Faneditor: JediFonz
Member Since: September 2023
Last Login: 16th November 2023 11:36:17 BST

JediFonz's Fanedits

Fanedit NameViewsRatingCharts
Power of the darkside35 N/ANot yet rated    

JediFonz's Watchlist

Fanedit NameDate Added

JediFonz's Voting History

Fanedit NameDateVote
Coming Home in a Bodybag8th May 2024 10

JediFonz's Reviews

Fanedit NameDate Reviewed
Coming Home in a Bodybag27th May 2024
This needs to be seen.This fan edit is so beautifully crafted into a film experience like no other. The score, actors and scenes are skilfully blended together that you completely forget this is a fan edit. It's a incredible moving journey of the haunting impact of war. It needs to be seen to appreciate the skill of how MR combined all this together. I hope it gets viewed by everyone and give MR feedback on what I think is one of the best fan edits I have ever seen.
3   0


Original TitleDate RequestedIdea

JediFonz's Favourites

Fanedit NameDate Favourited

JediFonz's Watched List

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