Nightbreed - The Alternative Cut

Updated: 29th April 2024

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Nightbreed - The Alternative Cut

Faneditor: lyndon85  
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 14th February 2022
Fanedit Runtime: 2h:2m:0s
Time Cut: 0h:16m:0s
Time Added: 0h:36m:0s
Genre: FantasyHorror
Original Title: Nightbreed (1990)   
Original Release Date: 16th February 1990
Original Runtime: 1h:42m:0s
Original Links:

Certificate: 15
Source: Digital
Resolution: 1080p
Sound Mix: Stereo
Language: English
Subtitles: No


Lori (Anne Bobby) thought she knew her boyfriend Boone (Craig Sheffer). But when Boone's psychiatrist, Dr Decker (David Cronenberg), tells Lori that Boone is responsible for a series of grisly murders it sends her on a journey for answers that leads her to Midian - a mythical refuge traded in tales by the delusional and insane. But Midian won't just make Lori question what she thought she knew about her boyfriend, but also question what it really means to be human... or monster.


Nightbreed's reputation as a victim of studio interference almost over-shadows it's achievements as a piece of cine-fantastique. Following Clive Barker's success with Hellraiser, he sought to make the 'Star Wars of monster movies' but what was originally released was a confused film that was part slasher, part social commentary and part action movie, that only hinted at it's true potential. The studio and director didn't know how to market what Barker had originally envisioned and the studio forced in re-shoots to make it more like the popular slashers of the 80's whilst totally missing the heart of the film. The original script (just like it's source material, the novella Cabal) was a dark, romantic fairy-tale where Lori drove the plot forward through mysteries and revelations, but as changes were made Lori was side lined so that her boyfriend Boone could be positioned centre stage as a pseudo-action hero. In 2014, a 'director's cut' was released that extended the theatrical cut by 20 minutes but also retained the slasher elements shoe horned in by the studio. Although the release of this cut was a victory for fans, and a great improvement over the theatrical release, it was still markedly different from the original script and novella. I've sought to reconstruct the film so to bring it as close to the original shooting scripts as possible with the material available whilst taking as few liberties as I can. I've used the director's cut (DC) as a starting point, using the theatrical cut (TC), Cabal cut (CC), Ultimate Cabal cut (UCC) and blu-ray deleted scenes and extras.

Change List:

• After the titles and the dream sequence, shot on Boone’s eyes opening quickly cut to black before cutting to garage scene - scene in bed with Lori cut. • Lori returning home and calling Boone’s voice mail is now after the Rickman’s murders. • Scene with Detective Joyce at crime scene restored. • Initial meeting between Boone and Decker extended, Boone now breaks down. • Additional optical effect and audio added to the Boone’s hallucinations. • Lori’s musical number is edited down for pacing, footage of her fighting through crowd to get to Boone restored. • Examination by doctor is extended. • Lori’s interrogation is extended. • Decker’s ‘evil lair’ is removed. • Lori’s ‘vision’ of Boone from DC is edited down to a brief transition shot of her packing a suitcase. • After Lori meets Sheryl-Ann, ‘baptism’ scene is removed. • Scene added of Lori in bed of motel and ‘vision’ of Boone at window is added from earlier cut scene. • Scene of Lori finding Babette is re-edited so closer to the original script. • Discussion between Decker and Lori when he reveals himself slightly extended. • Boone’s initial argument with Lylesberg and following fistfight are removed. • Boone discovers prophetic wall paintings - new scene constructed based on original script. • After rescuing Lori, Boone and Lylesberg’s discussion is extended. • Lori’s exploration of Midian reordered as per script and slightly extended. • Decker’s phone call and murder of attendant removed. • After Boone and Lori escape from Midian, Decker’s murder of hotel receptionist removed. • Scene of Babette contacting Lori telepathically restored. This cuts with the exploration of Midian by the police. • Ohnaka’s death (sorry Simon Bamford, he still dies) and aftermath extended. • As Rachel and Narcisse drive away from Midian, DC cuts very jarringly. Narcisse’s line “Why do we have to get him back?” restored from TC. • Shot of Eigerman recruiting locals in Sheriffs’ office restored. • Scene of Eigerman, Ashbury and Decker talking in car restored to full TC version (no idea why DC cut this down). • Lori and Boone’s talk in the prison cell is extended. • Scene restored of Joyce and Pettine talking outside Midian gates. • Scene added of Ashbury exploring Midian and discovering a resident as explosives being laid. • Joyce survives Decker’s attack. • Final battle is reordered to try and better match shooting script. • Boones’ “brothers and sisters” line is replaced with Boone telling Lylesberg to release the Berserkers. • Lylesberg is hit by debris, slowing his journey to do so. • Scene with Boone giving Lylesberg a pep talk in tabernacle removed as result. • Ashbury discovers resident's of Midian in hiding and an apparition rising in smoke - SFX completed and scene restored. • Scene of Peloquin contemplating his part in Midian's fall restored. • Rachel rescuing Babette removed, she’s now picked up by wolf-man as Midian’s evacuated. • Attack underground extended. • As Berserkers are released by Boone, alternative shot used where Berserkers choose not to attack Boone (no jumping out their way and no “go get them boys”) • Joyce now rescues Babette, meets with Boone and eventually returns her to Rachel.

Additional Notes:

Assets from Beetlejuice (1988) used to complete SFX in scene where Ashbury sees phantasms rise in a cloud of smoke. Extensive colour correction has been done throughout, mostly on scenes from the Cabal cuts but also to a couple of scenes from the Director's cut. In the Director's cut, heavy handed colour filters were added to scenes such as Boone's first meeting with Peloquin and the final fight with Decker. These have been removed. Where scenes have been taken from the Cabal cuts, the score has been changed where certain pieces have been overused. 2 sound FX easter eggs taken from 'Midian' by Cradle of Filth and 'Operation: Mindcrime' by Queensryche (concept album about a mentally ill man manipulated by a doctor). The script effectively went through 3 forms: the 2nd draft or pink draft in principle photography at Pinewood; the yellow draft in initial additional photography at Pinewood; and the green draft for studio mandated reshoots in USA. I have removed all material I know to be from the green draft but retained scenes from the yellow draft unless they conflict with material from the pink draft. This edit has been revisited a number of times since originally completed, this entry lists all recent changes.

Other Sources:

Beetlejuice (1988) Nightbreed OST (1990) Nightbreed Director's Cut (2014) Nightbreed deleted scenes (2014) Tribes of the Moon (2014) Making Monsters (2014) Nightbreed stop motion tests (2014) Nightbreed matte tests (2014) Nightbreed Cabal Cut (2017) Nightbreed Ultimate Cabal Cut (2019) Cradle of Filth - Midian (2000) Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime (1988)

Special Thanks:

All those involved in Occupy Midian who realised the director's and cabal cuts. Clive Barker for creating such inspiring works.

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