Searched for: OriginalTitle 'The Brothers Grimm (2005)' - 1 Result
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The Brothers Grimm: The Fairytale Workprint
Original Title: The Brothers Grimm (2005)
Faneditor: TM2YC
Fanedit Type: Extended Edition
Fanedit Release Date: 1st September 2014
Fanedit Runtime: 131
Synopsis: With a well publicised troubled production Terry Gilliam's 'The Brothers Grimm' is in Terry's own words "Not the film they wanted and it's not quite the film I wanted". The "They" in this case would be The Brothers Weinstein, the film's producers, whose on-set arguments with Terry got so bad that production was even shut down while things calmed down. Still what remains is by most other Director's standards, a great film. A decade later it's stood the test of time and it reflects well on Gilliam that he cast actors like Matt Damon and the late Heath Ledger against-type in the lead roles, at a time when they perhaps weren't taken as seriously as today. Plus giving future 'Game Of Thrones' star Lena Headey the female lead, seems like genius in retrospect. I felt it was time to take another look at this wonderfully loopy and fanciful film through the prism of fanediting... Using all the available 'Deleted Material' and hints provided in Terry's Director's Commentary, I've tried to bring this film a little closer to the longer and crazier cut that Terry originally might have wished to have seen the light of day. Hopefully this cut is also better, less mainstream and more like Terry's other work. The available 'Deleted Material' was excellent but only available in a very poor and largely unfinished state. So as much as was possible, I've tried to finish VisFX, complete the Soundmix and Colour-Grade the footage to match the body of the movie. However, the scenes are still in a less than perfect state, which is why I call this... "The Fairytale Workprint".

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