Faneditor: L8wrtr
Member Since: Not registered
Last Login: N/A

L8wrtr's Fanedits

Fanedit NameViewsRatingCharts
Star Wars - Episode I: Shadow of the Sith63 10 34      1
Superman: Son of Jor-El69 N/ANot yet rated    
Star Wars - Episode II: The Republic Divided33 N/ANot yet rated    
American Gangster: Two Tales22 9.8 41      1
Large's Ark20 N/ANot yet rated    
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again27 N/ANot yet rated    
Star Wars - Episode III: Dawn of the Empire15 N/ANot yet rated    
Anchorman: The Alarm Clock Cut53 N/ANot yet rated    

L8wrtr's Watchlist

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L8wrtr's Watched List

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