Spider-Man 3: The Continuity Cut

Updated: 1st May 2024

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Spider-Man 3: The Continuity Cut

Faneditor: DonkeyKonga  
Fanedit Type: FanFix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st February 2023
Fanedit Runtime: 1h:54m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:34m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Spider-Man
Genre: ActionAdventureSci-FiSuperheroes
Original Title: Spider-Man 3 (2007)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2007
Original Runtime: 2h:19m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 12A
Source: Blu-Ray
Sound Mix:
Subtitles: No


So again as always people who are familiar with my edits know what's coming: A streamlines version of Spider-Man 3 that tries it's best to fit in with the previous two films. No Uncle Ben plot, Harry fakes his insomnia, Mary Jane isn't forced to break up are the biggest changes. It has only streamlined cuts that are seamless. Warning: If you absolutely hate everything about the original, odds are you won't like this. That said, this is easily my most intrusive edit yet, with huge parts of the story flipped around.


I made this edit to see if Spider-Man 3 could be saved (no offense if you like the original, that's cool). It is bloated, messy but it does have a lot of heart. So I went to the cutting room and I believe I have managed to make the movie far more managable and streamlined!

Change List:

I felt the movie had some continuity errors when watching them back to back with part one and two (uncle ben's new killer lol) so I set out to make a version that feels more in line with those movies. I tried to balance the movies camp, because even though some people hate him dancing I think the editor's cut putting it right after he almost kills Harry makes it work soooo well.

Additional Notes:

- Only seamless cuts. Show this to someone who hasn't seen the original and they won't be able to tell it isn't the original movie. - Removed the entire early Harry/Peter fight. I feel the original fight scene drags on and has very dated CGI. Although some shots were great. The story starts with Norman tormenting Harry psychologically after the singing scene to continue the story set at the end of part two. The pacing is the most important thing. There are also like 6 fight scenes already in this movie so cutting this loses absolutely nothing of importance, because in my cut Harry is made to be more cunning and attacks Peter's heart instead of facing him head-on. - The police call Peter to inform him of Harry's mysterious off-screen accident. He fakes insomnia. - M.J Breaks up with Peter voluntarily after the kiss, the breakup, losing her job and the general shitty behaviour or Peter. - Reduced the parts I found too campy, like when Betty tells Peter his shots are so good and he would love to shoot her sometime. - Every mention of Uncle Ben is removed - The first half about the movie is about Peter's relationship with MJ as Spiderman. The second half is about his breakup and his coping with the black suit. This helps the pacing a LOT. - Removed other lines I found a bit too lame, like the 'tell me you love me' and the 'I thought it was the sun' lines. - Altered the dialogue with Peter and M.J. on the phone. The first one now refers to his messed up proposal night, the second one refers to the bar dance. - Speaking of the bar dance, Peter now doesnt harass the first employee he sees and doesnt do crazy acrobatics. - Sandman returns as a sandcastle for his daughter. Removed the scene where he reforms after going out of the drainpipe. It's an ugly scene imo and the sandcastle scene already tells you he survived. - Harry decides to help Peter - Peter doesn't know Sandman is working with Peter, because I removed this from the news report. I like the idea of Peter not knowing what he's getting into. - Included the May scene telling Peter to forgive himself - Removed Venom mentioning Sandman's daughter, because he cannot know this about Sandman. Also modified his voice, and he says 'we' one time instead of 'I'. - Some minor other tweaks you won't even know are changed unless you religiously watch the movie.

Other Sources:

Spider-Man 3 and the Editor's cut were both used.

Special Thanks:

ArtisDead as always for the awesome poster! My personal hero. Spider-Man doesn't even come close.

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