Member: pittdawg70
Member Since: July 2024
Last Login: 18th September 2024 21:12:52 BST

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pittdawg70's Voting History

Fanedit NameDateVote
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]18th September 2024 10
The Acolyte: Episode II - A Tale of Two Sides22nd August 2024 10
Terminator 3: Salvation14th August 2024 9.8

pittdawg70's Reviews

Fanedit NameDate Reviewed
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I [The Chronological Cut]18th September 2024
Strong Emotional ImpactI really enjoyed this edit. When originally watching the series when it came out, I remember finding the Tusken storyline to be the most interesting part of the show. The story plays out the same, but it is a unique Star Wars viewing experience, as there is so little dialogue in the scenes that it is almost like you are watching a silent movie. There is much more emotional weight with how the story comes to an end since the time with the Tuskens is continuious. It felt like it's own stand alone story, rather than just setup for the narrative in the curren timeline in the original Boba Fett show. I thought the introduction of the edit worked well with the Threepio dialogue over the setting from Jabba's Palace. It served as a great reference point from what came before without being a highlight reel of ROTJ. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the BOBF/Mando edits from MR.
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The Acolyte: Episode II - A Tale of Two Sides22nd August 2024
A Better Experience in Every Way!I was not a fan of the Acolyte when it came out. I thought is was slowly paced, had poor acting for the most part, and I had a difficult time connecting with any of the characters. This edit changes all of that. This edit shows how truly bloated that the series was. The scenes that were cut are not missed, and the faster pace serves the story and characters so much better. One of the most notable changes is one of the best. I loved the added voice for PIP. This made the droid more of an actual character in the show, and even helped me connect with Osha. I thought the voice sounded familiar, and I'm glad that I checked the credits to confirm my suspicion. I won't spoil it here though, but it was an excellent choice. When I finished my one and only viewing of the actual series I thought that it was something that I would never revisit. I will definitely be watching this edit again in the future. MR did a fantastic job overall.
1   0
Terminator 3: Salvation14th August 2024
A Fitting Sequel to T2I remember enjoying T3 when it came out, but it definitely had room for improvement. This edit does a fantastic job of tightening the pace of the film, getting rid of the excessive jokes, and creating sequel that fits better alongside T2 than the theatrical edition. What immediately stands out is the use of the T2 score. This is done very well, and helps tie the movies closer together. The removal of the jokes helps the film fit the more serious tone of the franchise. Some comic relief is needed, but the original did go overboard in this area in my opinion. I only have one critique of the edit. While I think the editor had a great intention trying to match the T2 color palette, there were a few scenes that seemed overly tinted blue, but this is a minor quibble, and does not impact the viewing experience at all. I really enjoyed this edit, and will definitely be revisiting it again. This edit does a great job of helping this story reach its full potential.
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