The Matrix Revolutions Decoded

Updated: 3rd May 2024

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Faneditor: Jerick  
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Fanedit Release Date: 1st August 2016
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:27m:0s
Time Cut: 2h:1m:0s
Time Added: 0h:1m:0s
Franchise: The Matrix
Genre: ActionCyberpunkSci-Fi
Original Title: Enter the Matrix (video game)   The Matrix (1999)   The Matrix Reloaded (2003)   The Matrix Revolutions (2003)   
Original Release Date: 1st January 2003
Original Runtime: 4h:27m:0s
Original Links:

Format: Blu-Ray/Digital
Sound Mix:


This is a Matrix sequels edit like you've never seen before. "The Matrix Revolutions Decoded" presents a complete and focused narrative executed in the same run time as the original "Matrix" while unveiling a brand new and more satisfying conclusion to the Matrix saga. Over 2 hours have been removed from the original source material without logical gaps or jump cuts. Decoded 2.0 released August 2016 creates an improved ending as well as a quick trip to Zion to explain many points that were left out of the original Decoded. This edit completely replaces 2013's 'The Matrix Revolutions Reprogrammed'.


I'll always feel like the storyline of The Matrix sequels was poorly told, but I am convinced that these movies did in fact have a strong story hidden underneath. Themes of control, power, science, faith, purpose vs programming, man vs machine, choice vs causality all resonate strongly in sequels to "The Matrix" but are unfortunately lost among a sea of unnecessary sequences, silly movie twists, and psuedoscience.

Change List:

Decoded title added to opening title sequence Opening of the movie following title sequence picks up immediately after "The Animatrix: The Last Transmission of the Osiris" ends using live action scenes from the "Enter the Matrix" video game. All added scene from "Enter the Matrix" have been upconverted to 1080p, color corrected, sharpened, and had a custom 5.1 surround sound mix added. Neo's dream of Trinity dying has been removed Removed scenes of Morpheus, Link, Neo, and Trinity on the Neb at the beginning of the film Neo no longer visits the home of The Oracle Much of the footage from Zion has been removed, a quick introduction is given to the important characters. There is no rave scene, no Bane subplot, etc. Neo and Sereph's fight has been removed Neo and The Oracle's conversation is altered to remove his concerns about Trinity and to add an overall concern about what he's supposed to do next. The theme of "difference between knowing the path and walking the path" has been emphasized in this edit to better match the original Matrix Agent Smith's first meeting with Neo has been shortened slightly for pacing The burly brawl has been shortened in several places for pacing Several of burly brawl's silly sound fx "bowling pins" have been removed No shot of Trinity at the end of The Burly Brawl this shot has been saved for the ending Lock's first meeting with The Zion Council has been reduced to remove Bane and Lock's reaction to Niobe choosing to leave Cut Neo seeing Rama-Kandra in the Merovingian's restaurant The Merovingian doesn't tout the virtues of the French Much of The Merovingian's speech has been reduced for pacing Persephone kiss scene has been removed as well as her killing the random henchman Many cuts have been to the highway chase for pacing The tower to the source sequence has been dramatically changed, no Smith, no Trinity entering The Matrix, no bomb, no rooftop save, the meeting with the Architect is heavily reworked as well as the Architects motivations. and Neo's reaction to them. Some new visual fx work makes some of these cuts possible. "The prophecy was a lie" conversation has been relocated to later in the film Neo doesn't have to save the crew from the sentinels, he has no power over machines in the outside world in this edit The next several scenes play out completely differently in this edit. The first hour of The Matrix Revolutions is completely removed Added and re-edited a scene from later in the film where Lock and the Zion Council meet to discuss the coming doom Revolutions scenes that show the train station, The Merovingian, The Oracle, Satii, etc have all been removed completely and you'd never miss them Scenes are completely restructured so that the Hammer crew, the Logos crew, and the Neb crew can all regroup quickly after the Neb is destroyed The prophecy is a lie conversation has been moved here The scene where Zee makes shells has been eliminated and she is removed from the battle for Zion Neo has a vision of Smith assimilating the Oracle and taking over The Matrix, this is his reason for going to the machine city in this edit The slow pan of the oracle's apartment has been reinserted from the beginning of the movie to serve this edit Gloria Foster is restored briefly from "The Matrix" so that Smith can assimilate her. This edit was inspired by "The Matrix Hacked Reloaded". Mary Alice's face is not seen in this edit. This scene has been recolored to better match the coloring of Reloaded and Revolutions Some of the conversation in the next several scenes have been eliminated or changed to better fit the events and themes of the edit Bane has been completely removed Countless edits were made to the battle for Zion including but not limited to: all scenes with Zee and most of the infantry have been removed, Captain Mifune saves the day and opens the gate instead of Kid, action has been kept tight and intense, the battle quickly gets out of hand for humanity. This is my favorite sequence of edits and I hope you enjoy it! Removed Councilor Hamann's reference to Niobe speaking to The Oracle Cut several scenes building up hopelessness for the finale. Neo and Trinity's flight to the machine city has been completely reworked, this is where Neo gets his eye injury in this edit. Most of the instances in which Neo is seen wearning eye bandages have been removed or replaced of shots from earlier in the movie. The cut on Trinity's neck has been recolored to look like a smudge or a piece of her hair. Neo doesn't use telekinetic powers to stop the machines during their flight to the machine city Neo doesn't instruct Trinity how to restart The Logos The shot of Trinity lying on the floor of The Logos has been flipped Trinity is alive?!? Several cuts made to Neo's walk to Deus Ex Machina for pacing Several cuts made to the final Smith Neo battle. In my edit Neo wins out of his sheer force of will not to give up. He chooses to keep getting up and fighting which infuriates Smith into making his final mistake. Additional edits have been made to reduce unnecessary air flipping and silly effects Trinity is seen watching Neo in The Matrix and later repairing the ship The ending is completely reworked, a montage of scenes roll behind the credits. Closure for Morpheus, Niobe, The Architect, Trinity, Zion celebrates. Trinity recovers Neo's body as her final act of love for him.

Additional Notes:


Other Sources:

Sony Vegas Sony Architect Sony Soundforge V.I. Suite Handbrake MeGUI.

Special Thanks:

Everyone who kindly provided constructive criticism and reviews of my initial release!

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