie" & Kincaid's "My life." -new door sound effect as Kincaid leaves. AT ROMAN'S BIRTHDAY PARTY- -cut Tysons shish kebab comment. -cut a shot of Dewey & Gale. -extended the shot of Tyson before Jennifer offers to go with Roman. SEARCHING FOR THE SCREENING ROOM- -cut Roman saying "If you were a screening room, where would you be?" WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO?- -shortened a shot of Gale as she finds Roman's body. -reversed a shot of Gale. -cut Gale checking Roman's pulse. -cut Jennifer's cry for "Dewey" as she & Gale run upstairs. -added a cue from The Killer's Phone to transition from the basement to upstairs. -cut Angelina saying she fucked Milton for the role before she runs away. AN ACCOMPLICE CONFIRMED- -added "Sorry, I won't be needing you anymore" as Ghostface drags Angelina away. GHOSTFACE ATTACKS! -added rumble when Dewey gets punched. -shortened a shot of Dewey grabbing Ghostface's shoulder. -Jennifer's yelling & banging isn't as audible on Dewey's side of the mirror. -shortened a shot of Gale after she tumbles down the stairs. -shortened the shot of Tyson's body when Dewey finds him. -cut Ghostface waking up & instantly passing out on the stairs again. -re-timed "How do I know it's you?"/"Dewey open the fucking door!" -cut Dewey saying "Isn't that what the killer would say?" -shortened a shot of Dewey. -added a shot of Ghostface, unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. -added a sound when the knife handle hits Dewey in the head. SIDNEY AT THE POLICE STATION- -shortened the shot panning across the station. -cut the officers having a pizza party. -cut Sid's voice repeating over the phone. -added Ghosface's "Hello, Sidney" from SCREAM 2. -cut Sid looking out into the police station. -cut Ghostface telling Sid to go somewhere private. SIDNEY AT MILTON'S HOUSE- -cut a shot of Sid walking through the gate. -cut a shot of Sid pulling the tape off Gale's mouth. -shortened a shot to remove a wobbly knife blade. SIDNEY IN THE SCREENING ROOM- -added the sound of the projector. -cut Ghostface imitating Maureen Prescott. -shortened a shot of Sid looking at the footage of her mother. -shortened the shot of Ghostface entering the room under the coroners sheet. -shortened a shot of Sid seeing Ghostface. -cut a shot of Sid watching Ghostface approach. -cut a shot of Ghostface entering the room. DEWEY & GALE GET FREE- -removed the Christmas-y music when Dewey gets lose. -re-scored with Ghostface vs. Jennifer. -shortened a shot of Dewey untying Gale. -new sound effects as Dewey frees Gale. LIGHTS OUT- -cut a shot of Roman choking Sid before Dewey blows the fuse. KINCAID FINDS SIDNEY- -shortened the shot of Kincaid creeping through the door. -added rumble when Roman smashes Kincaid with a chair. SID MAKES A CALL- -rearranged several shots as Sid calls Roman. -cut Roman preparing to make a call when he gets Sid's call. ROMAN IS UP N' DOWN- -cut Dewey's "Randy said he could be super human" & Sid saying "He wasn't." -Dewey doesn't fire as many rounds before Sid reminds him to shoot him in the head. -cut a quick shot of Roman trying to charge toward the group. DEWEY & GALE- -cut Dewey saying "We don't know everything. Well, you think you do." -cut "You're a brave man" / "I'm really scared right now." END CREDITS- -new music: Never Gonna Stop, Three Scripts, Here We Go Again, Kicked Off Set & On Set. -added rumble as the title zooms in. -added the new title card. -added the cue Sid's House as the 2 lands. (S1) -added the slash effect from SCREAM 2. -added a slash sound. -added a new montage of Ghostface flash-frames. -added a new remix of Billy Sting to the Ghostface flash-frames. (S1) -slashed through the credits for Bob & Harvey Wienstein. --added sound effects for the slashes. -cut the title card in the middle of the credits. -cut the pictured cast credits. -cut the Dimension films logo in the middle of the credits. -cut the credits for songs I've removed from the film. -added credits for songs I've added to the film. POST-CREDITS- -added the slash effect from SCREAM 2. -added my production logo.

Additional Notes:

I tried to stay true to the original style set by Patrick Lussier. My editing is extensive, but I didn't want any obvious changes.

Other Sources:

-Scream 3 (Miramax 4K, 2023) Additional- -Scream 2 (Miramax 4K, 2022) -35mm Film Grain ( -Scream Score (Varèse Sarabande Records remaster, 2022) -Scream 3 Score (Varèse Sarabande Records remaster, 2022) -Scream 3 Soundtrack (Wind-Up Records, 2000) -Psycho Killer by Talking Heads (from the 1977 album, Talking Heads:77) -Living Dead Girl (Remix) by Rob Zombie (from the 1999 single, Living Dead Girl) -Never Gonna Stop (The Red Red Kroovy) by Rob Zombie (from the 2001 album, Sinister Urge) -New Ghostface ADR (created using -Sound Effects (

Special Thanks:

-The Scribbling Man for the absolutely invaluable feedback.

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