The Ring Two – Unlocking The Well

Updated: 27th April 2024

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The Ring Two – Unlocking The Well

Faneditor: CBB  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2009
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:47m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:38m:0s
Time Added: 0h:16m:0s
Genre: Horror
Original Title: Ring Two (2005)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2003
Original Runtime: 2h:9m:0s
Original Links:

Source: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


Those who wished for a better sequel to the US remake of THE RING can be hopeful. Some of the worst scenes are gone, a new beginning and ending were created to provide a lot more tension and fear. It comes full circle.


THE RING TWO UNLOCKING THE WELL is a fanedit about both the curse of Samara for others and about demonic posession in the life of Rachel and Aiden. To make it a much more scary movie and more true to the orinal US remake, a lot of over-the-top and unneeded scenes were removed. The short movie RINGS was included to the beginning and ending, to make it more part of the RING’s universe. Most of the atrocious “deer” scene was removed and the psychiatrist Dr Temple was completely removed, becuase her entire appearance and especially her death was annoying. This does not turn RING TWO into a masterpiece of horror movies, but hopefully into an entertaining sequel that can be enjoyed by fans.

Change List:

- added rings - cut rings intro - cut day7 beginning - cut Rings website - cut some of the ringmates discussion - recolored RING TWO for a more greenish taint - cut Ring 2 intro - cut couch buying, Rachel cooking, Aidan talking - cut Samara saying to Rachel “I found you” - cut the neighbors from the market - cut Aidan walking through the market - cut Aidan trying out the toilets - cut A bit of Rachel’s search for Aidan - cut Aidan approaches the 2nd water crane, fly scene - cut the deer scene, except for the final impact (to damage the car) - cut Rachel sitting in the hospital watching TV - cut Dr Temple entirely - cut the real estate salesman - cut the deer bones from the cellar - removed Aidan calling Rachel after she closed the well - cut ending - added Ring video - added Rings beginning to the end - added new end credits.

Additional Notes:

Fanedit history and making: THE RING TWO was a major disappointment. It was not bad enough to be unwatchable, but it could in no way keep up with the tension and suspense of the first remake. The director tried to hard to add symbols and fancy special effects scenes and forgot about an interesting plot. Also he broke the rules by including abilities to Samara that she did not have in the first part (like forcing peopel to commit suicide). The RINGS special feature: What was originally planned as the bridge to RING 2 ended up as an extra on the DVD. Interestingly it was the better movie and more what people actually wanted to see. I made my first fanedit of this movie, right when I got the DVD by simply removing the entire deer scene, as this was the most annoying part of the movie for me. But I had planned a true fanedit for a long time and finally I was in the mood to get to it, not because I expected it to be a great movie, but with the hope to create a bearable and entertaining sequel to THE RING, which I still love. I started with RINGS, edited it to make it less of a short movie and more part of a real movie and then got to RING TWO. Now the director seemed to think that people would really care a lot about Rachel and Aidan and what happened to them, but I for one did not at all and removed plenty of their scenes, as they were dragging. In my first cut I removed the entire deer scene, which later on turned out to be not a good idea, as the deers wrecked Rachel’s car and an explanation for this had to be included. The removal of Dr Temple, the psychiatrist, who wants to take Aiden away from his mother, was really a benefit to the movie as well as the removal of the real estate salesman, whose funny appearance did not at all work well for me. Aiden. David Dorfman is unfortunately not a great actor and got way too many important scenes in the sequel. I took out a lot of them (especially when he walks through the market and from there to the toilet) and again I think: this is good for the movie. In my first cut I left the ending unharmed, but when re watching it felt shallow and empty. A complete happy ending felt kind of undeserved, so I decided to create a new one, more open. Samara is such a mighty demon and while it may be possible to protect someone you love from her, you may not so easily get just away with it. And her demonic grudge of course never ends.

Special Thanks:

Raising Cain - Director’s Cut
Jurassic World Dominion
True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant
Star Wars: Old Ben Kenobi (The Tusken Edit)
The Matrix DeZIONized
The Hobbit: The Tolkien Edit
The New Mutants - The Definitive Thriller Cut
Barbie: Miss Andry Cut