Alien 3 – The Re-Assembly Cut

Updated: 27th April 2024

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Alien 3 – The Re-Assembly Cut

Faneditor: Xeno_Alpha_07  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st January 2010
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:0m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:25m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Alien
Genre: HorrorSci-FiThriller
Original Title: Alien 3 (1992)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 1992
Original Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 18
Sound Mix:


From the Theatrical and Assembly cuts of Alien 3 this version is a re-edit based on the workprint. It is meant as a sort of official workprint theatrical cut.


Taken both the Theatrical and Assembly cuts of Alien 3 and tried to make a re-edit based on the workprint. I also wanted to see how Alien 3 ‘might/could’ of looked if footage form the workprint were never cut from the final release of the film making a sort of official workprint theatrical cut. If you have seen the Alien 3 workprint you’ll know what i mean. A Lot of the cuts i had planned for this edit i could not make due to the movies musical score and other tidy bits, i don't yet have the proper skills to attempt certain edits. Most of the edits occur during the main 2nd half of the film, just like the workprint. Ive made 2 versions of this cut, but this is the one I'm uploading.

Change List:

- Kept the Opening scenes and EEV crash from the Theatrical Version. Didn't use any of the opening scenes from the Assembly cut. - Kept the scene with Murphy and Spike “Oh god there you are!” - Didn't include the extra Morgue scene where Clemens asked if Newt was Ripley’s daughter. Didn’t think it was needed, scene worked well as it was. [Plus the film score prevented me form doing so.] - Kept the Dog burster scenes. Even though it was good to see the Ox burster scenes i think it has the same impact horror wise as the Dog burster does. - Kept the Dining room scene where Dillion confronts Boggs and Rains about there ‘disharmony’ towards Golic. From this scene i also removed a section with Aaron and Andrews “As i thought Mr. Aaron”. Also left out the scene where Ripley asks Dillion what are they waiting for. - Kept the scene where Boggs, Rains and Golic are about to embark on a foraging mission “Golic, you light a candle for Murphy” this scene again builds Golics character. - Trimmed the scene with Clemens and Andrews “Listen to me you piece of shit.” I trimmed off little bits/dialogue here and there, edited the dialogue between Andrews and Clemens so its the same as the workprint. I wanted to trim a lot more from this scene but again the films musical score prevented me from doing so. Also removed as much of the Aaron 85 character from the unnecessary places. - Didn't include the scene with Golic smashing open a cigarette machine, wasn't needed or in the workprint. - Kept the scenes with Golic in the dining hall. This is where Eric discovers Golic sat at a table eating cereal cover in blood. Also the scene where Dillon, Aaron, Andrews and Clemens approach him with a straight jacket. - I've left out a lot of footage from the Infirmary scene and Clemens death. Kept in the extra line of dialogue from Golic. Also re added the shot of the Alien piercing Clemens skull, i removed the scene with Golic admiring the Alien due to blending problems with the next scene. - Kept the extra line of dialogue where Morse confronts Ripley. - Kept the theatrical version of preparing the trap for the Alien. I had planned to re arrange this sequence a little but again film score prevented me from doing so. - Kept all footage of the fire spreading and the prisoners being burnt with the Alien being trapped from the Assembly Cut. - Kept the trap aftermath scenes of Dillion's eulogy and Aaron and Ripley's discussion of the company, but trimmed it a little. Music score prevented me from making the changes i wanted for this segment. - Kept the scene with Golic's escape. - Kept and trimmed the scene where Ripley and Aaron send a message to the company. Ripley no longer tells Aaron that the creature is called a Xenomorph and Aaron no longer asked how to spell it. Even know this scene was in the workprint it has always annoyed me a little so this i trimmed for my own purpose. - Kept Golic Killing a prisoner and letting the Alien out. Couldn’t make the changes I originally wanted, film score again. - Kept the scene where Dillion and Ripley discuss how and why they have to kill the Alien with Morse giving them the bad news, trimmed bits here and there on this scene. - Kept in the scene with Dillion, Morse, Ripley and Aaron at the waste tank. Kept the dialogue where they talk about Golic letting the Alien out and changed one bit of dialogue so it fits with the next scene like in the Theatrical cut. - Left out the scene where Dillion talks to the other Prisoners about the Alien being lose and one of them suggests going to the furnace - Kept in the Assembly cut version of Dillion motivating the Prisoners for the Bait and Chase sequence. - Kept most of the Theatrical version of the bait and chase sequence, only adding the scene where Dillion asks Troy to help the others and some of the prisoners end up back where they started. - Only used segments of Bishop II and Ripley at the end, Bishop II trying to convince Ripley to go with him. - Kept the original Theatrical ending with the Queen Chest burster as i felt it was a better ending. I think that's all the cuts but i might of missed some.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope [Despecialized]
Crimson Maul's - The Last of Us Part 2
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi [Despecialized]
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter II [The Chronological Cut]
Coming Home in a Bodybag
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Chapter II
The Matrix DeZIONized
The Acolyte: Episode II - A Tale of Two Sides
Sisu Grindhouse Edit