Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Episode I: Army Of The Republic

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Faneditor: smudger9  
Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie
Fanedit Release Date: 1st April 2015
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:12m:0s
Time Cut: 1h:36m:0s
Time Added: 0h:0m:0s
Franchise: Star Wars
Genre: ActionAdventureFantasySci-Fi
Original Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series)(2008)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2008
Original Runtime: 3h:48m:0s
Original Links:

Format: Digital/DVD
Sound Mix:


The first episode of my Clone Wars Movie Series. The original movie and six episodes of the TV series (Cat & Mouse, The Hidden Enemy, Clone Cadets, Rookies, Arc Troopers and Grievous Intrigue) are presented in the classical Star Wars movie structure, providing the first part of a progressive bridge between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The Jabba's son storyline from the Movie has been completely removed and replaced by the story of a group of rookie Clone Troopers, culminating in the spectacular battle of Kamino.


The Clone Wars movie and TV series was a great addition to Star Wars canon. However, it had a lot of filler, was often very child-orientated and had villains that were less than threatening. I wanted to create a movie series that stuck to the Star Wars movie structure while also stripping out the filler, removing the childish elements and creating threatening villains.

Change List:

- Added classic Star Wars opening, complete with the Fox Fanfare, Lucasfilm logo and opening text crawl. - Manufactured space pan sequence, down to a group of Republic cruisers exiting hyperspace and approaching the planet Christophsis. Cat and Mouse: - The opening scenes have been rearranged and added to scenes from the Clone Wars Movie to produce longer space battle sequence. - The next scene moves to the surface of Christophsis, using scenes from the news-reel with the audio effects manufactured from other sources and scored with music from the Battle of Christophsis. - The movie then moves back to the space battle. - Cut Trench "recycle shields and set cannons to a full charge". - Cut battle droids bumping in to each other. - Cut Kenobi line about the stealth ship "2 steps forward and you'd be kissing it". - Cut Kenoni "Anakin slow down and do as I tell you". - Cut Yularen "So I did a bit of research" when talking about Trench. - Cut rookie pilot scene and move next Trench scene forwards to compensate. - Cut Trench scene describing sending ships to bomb senator Organa to add uncertainty about the bombers' target. - Cut Anakin line that de-cloaking giving away their position. - Cut Kanobi "Anakin I've got enough problems without you becoming one of them" and "what are you doing". - Cut second "prep torpedo tubes......." - Cut Trench "Your puny torpedoes are no match for my thermo shields". - Cut Trench threat scene "I appreciate your decision to face me ship to ship.... Play this little game..... It's been so,long since I had a worthy opponent. - Cut Kenobi "I hate to admit it" when congratulating Anakin. - Cut clone pilot dialogue when exiting the stealth ship and replace with discussion about General Kenobi making it to the landing zone - provides a better link to next Christophsis scene from the Hidden Enemy. Clone Cadets: - Clone cadets is intercut with Cat and Mouse with fast-paced and slow-paced scenes being matched. - Initial shot of Kamino used from the news reel to introduce the planet. Scored with music from Ambush on Coruscant. - Cut clone "move onto the citadel". - Cut El-Lis "the citadel was constructed to be a difficult challenge". - Cut Bric "look at those two". - Cut scene where two clones are talking about women. - Cut scene where clone accuses Bric of being a mercenary bounty hunter. - Cut some of commander Colt's speech. - Re-cut Colt scene so that Colt chooses who goes first rather than asking for volunteers. - Change citadel variable from THX1138 to 1138. - Cut part of Bravo squad's simulation. - Cut Colt asking how Domino squad is. - Cut scene where Bravo and Domino squads interact - move straight from the Bravo squad test to the Domino squad test to man tan the momentum of the story. - Cut El-Lis "they're getting farther than normal". - Cut Clone "I'm on your side, get it, your side". - Cut "Jedi mate" and "one doesn't need to be a Jedi to feel the stress on your mind" from clone/Shaak Ti scene. - Delete Cut Up/Bric fight scene. - Cut 99's line "how can I be a failure when I never had the chance". - Cut Bric "it's still early, a lot can change". Hidden Enemy: - Hidden Enemy intercut with first part of Grievous Intrigue - Opening scene music replaced with score from Love Pledge and the Arena. - Cut Anakin "now what". - Re-arranged rooftop escape scene to add more momentum. - After the rooftop escape cut to a scene between Grievous and Count Dooku, introducing Grievous and establishing the main plot - the invasion of Kamino. Scene produced from various footage from Supply Lines, Heroes on Both Sides and Rookies. - All references and scenes relating to the clone spy have been cut - Ventress is implied to be the spy. - After Anakin, Kenobi and the clones discuss the spy, cut to scene where Grievous attacks master Koth's fleet. Scene fleshed out using footage from ARC Troopers, Downfall of a Droid and Nomad Droids and scored with music from Everyone Fighting and Revenge of the Sith. - Replaced opening Anakin/Kenobi/Ventress dialogue about an informant with dialogue referencing her previous encounter with Anakin, using Clone Wars Movie deleted scene. - Cut Anakin "what's the plan master". - Cut Ventress line about Obi Wan being betrayed.tar Wars movie structure, providing the first part of a progressive bridge between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Grievous Intrigue Cut Koth line about Grievious being a coward, now referred to a simply a murderer. Changed the dialogue in the scene where Grievous arrives at Saleucemi, having captured Master Koth. "Prepare for our landing" has been changed to "contact the Jedi council". Then cut to scene from the Clone Wars Movie where Palpatine and Mace discuss a kidnapping. This allows the kidnapping of Eeth Koth to replace the kidnapping of Jabba's son. In the Council briefing room scene cut Plo Koon's lines because he is stood next to Commander Wolfe with his eye prosthesis - this will correct a continuity problem for episode II. Cut Kenobi "my skills are a little rusty". Cut length of coordinates from Eeth Koth's hand signals. Add in scene from Assassin - Anakin discusses leaving Ahsoka behind to finish her studies - explains where she is for the last act of the film. This is Ahsoka's last scene in the edit. Cut Gallia "how do you plan on getting Grievous aboard your ship" Cut Kenobi "don't worry the General and I have a history....." It is now implied that Kenobi and Groevius have never met before. Cut Grievous "begin preparations for our landing" Change Grievius "Kenobi" to "Jedi" Cut Kenobi "you know me too well". Replace Grievius "Kenobi" with "Hello there". Cut droid "the general's description of your tactics has been 100 percent accurate today, very impressive even by my standards". Cut space battle shot During the battle between the commandon droids, Anakin and Gallia Cut tactical droid's laughing and "got to get it". Cut Eeth Koth "he's been captured" Cut Anakin "if we cut off his escape there's a good chance of that". Cut Grievous "prepare our troops for our landing on Saleucemi". Cut Cody v Grievous scene to shorten the Grievous' escape sequence. Replace scene where Grievous boards a landing craft, with a manufactured sequence of Grievous leaving in his star fighter using clips from Downfall of a Droid and Destroy Malevolence. Change Yularen dialogue from "Grievous attempted to land on Saleucemi" to Grievous jumped to hyperspace. Change Kenobi "then we'll have to follow them" to "we're right back where we started" Cut Anakin/Kenobi talking about the space battle and landing on Saleucemi Clone Wars Movie: - Cut opening scene discussing The Hutts - leave in dialogue about a kidnapping - this is referencing master Koth. - Cut battle droid "retreat" - Cut Kenobi line about putting a request in for a Padawan and about Anakin being a good teacher. - Cut Anakin "who are you supposed to be" when meeting Ahsoka. - Cut Anakin "we're in a bit of an emergency right here". - Cut Yularen line about picking up reinforcements. - Cut Kenobi line about support ships being destroyed when speaking to Master Yoda. - Cut "the name's Ahsoka Tano" when she introduces herself to Rex. - Cut Ahsoka "you're stuck with me Sky Guy". - Cut Ahsoka "if you're a captain and I'm a Jedi, don't I outrank you?" - Cut Ahsoka "can do Master Kenobi". - Cut Anakin "I'll decide what we do". - Cut Kenobi "That shield is certainly putting a crimp in my day". - Cut Ahsoka "if you say so". - Cut Battle droid "look, Jedi". - Cut Ahsoka "make up your mind". - Cut Ahsoka's angry pose - too much attitude - When Kenobi is captured, moved "I surrender" line to after the battle droid removes his lightsaber. - Cut whole Kenobi/Loathsome negotiation scene. - Shorten Ahsoka's "Mary Sue" scene where she destroys a droid. - Cut Anakin shouting at Ahsoka "who's side are you on anyway". - Replace Ahsoka "Sky Guy" with "Master". - Cut second Kenobi/Loathsome negotiation scene. - Cut Battle droids "oh no". - Cut Battle droid "what happened to the shield". - When Master Yoda arrives on Christophsis, Cut dialogue relating to Jabba's son and add in Yoda line "Go with you she will to the temple, Kidnapped Master Koth has been". - Cut Ahsoka "that doesn't sound too hard". - All scenes after leaving Christophsis have been cut. Rookies: - Cut "there are officers on the way" in first scene on Rishi moon. - Bring forward Grievius/Ventress scene about the plans for invasion. - Recut commando droid landing sequence so that the droids are seen running to the base before the deck officer is attacked - Cut commando droid "turn on the all clear signal". - Cut Anakin "that was weeks ago" when talking about the search for Grievous. - Cut Kenobi "unlike you" when talking about getting rest. - Cut clone line "it's Commander Cody" when the clone shuttle arrives on the Rishi moon. - Cut commando droid "you sound strange, is something wrong with your vocabulator". - Cut dialogue of Grievius and Battle droid talking about resistance from a few clones - the story needs Grievius to continue straight to Kamino believing that the base is secure. - Add manufactured scene using dialogue from Massacre - Grievius "the time has arrived, we go to Kamino to battle". - Cut scene where Grievius is aware that the station has been destroyed and orders retreat an the Republic fleet arrives. - Delete clones talking about the separatist fleet being in retreat. - Add in shot of cruisers in hyperspace before the scene where Anakin, Kenobi, Rex and Cody talk about the impending invasion of Kamino - gives sense of urgency for the Republic fleet to get to Kamino. ARC Troopers: - Replace Grievous "we will attack Tipoca City first" with "our fleet is approaching the system" when talking to Ventress. - Cut Echo "you actually remember us" when talking to 99. - Cut 99 "I remember all my brothers" - Cut Kenobi "not even Grievous would attack so recklessly" - Cut Grievius "remember assassin, you are to recover the clone DNA" - Cut Ventress "why not destroy it" - Cut Grievius "because the DNA could unlock new possibilities for us" - After battle of Kamino finished add scene using footage from Clone Wars Movie of Dooku & Sidious discussing the defeat. Score from Confrontation with Dooku.

Additional Notes:

Final Cut Pro X.

Other Sources:

Special Thanks:

True Romance - Rotten in Denmark
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi [Despecialized]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited
The Hobbit: The Tolkien Edit
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope [Despecialized]
Dune (1984) The Alternative Edition Redux / Special 1080p Edition
Star Wars: The House of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]
Once Upon A Time In Mexico: Grindhouse Cut
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Red Apple Assembled Cut