Army of Darkness: The Fan Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Army of Darkness: The Fan Cut

Faneditor: Kult38  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:30m:0s
Time Cut: h:0m:0s
Time Added: 0h:9m:0s
Franchise: Evil Dead
Genre: ActionAdventureComedyHorror
Original Title: Army of Darkness (1992)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1992
Original Runtime: 1h:21m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


The movie with multiple versions just got another one.


I'm a huge fan of 'Army of Darkness' but was never happy with any particular version. I felt each one had their own pros and cons so decided to make my own edition, incorporating all the good things from each version to make one definitive cut.

Change List:

13:44 - the blood splattered wall has been added which was removed in a few versions. 24:02 - the Ash/Shelia love scene is added which was also removed in a few versions. 28:30 - the Demon chase in the woods is slightly switched. He jumps then falls, whereas in other versions he jumps then appears at the windmill. 29:40 - the slightly eerie 'coming of night' windmill scene. I always loved this scene which was removed in various versions. In true Evil Dead style, when night time comes, bad things happen. 30:59 - ok, now this is where it all starts… I used the full extended windmill scene from the Japanese cut so any alterations I mention are from that version. Unfortunately the theatrical cut is the only version to include the 'mini Ash's music' so I had to add it in separately. 31:21 - I removed the small part of ash looking quizzically at the mini ashes then removing the fork from his butt. Didn’t feel the scene needed it and it flowed better the original way. 31:38 - removed small part of Ash dialogue. then from the part where Ash trips on the broom, the music does not appear in any version that I have ever seen. However it does appear on the original soundtrack CD, so I just remixed it slightly. 31:47 - cut a small part where Ash reaches for the spatula, it always annoyed me that he held it in front of the camera for a few seconds before using it to pry his face from the stove. Also tried to mix the music to make it fit with the scene. 32:11 - removed the Ash slipping on the floor scene. I hated this part and thought it looked ridiculous. I felt the scene flows better from when he gets the bucket on his head to when he is tripped, also had to mix the music to make it fit with the scene. 32:19 - stopped the music then added sound effect to where Ash hit’s the pipe. 32:37 - added sound effect when Ash elbows the mini Ash into the fire. 32:42 - music restarted when Ash hears the floor creak. 32:54 - music stopped and sound effect added just before Ash hit’s the pipe. 32:59 - sound effect added when pipe explodes. 33:03 - music restarted when Ash glares at the mini Ash's. 33:41 - ‘horrible nightmare’ & ‘what a minute’ lines removed 34:00 - the mini Ash diving scene has been reshuffled to make it similar to the theatrical version and using the theatrical audio. For some reason all the editions have a slightly altered version of this scene but the theatrical works best, for the timing of Ash‘s gasp from when the mini Ash lands in his mouth. 37:22 - always preferred the line ‘I ain’t that good’ over ‘good, bad, I’m the guy with the gun’. I find it’s short and sweet and packs more of a punch. 54:24 - the Sheila shirt rip is added here. excluded from a few of the other versions. 60:08 - after ‘the deadites approach’ is called, there is a small scene with the soldiers are getting to their posts ready for battle and Ash scaling the castle. 60:43 - only available in the theatrical version. I’ve included the 'Chinese jet pilot' line. 60:55 - this is the European version of the battle. In a few versions, some of the deadites retreat after the first batch of gunpowder arrows are fired. 68:07 - this scene was included in the Japanese version. You see a few soldiers get hit with arrows and another fall from the castle wall, then Arthur appears. In the original version he calls to Ash to ask why Henry the red hasn’t come. Obviously the ‘Henry the red’ scene was cut from all versions, so this request would make no sense. However I really loved the little nod of respect that Arthur gives to Ash, so I had to edit the scene to remove the ‘Henry the red’ dialogue and reshuffle the audio. 69:14 - again, in the Japanese version there is a scene I removed where Ash is seen to be deserting his troops, which I didn’t really like. Especially after the show of respect show by Arthur in the scene previously. 69:23 - the death coaster scene is from the European cut. I was thinking of including the extended version but I felt it went on for too long. 70:56 - this is another extended scene from the Japanese version where they storm the walls. Although I cut it down to match the theatrical/European version, but included the ‘now, I will have that book’ line. 71:51 - the arrival of Henry the red. In some versions Henry and his soldiers appears right at the end of the battle and barely do a thing. I much prefer the timing in this version. Also I added the music from the theatrical cut. In the other versions there is alternate music for his arrival. 74:23 - after catapulting Sheila over the wall. The scene where evil Ash rips the cage off the wall is slightly different in various versions. In the theatrical, Ash catapults Sheila over the wall and has his back turned as evil Ash rips the cage off the wall, in the other versions he turns around after catapulting Sheila after hearing evil Ash ripping off the cage which I have included here. 74:48 - one of my favourite moments that is only in the theatrical cut. Ash’s reaction when his spear is cut in half. Love it. 74:59 - evil Ash line ‘prepare to die’ from the theatrical cut removed. I much prefer his distorted battle cry. 75:24 - small extra scene in the Japanese version where an unarmed Ash fireman carries a deadite onto the evil Ash and takes his sword. Which also explains the reason why in the other versions Ash appears to acquire a sword from thin air. 76:55 - a few extra seconds of evil Ash writhing around in flames, from the Japanese cut. 77:55 - there is a scene I cut out here from the Japanese version where evil Ash starts breathing fire, it is horrible and got the chop. 77:57 - between here and 78:02 I trimmed a few shots to tighten up the climax and help the continuity of the burning fuse. 78:28 - this is the point where Henry the red would come to help in the alternate versions. Definitely too late. 78:51 - the retreat scene that I mentioned in 60:55, fits in a lot better here. 80:35 - the alternate dialogue from the wise man regarding the 6 drops Ash must swallow. 81:44 - the start of the apocalyptic version. The original and my preferred ending.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Army of Darkness: Theatrical Cut. US Edition. Army of Darkness: European Cut. Australian Edition. Army of Darkness: Director's Cut. Hong Kong Edition. Army of Darkness Soundtrack by Joseph LoDuca.

Special Thanks:

Simon, Pam and Melv. James Rolfe at Everyone at 'Army of Darkness: The Fan Cut' Facebook fan page for all your likes, comments, and enthusiasm.

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